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Only 4 characters ? This is an outrage !Follow

#1 Jan 05 2005 at 5:35 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
Why only four characters ? Where does Sony get off telling me I can only play such a tiny number of combinations ?

First, they give us 24 distinct classes. With 16 playable races (including frogloks). Then with 9 different types of artisans. Folks, that is an awful lot of combinations possible. Except that you will only get to experience a tiny portion of that unless you play a character, then delete it. No going back if you decide that paladin was actually fun after all.

To add insult to injury - they link the number of characters you get, to the monthly fee you pay for the game. $15 for four....... or $22 for eight. And yet from where I sit, their only additional cost is extra folders on their servers. A megabyte or so of data, if that. I'm trying real hard not to assume they're just squeezing their playerbase, despite what it looks like.

EQ1, you could have literally 100 or more characters, and your only limit was your playtime. EQ2 they put in a hidden and arbitrary roadblock to you discovering just what is fun or not about the game. Never was this mentioned in any of the pre-game chat, marketing and whatnot. I mean, why would you even ask? Most offline RPG games I've played have had no such limit, and the online ones are typically 8 per server, not per account.

I had the game box in my hand, and before installing wrote out an alt path to get to 24 different characters of various races. And then I install it and find that I've been suckered. Want to have 24 different characters ? Get ready to fork out $150 for three licenses, and $66 per month for fees.

I suppose I will play out my free month, and see what happens, but at this point I don't think I'll pay a monthly fee to see such a small portion of the game.

My character journal - updated daily

<take a deep breath & calm down>

Well apparently I just missed the discussion on this, Alla's forums have nothing but there are monster threads on Sony's site about this. Yes, they're simply squeezing us for more money.

Sony Board thread on the subject

Edited, Wed Jan 5 18:27:37 2005 by MRRX
#2 Jan 05 2005 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
I have eight Smiley: tongue

but yeah you're right it is sucky, it won't hit home for a while but at some point people will start feeling the squeeze, what bets on the offereing a few more slots for a small monatery fee?
#3 Jan 05 2005 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Muhahahahahah. When it was first announced that 'special' players who paid more would get 8 character slots, I did this:

"/feedback So, you've decided to give those who pay more 4 extra character slots and turn the rest of us into second class citizens of Norrath? Not for long! I give you two months to give me four extra character slots for free, or else I quit EQ forever - and I will never buy another Sony product again!" Smiley: mad

Well, I can tell you that the evil beancounters who run Sony nearly crimped their pants on reading that (Smiley: eek) - yeah, they were that scared. And how, you may ask, do I know?

It's because it only took them a few days to cave in to my demands. And I was given four extra character slots for free! Smiley: yippee

Hah, you are saying, "EvilGnome, you've been drinking too much Kalish again!" Smiley: chug And you're partially right - I have been drinking a bit lately - but it's a bottle of Remy Martin I got for Christmas. And I really did get 4 new character slots for free. In fact I got them for all of us!

You think I lie, don't you. But I really did. Think about it. Then scroll down for the answer. But really, I did. I promise.
Smiley: confused Heheh, I'm not lying. Honest! Okay, scroll down.

( >>>> TEST SERVER <<<< ) Smiley: tongue

You see? I didn't lie! Sony so feared me they gave us 4 extra character slots on the Test Server!

Now, you of course will tell me that this was just a coincidence - that they were going to do that anyway - and that my /feedbacked threat was laughed at - BUT - you are wrong. And how do I know this? Because I'm close personal friends with the King of Norrath (Smiley: king) - and he told me that in fact Sony, fearing, my wrath, bowed to my demands!

Sony ---> Smiley: bowdown Smiley: jester <--- EvilGnome.

So the moral of this story is: EvilGnome always gets what he /feedbacks for! Always! Muhahahahaha!

Edited, Wed Jan 5 18:27:27 2005 by EvilGnomes
#4 Jan 05 2005 at 7:05 PM Rating: Good
3,293 posts
Thanks for looking out for everyone EvilGnomes, too bad your plan did'nt work 100%. When first reading your post my first thought was "WTF, Sony caved into his demands" Then I thought to call my roomates to cut and paste your e-mail. Thankfully I continued reading. Evil you still thinking of leaving for WoW?

And yes the 4 char slots per acounts really blows, guess it's a good thing I have the all access pass. It is a shame to get 8 slots you have to pay 25 bucks a month.
#5 Jan 05 2005 at 7:16 PM Rating: Default
258 posts
I think 4 characters is just fine, if there are so many classes y so you have a lot of stuff to pick from, its not so that you have them all.. I can guess that you are the tipe of person that likes alot of characters, well im the ones who have just one so its ok by me, but you can thank that at least you have 4 and not just 1 like FFXI and you have to pay 1 dolar more a month for each new character..
I do agree that they should add a monthly fee for an aditional character for people that really want it.. and if I could sell the character slots I dont use would be great to lol.

Other thing I read was that if you also go into the test server you get 4 characters more, that would make a total of 8, you can get information on the official site on how to connect the test server, that way you can try out alot of classes, well hope you can make some more characters..

Good Luck
#6 Jan 05 2005 at 7:36 PM Rating: Default
If you don't like what you get from your money, GO ELSEWHERE!
Raalan Rylox
#7 Jan 05 2005 at 7:39 PM Rating: Good
198 posts
I agree 4 slots is too little. I hear that WoW has 70, 10 per server.

As to FFXI, you can just pick a different job without needing to delete your old character. I actually prefer that over having 10 different characters. It helped me RP my character and everyone always knew who and where I was since I always had the same name, just different job.

4 is very limited considering that I love to play all classes. I guess FFXI spoiled me. I also played DAOC and they allow a certain number per server so you can play different races and classes in different environments. EQII is already feeling like a huge money sink if I want to play like I am accustomed to.

Maybe, just maybe, I will try out WoW and see how that is. I hear they have the same auction system from FFXI, more solo contect for when you don't feel like grouping and 10 characters per server. Well, that's what I hear.
#8 Jan 05 2005 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
While I agree 4 total (rather than per server) is too little I can't understand why you're so outraged.

They said 4 right from the start. It's not like you bought it and then they cut out some.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#9 Jan 05 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
31 posts
I personally wish I could have more than 4 characters without having to pay an extra 7 dollars a month. Is it really that much trouble to have more characters on their servers or do they just want more money?
#10 Jan 05 2005 at 10:10 PM Rating: Default
133 posts
Welcome to capitalism; What was free is now paid for. Personally I don't have a problem with limited slots, it forces choices. And as Legends proved (sorta) some at least will pay for "value added". Where does Sony get off? , why, my friend, it's thier company.
#11 Jan 06 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
215 posts
While I agree 4 total (rather than per server) is too little I can't understand why you're so outraged.

They said 4 right from the start. It's not like you bought it and then they cut out some.

Where did they say that ? That's some bloody tiny fine print there.

If I had known, I would never have bought. That's where the outrage comes from.
#12 Jan 06 2005 at 12:48 AM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
Hey Kouranx - thanks! I'm serious, you "got" my humor - and so few people on these boards do (it can get depressing sometimes).

And yeah, WoW is looking pretty good - flame me if you must you arch-loyal minions of Sony - but the other gnome of EvilGnomes is checking into whether or not we can get a refund on some of the time we pre-bought. If not, as soon as I get some extra cash, I'm gonna check it out. Hey, Diablo II was kinda cool, so maybe I'll like WoW (same company if I'm not mistaken). I can tell you this much, from what I've read on Alla's WoW site it looks like a whole hell of a lot more creativity was put into WoW's combat and magic system. That their version of a Beastlord, the Hunter, has to go out and tame his or her own pets sounds very cool (he's got to keep them happy, too, or they don't perform well - imo that's awesome!). See? That's just one tiny, simple example of the kind of creative stuff I'd have loved to have seen in EQ2 - and people yell at me to stop beechin' about EQ2 and to stop comparing it to old EQ because it's a NEW GAME ... gah, nothing "new" about it except talking npc's (which became annoying in three days and is now seriously getting on my nerves) and spiffy graphics (which make me think "Video killed the radio star" - we're now going for technical splendor and no soul, no creativity - just like the music biz did in the 80's... wheeee).

To you good folks who say stuff like "what do you need more than 4 slots for?" and "why don't you quit EQ2 then and find another game?", I am forced to tell you that when I read your posts I hear John Cleese's voice yelling, "You tiny-minded wipers of other peoples' bottoms!" This is not a flame. I'm not insulting you in any way, shape or form. It's an hallucination or something - or some bizarre unconscious reaction perhaps - I have absolutely no control over it - it embarrasses me tremendously - and I'm deeply, deeply sorry for it. Really. I know no matter what this voice tells me that your mothers were not hamsters and your fathers did not smell of elderberry! Now please, I beg you, go away, or my hallucinations shall insult you a second time!

(Smiley: frown <----- pinin' for the fjords)
#13 Jan 06 2005 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Where did they say that ? That's some bloody tiny fine print there.

If I had known, I would never have bought. That's where the outrage comes from.

In the FAQ - which presumably you would look at before spending the money?

How many total characters can I have?
You have a total of four character slots. They can all be on one server or spread across mulitple servers, however you wish.

Edited, Thu Jan 6 05:38:55 2005 by Cobra101
Wherever I go - there I am.
#14 Jan 06 2005 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
You know, this reminds me. Last week I let valet parkers park my car, and when I came back, they'd painted it purple and had superglued chrome outlines of Fabio and Walter Cronkite on the hood and trunk. I started to complain, but the head valet parking guy asked me to read all the fine print on my receipt.

And I'll be damned, but it said, "If you park here we are not only allowed to paint your car purple and superglue chrome outlines of Fabio and/or Walter Cronkite on said car's trunk and/or hood, you also are required to thank us sincerely for doing so or else pay us $100,000 (US) in fines. And if you complain about this we can come take your firstborn child."

Smiley: disappointed

Well, folks, when you bought EQ2, you basically bought into the same sort of contract. And like the above poster (and others) have said, you not only have to thank them for ******** you over with only 4 character slots, you can't complain about it either.

Or when you attempt to trap badger dens or harvest any resource, you will only get those dumb "no value" items that the Oakmyst bears sometimes drop! Smiley: cry And the little boy who says "have you ever SEEN a gnoll?" - his voice whill haunt your dreams ALL NIGHT LONG. Smiley: yikes

Life is hard, and then you die. You can't fight City Hall, and you sure as heck can't complain about SoE or anything they do. You must accept and love it all, soldier! Toughen up! This isn't a free country where you can expect people to reasonable, after all! This is Norrath!
#15 Jan 06 2005 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I'm kind of glad we only get 4 slots. I have a bad habit of starting too many toons as it is, so I've only been able to get a couple of them to lvl 16. And I play almost every day for about 3 hours or so, heh.

If I was able to have unlimited characters, I'd never get past citizenship, lol.
#16 Jan 06 2005 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
Well, no need to exaggerate I'ld say. Perhaps 4 is indeed not much, although I only use 2 at the moment and most likely will not make any others (not enough time, and I like to concentrate on one character at a time) any time soon.

I can understand people who want create an abundant number of characters, and considering the craft system this might even be a very smart move too, but why would you need to create as many characters as in EQ I? And how many people actually created more than 4 characters and kept playing them all?

Btw Evilgnome, I do hope that after you switch to WoW (for reasons I don't understand, EQ II is a very good game so far) you keep posting on this board too, lol, hilarious being insulted by you!
#17 Jan 06 2005 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Buh-but... you can play as tiny anthropomorphic rats! How can it be any cuter than that?! *Whispers* They also wear no panties! I swear! Make a rat and pan the camera around. *winks*
#18 Jan 06 2005 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Well, folks, when you bought EQ2, you basically bought into the same sort of contract. And like the above poster (and others) have said, you not only have to thank them for ******** you over with only 4 character slots, you can't complain about it either.

I don't really see it as "******** you over". I know you don't like SoE but look at the other MMOs around. Some have more, some have less. SWG - another SoE product - had 1 per server if I recall.

Sure you have a right to be annoyed if you car got sprayed purple. That is not a comparable situation. Spraying cars purple is not a normal part of valet parking whereas surely anyone buying an MMO would wonder how many characters they could have?

I do agree that the Station Pass thing is an obnoxious way to hand out extra slots and they should never have done it. And I say that as someone who benefits from it.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#19 Jan 06 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
215 posts
In the FAQ - which presumably you would look at before spending the money?

Thanks for the reference - I read the FAQ, but obviously did not comprehend it. Only four characters ? My mind just says "They can't actually mean only FOUR period".

Even as I was installing the game, after you put in your CD key the next screen you see is the station pass advertisement. And one selling point was, "Get eight characters, not just four", complete with character pictures to illustrate the point. As I read this, I still just couldn't believe it. They must mean only four per server, or something.

And the reason I can't believe it is it's like the valet example mentioned. Oh, you didn't know we could take your car for a joyride if we want to ? Sorry, should have read the fine print on the back of the ticket we gave you.

Spraying cars purple is not a normal part of valet parking whereas surely anyone buying an MMO would wonder how many characters they could have?

How many characters you will have is NOT something a reasonable person would wonder about. Only someone experienced with the other restrictive examples mentioned (SWG, FFXI) would know to even ask.

I've played two MMO's before this - Everquest and Diablo. I've played boatloads of single player games. Nearly every single player game had unlimited characters possible, and effectively Everquest did too. It's the only reasonable assumption, that EQ2 will be unlimited too.

I'm sure they've covered themselves legally with the FAQ and other devices. But I'd think they want my subscription fees, which they are not likely to get at this point, and I'm usually pretty tolerant of problems. They won't get them because I've never in my life seen a clearer example of arbitrary limitations designed to get more money out of people.

I'm kind of glad we only get 4 slots. I have a bad habit of starting too many toons as it is, so I've only been able to get a couple of them to lvl 16. And I play almost every day for about 3 hours or so, heh.

If I was able to have unlimited characters, I'd never get past citizenship, lol.

I've heard about all the problems with groups, exp debt, and soloing. And I had bought because I figured, hey, if it's only fun to play the game to level 20 I'll just do that with a bunch of characters. Except I can't really do that. They're forcing me to keep one character, or start over from scratch all the time.

My character journal - updated daily

Edited, Thu Jan 6 11:21:50 2005 by MRRX
#20 Jan 06 2005 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
They won't get them because I've never in my life seen a clearer example of arbitrary limitations designed to get more money out of people.

Yes of course it is.

I play the Firiona Vie Server (amongst others) in EQ and that only allows a single character per account. This was done "for roleplay reasons" although how it had anything at all to do with roleplay totally escapes me. However what it did prove to SoE was that faced with such a restriction people would purchase multiple accounts in order to have more than one character.

The example of FV is probably what led to the restriction in SWG.

If anything they have backed off from that extreme limitation in EQ2. However when different models were being offered to the financial guys I'm sure that this was taken into consideration.

One other thought is that it is very much easier to start off restricted and open up than it is to start off allowing more and then have to cut back. They have it within their power to expand the number of slots as they just proved with the stupid Station Pass manoevre. Perhaps once the game has settled down a bit they will see that more slots could be given. More likely they will be raking it in from all the people buying another 4 slots at $14 a month.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#21 Jan 06 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
215 posts
One other thought is that it is very much easier to start off restricted and open up than it is to start off allowing more and then have to cut back. They have it within their power to expand the number of slots as they just proved with the stupid Station Pass manoevre.

True enough. I hope they do open them up a bit more. I really want to dabble in all 24 classes and therefore desire some way to have 24 active. Something less than that would probably satisfy me, but not four. And not paying extra monthly fees for the privilege.

I could live with an expansion opening it up some.
#22 Jan 06 2005 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
3,293 posts
Hey EvilGnomes you are two posters in the same right? clearing that up, not positive.
Anyway from what I heard it's not the same team behind Diablo 2 that made WoW, but damn do I have alot of friends keep telling me I should play it. I'm having alot of fun in EQ2 though, but I do hear the combat in WoW is alot more intersting. However I've talked to alot of people who are already at the end game content. Part of the fun for me was the journey getting there, and if it is'nt long then I don't know if it would keep me busy for a long time. Guess I won't know till I try it.
#23 Jan 06 2005 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
I like to play devils advocate on this type of subject. personally however I am somewhat torn on the subject.

Consider the following points regarding the greater # of toons per players account and the effect it would have on the gaming economy.

(NOTE: Granted the economy might not be a big deal to many players in light of general game play, but consider everytime you went looking for that one item you needed or could not get and what the cost was to purchase it. The price of that item will be greatly effected depending on how the economy of the game is developed)

1. People can have 8 toons per server (Old EQ1)
2. with 8 toons you can almost cover any tradeskill in the game, save 1 (9 in total)
3. In old EQ1, the need for tradeskill items on the market was virtually non-existant. There was a need, but compared to the over all market and other players needs it was only a very small percentage

1. With 8 Toons you can virtually make your self independant of needing any other players trade items
2. without the need to purchase other players trade items, there is less of a need to spend money. Example Since you have all the trade skills, you don't need to go looking on the market for someone selling metal sheets to complete a box you need
3. With less of a need, more money is spent on higher price items, thus increasing demand and likewise the price goes even higher (If you have more things you need to buy, then you have less money to buy that other really cool item you would like to have).
4. With higher prices, the market becomes inflated causing it to spiral out of control in some cases.

Conclusion: with less characters, people cannot become independant so a need is created in the market. This need causes the economy to grow because there is a greater select to purchase and helps keep prices from spireling out of control. Granted it is not the only influence on the market but it certainly is a big one.

Additional points:
- Having a limited # of toons give people a place in the economy to sell their wares with limited competition.
#24 Jan 06 2005 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
I have 2 EQ accounts active currently. On day of release, I had already prebought 2 EQII collectors editions. I was very happy to see that I could link the accounts, and did so.

By linking the accounts I saved money over paying for the 4 seperate account (now 2 accounts with access to both games). Included in that I was glad to see was the additonal 4 character slots.

It is possible this was done to encourage EQ players to try (and stay with) EQII.

Just my 2 coppers.....

Remember, the slow blade penetrates the shield.
#25 Jan 06 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, they give you 3 as a bonus. The box says "create your own unique character [singular]from 24 combat classes and 9 artisan classes."

One character was implied, 4 are given. If there is to be outrage, it should be at yourself for making an ASSumption that was not only wrong, but spelled out to be wrong.
#26 Jan 06 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
*Stomps her tiny footpaw.* Do not forget the anthropomorphic rats!
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