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Was this wrong? Scion spawn steal?Follow

#1 Dec 31 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
Here's what happened.

I spawned a scion in the Stormhold atrium. I then set about forming a raid group at the bottom of the spiral staircase to take him on. I recruited through the ooc channel, so it should have been clear to everyone in the zone what was happening.

A non-groupie then pulled him toward us before we were ready, but we attacked anyway for fear of losing the spawn. Total wipe.

We revived and came back to the bottom of the staircase with the idea to rethink or strategies, add a couple of people, and try again. As we did so, a level 41 player named Xerves Quickstrike (an iksar in illusory erudite form) attacked the scion and soloed him. The scion couldn't do any damage to this fellow.

I think this was extremely wrong. It was clear via the ooc channel that we were forming a raid to take on the scion, and even if he didn't see that, it was clear that there was a group of players around the scion preparing to attack.

Another player named Tepic made the point that due to locked encounters there is no such thing as kill stealing anymore. That if we didn't get him, we're just too slow. I think that's hideously misguided, morally bankrupt thinking. It doesn't make me angry so much as depressed that people with such amoral perspectives actually exist.

So what do you think? Am I wrong? Was Xerves? Was Tepic?
#2 Dec 31 2004 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
121 posts
That's going to be a tough topic to tackle... On one hand I see your point, you spawned it, you made it clear that you were going to kill it, and you were organizing a group to do so. I would have left the mob alone if it were me.

However, it's pretty clear with locked encounters that if someone locks the mob first, it's theirs. If you are following the letter of the law, he had every right to kill it. If he was following the Spirit of the law however he wouldn't...

What gets me is why he even killed it at all? The mob was obviously grey to him. Being grey he would get no loot, nor experience for defeating the encounter. Sounds like a bully who was just trying to validate himself by killing a mob that you guys wanted by himself.

Don't hate the person for it, pity him, that was probably the most enjoyment he's had in his miserable life for some time.
#3 Dec 31 2004 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
Well, he killed it because he needed it for the scions quest. I understand why he wanted to kill it. I don't understand why some people just have no desire whatsoever to be honorable. It frightens me, because I think the trend goes way beyond EQ2.
#4 Dec 31 2004 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
121 posts
I still think he should have waited until he could spawn it himself... But like I said, he had every right according to the letter of the law. Its unfortunate how selfish people can be, yet we see it every day. Oh well, he'll get his in the end... Karma kicks booty!
#5 Dec 31 2004 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
By the letter of the law, the iksar did nothing wrong. However, by what most people consider the unwritten rules of ettiquette, this was a very wrong thing to do. Some people are all in it for themselves and forget to realize that this kind of attitude can eventually get them blacklisted. Go to the older EQ1 servers and there are people who have a hard time getting a grp because they have a record of having stepped on many peoples toes.

Also, eventually there will be many high levels running around with low level alts. The low level whos toe you step on may be an officer in a guild you later try to apply to, or worse, it may be the untagged alt of a fellow guilde.
#6 Dec 31 2004 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
The iksar did nothing wrong. Most often yes, in a perfect world respecting the group of people that spawned the creature is the honorable thing to do. But guess what, also a common rule people go by is you get to try it. you fail, another gets a try. So when you rushed to kill this thing and wiped. You forfeited your "by default" rights to that mob.

Of course, in eq2 you have no rights. first come first serve.
#7 Dec 31 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Good
1,246 posts
I don't agree with Sotonin. Any EQ1 player can tell you that, over time, your reputation as a player becomes paramount.

The person who stole your spawn was wrong. Online games are not just about what the mechanics will allow, they're about real people interacting.

Unfortunately there will always be jerks in games, but people will remember them.
#8 Dec 31 2004 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
I had a simlar problem happen to me in Oakmyst forest. I was hunting The main Mob in the Cave of tears (I was soloing) and no one was in side or outside the cave. As soon as I killed off all the minor mobs the primary mob spawned, however I was back against one of the walls. A group had entered the cave while I was finishing the lesser mobs and was closer (not by much its a small cave) to the primary mob so it aggro'd on them instead.

I have to admin I was extremely unhappy about the situation and I felt that the group was very incosiderate, but I realized 2 things. 1) I was not doing the quest, but I was trying for rare drops, and 2) alot of people need that spawn so I am making them wait.

That's kinda the opposite of the origional situation, but it does pose an interesting debate regarding those who can solo and those who have to group. As a group your less likely to get a good drop because it gets lotto'd off, but as a soloist you monopolize area's.
#9 Jan 01 2005 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
I had a simlar problem happen to me in Oakmyst forest. I was hunting The main Mob in the Cave of tears (I was soloing) and no one was in side or outside the cave. As soon as I killed off all the minor mobs the primary mob spawned, however I was back against one of the walls. A group had entered the cave while I was finishing the lesser mobs and was closer (not by much its a small cave) to the primary mob so it aggro'd on them instead.

You Could solo Rotweed when he was green? What the heck class are you? He damn near killed my brawler in 4 hits.
#10 Jan 02 2005 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
I soloed Rotweed when I was a Predator and he was green to me. It can be done. Just have to be the appropriate level. It can be done.
#11 Jan 02 2005 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
Just had this happen was a regular mob at that. I was in the graveyard training my predator and I lined up for shadow blade. As I do, another blue ^ ^ walked beside me so I waited in sneak mode behind this mob until the other one left. Next thing I know out of no where a lvl 19 something or another came and kills this skelly. I sent him a tell asking why (for a grey mob to him), and he says that I need to act quicker and if I dont know how to play I should quit ><. Sooooo I went and got my wizard that is now 27 and followed him around for 1hr kill stealing every mob that I could grab before him. I shared nodes with him all in all a good teamwork day hehe. After my ignoring him for 40 min he finally said that what I was doing was wrong. Once I revealed who my other character was he said apologies and said he would not do it again. Even tried to give me 10 silver lol (which I did not take). I just think some of these people need to be reminded that its a social game and jerks dont make it far.
#12 Jan 03 2005 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
..... If you were in sneak mode, then how could he have known you were there?

No one outside of those in your group can see you if you're sneaking.
#13 Jan 03 2005 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
..... If you were in sneak mode, then how could he have known you were there?

No one outside of those in your group can see you if you're sneaking.

Just what I was going to ask :P
#14 Jan 03 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
I thought it was a good question to ask, so I asked :P
#15 Jan 03 2005 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
164 posts
Doh I feel kinda bad now ; ; I thought he saw me ......... ok apology incoming
#16 Jan 03 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
499 posts
Wow, this is a touchy subject indeed. I really can't sum up my response any better than what Wrake already said. I agree with him totally and that means that we are both right =p

Edited, Mon Jan 3 14:46:57 2005 by jakstrw
#17 Jan 03 2005 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
lotzamana wrote:
Just had this happen was a regular mob at that. I was in the graveyard training my predator and I lined up for shadow blade. As I do, another blue ^ ^ walked beside me so I waited in sneak mode behind this mob until the other one left. Next thing I know out of no where a lvl 19 something or another came and kills this skelly. I sent him a tell asking why (for a grey mob to him), and he says that I need to act quicker and if I dont know how to play I should quit ><. Sooooo I went and got my wizard that is now 27 and followed him around for 1hr kill stealing every mob that I could grab before him. I shared nodes with him all in all a good teamwork day hehe. After my ignoring him for 40 min he finally said that what I was doing was wrong. Once I revealed who my other character was he said apologies and said he would not do it again. Even tried to give me 10 silver lol (which I did not take). I just think some of these people need to be reminded that its a social game and jerks dont make it far.

While I understand the principle involved, justice would have been served after your first KS of the guy (after you logged your alt). (And, even then, it would still be unjust in that there was no reasonable way for the guy to see you if you were cloaked and he was not in your group.)

But following him around for 40 minutes, KSing *everything* that he was trying to go for, and adding insult to injury by sharing his nodes on top of that, is *not* justice even if he COULD have seen you (which, we already know, he could not possibly have done).

I'm not trying to call you specifically out on this. But this incident is a great example to use. What you did was *far* better described as harrassment than his one-time "KS" of your mob.

When this happens to me, what do I do? Nothing. Seriously, think about it for a second: If some guy KSs you, and you actually log a different character in for the better part of an hour following him around for "retaliation", what exactly are you accomplishing? 1) More stress in your life, 2) Absolutely NO progress on the character that you're supposedly so pissed off about not progressing with in the first place, 3) you're bringing yourself down *lower* than the level of the person you have problems with, and 4) While a "one time" KS can be chalked up to a misunderstanding, or lack of communication, 40 minutes of intentional harrassment cannot be chalked up to anything other than what it is: spite and vindictiveness.

I just don't understand these kind of conflicts, to tell the truth. All I can think is that the folks having these problems never played EQ1 (which, of course, is quite possible). There is a rational basis for being pissed off at someone stealing your kill when the kill is a rare spawn, or hard to spawn to begin with, or on a hideously long timer. But in EQ2, the spawn rate is so incredible, that there is simply no basis for complaint unless it's a repeat violation! It's the height of impatience when you get pissed off at some dude for "KS"ing your a_random_gnoll_27.
#18 Jan 04 2005 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
A buddy of mine suffered a similar annoying problem the other day when trying to take out Grolven Chiptooth outside BB for his AQ.
He stood outside BB waiting for the spawn and when he popped he got on OOC and started calling for people to take down chiptooth with him. No answers, but a couple of minutes later a group charged in and took down chippy. There were only four of them, so there was room for my buddy, but they didnt bother letting him in...they just charged in. ANyway, he put this down to bad luck and waited again. Next time Chippy popped he was already on OOC calling for a group. He had a few tentative takers and whilst waiting for them to arrive, another group of 4 appeared and took him out. Now he was getting pissed off....surely one member of one of these groups had seen his OOCs. He even sent tells to the group members but got no reponse. So...again he waited. Next pop, he got a group together...and lo and behold as they were making their way to hi position another group appeaered and attacked. This time they all got killed and he managed to get his group together and kill chippy but not after waiting for an hour outside BB getting ripped off by gungho groups.

I realise there was nothing wrong with what thiose groups did, but surely some common coutesy would have gone a long way. Even an apology after the event...Bleh!

#19 Jan 04 2005 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
I can't tell you how many times I've accidently pulled a mob that someone else was just about to pull. Now this is regular, dime a dozen xp grind mobs though so it's nothing to really gripe about. However, every time I do it and realize it I make it a point to try and talk to the other person, first appologizing and then trying to work out an arrangement so that I have my mobs in my area and he gets his. This way we both know that the other person is there.

As for named or other special type mobs I have only once killed something that someone else was waiting for. My necro was running from Nektulos to the ruins of valmarr in the commonlands. Pretty close to the nektulos zone is Zarvonn's tower where the mummy spawns for the necro class quest. I was just running along not paying attention because all the placeholder mobs are grey to me. Suddenly the mummy pops right infront of me and immediately latches on. I stopped, turned around and killed it without a thought. I then get a tell from summoner01 that he had been camping that for an hour and I'm such a prick for killing it when I didn't need it. He proceeded to yell at me in tells for about 10 minutes even after I appologized for not knowing he was there and wished him luck in getting a fast respawn (little comfort but at least I appologized). The guy finally wound up on my ignore list, is banned from ever participating in anything my guild does and I will never group with him.

2 things about that. First, I coulda just ran off the agro but why? Easy kill for a little xp and possibly a decent drop. Second, I understand him being frustrated but you gotta get over it. It's not like I intentionally attacked the thing knowing he was there. It's also not like I told him to F off afterwards. Relax a little, understand that sometimes these things happen and move on. Third, doing this sort of thing from either side can get you a bad reputation. I'm sure that guy would never group with me either and maybe he is in a guild that will spurn me. The thing is, because of what he said to me for as long as he was saying it to me he lost about 50 people that will group with him or even talk to him. Was that mummy worth it?
#20 Jan 04 2005 at 9:11 AM Rating: Default
Yep, my point exactly. In a game with so many friggin children (highest count in any game ive played so far) The game system is there for a reason. even if you have good intentions odds are youll get ******* griped and harrassed by a noob kiddy. So when they grow up and realize their efforts are pointless against the "system" that is put in place for a reason maybe they will stop playing and leave the game to the adults where these issues arent a problem.
#21 Jan 05 2005 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
Yet another example of people needing to pull their head out.

Last night some guildies and I were doing a few Writs in nektulos forest. Pretty easy mobs for the 5 group we had so it was a run around, pull, kill, pull nother, kill, type of thing. After about 20 minutes of this a necro came and stood next to us for about 5 minutes while we were waiting for spawns. No idea where he came from and hadn't seen him until that moment. Finally he /says Hey a-holes were here so you need to go. Don't you think it's rude to move in on our camp. To this I reply /say Don't you think it's rude to address me like that dimwit? Then my group goes off and grabs another couple of mobs.

I send the guy a tell saying something like "if you were camped here I appologize as none of us saw you. However, that does not make you right in talking to us like that. Learn some manners and politely ask us to move on if possible. Which we will do because I understand how it goes. He scolded me for a few minutes on camp stealing and then realized that we weren't stealing his camp and had moved on to different mobs so he could stay where he was. Finally he appologized for his behavior and said that he does that because there are so many pricks in the game.

My thoughts. First, if you treat me like crap you will be treated the same. Second, when something happens don't get pissed. Calm down and remember it's a game. Then send whoever a tell politely informing them of the situation and asking for cooperation. Third, just because other people ride the short bus to school doesn't mean you have to as well. Finally, in EQ2 there pretty much are no camps. It's not like when you walked into WC at lvl 10 in EQ1 and check to see if the derv camps are taken. That doesn't happen here. At least not yet. However, mobs are much more scattered and roaming in this game. If you've got a particular area covered and someone walks into it respect their right to the space as well. You can still politely ask them to find another spot but if they say its free for all then they are correct and you have to deal with it. Stay there, move somewhere else, it doesn't matter. That's the way the game is set up.
#22 Jan 05 2005 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
One thing i have noticed about EQ. There are loads of socially disfunctional people playing. Or a slew of 10 years olds. I dunno.

In the future i woudl wait until the gorup was together and then spawn him.

by the way, how do you spawn him. ;)
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