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How do you like EQ2?Follow

#1 Dec 28 2004 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
I've been searching for a new MMORPG for a few days now and I had a few questions for you guys.

1.)How is the combat? Is it press a button and sit there or are there tactics?

2.)Im hearing a lot of negative feedback about the aspects. Is the content enjoyable or is it just a tedious task to get gold?

3.)How long does it take to level? Is it slower or faster than FFXI?

4.)I heard this game and FFXI are identical true or false?

5.)What is the soloability? Do you have to group from the getgo?

6.)I heard the arena duel area is closed, are they ever going to open it?

Thank you for your answers
#2 Dec 28 2004 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
1. Combat is similar to FFXI in many ways. All classes have abilities. Fighters have kick, wild swing, taunt, etc. Heroic Opportunities resemble Skillchains, only much better and far more refined. There are other similarities too, but you need to know that this game allows you to solo much deeper into the game if you like. Also combat in groups is almost always against groups of enemies that work together in a similar fashion to your average party (i.e. healer, tank, dd, etc..) This creates a scenario that actually requires a much better use of tactics. Also, the enemies so far are much more exciting than those of FFXI. Unless you are soloing, there is no repetition of sheep, crab, fish, crab, mandy, worm, etc. I was fighting rock golems by level 8 solo, and giant squids in my teens.

2. The quests in this game are actually worth doing via good xp rewards, (that's right xp for quests. Who'd have thunk it?)and some nice equipment. Speaking of quests there are a ton of them. I am having a great time with the content, I've already completed over 100 quests just in my home city. The game has the Armor quest similar to FFXI, you do this one at level 20 though. It has game spanning artifact quests that you can pick up as early as level 10 and complete around level 45-46. Crafting actually involves it's own set of abilities/spells and you can actually be burned to death at the forge if you aren't careful. It is much more fun than hold a crystal out and wave your hands around.
The zones are huge and beautiful with lots of the rare mobs or as FFXI vets would call them NM's. There are so many different pieces of equipment that people don't shun you if you don't have specific armor at specific levels provided you have something decent of course.
Content is golden.

3. Leveling is fairly easy, at least to the point I'm at. I know that it HAS to be faster than FFXI, because I believe FFXI holds the record for most time sinks in an MMORPG to date.

4. False, this game doesn't require you to wait 10 minutes for a boat that you have to ride for 5 minutes to a town that you have to rent a ride that moves slightly faster than the extremely slow pace you normally walk so you can run through 3 zones (about 10 minutes)to get to the town you have to be in to fish at level 1. This game doesn't have a fishing pole worth 2.5 Million Platinum pieces. This game does have a strong sense of immersion not found on cross-platform games including one of it's predecessors (EQOA).

5. See 2.

6. It is closed. Not sure. Prima guide seems to think that there will be dueling.

In closing, I played FFXI for about 15 mos. on Midgarsormr and loved it for every second of it. I played EQLive for every bit of 1 week and found it lacking (the game is like 5 yrs. old after all). I've played EQ2 for about 3 weeks now, and I find myself wishing that I could reclaim all the wasted days of my life that I spent playing FFXI. Truly this game, even with the many things that still need repaired due to the early stage of it's life, is a MUCH better game than FFXI in every way. Not even in the same league. I hope that you try it out for yourself and come to realize, as I did, that these developers truly love their players.
#3 Dec 28 2004 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
Cool, maybe ill check it out but the only thing that bugs me is that they advertise the arena on the info about the game yet it's not open. I hope it opens soon then I'd be sold.
#4 Dec 28 2004 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Just buy the game now then because every MMORPG that I can think of has eventually added PvP. Right now they are focusing on getting any and all bugs out for PvM. But Asherons Call, EQ1, even FFXI, all of them that I've played have eventually added PvP. Most of these also said at one point or another that they had absolutely no plans of integrating PVP. Buy the game now, build your pimped out PvP monster, and then tool people when they introduce it, hopefully there will be some sort of rating system that has the Arena Champions on each server labeled.

"I could have been a contendah!"
#5 Dec 28 2004 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
Our astute and respected friend Val said it very well. I might add that besides the initial cost of the game, it's cheap entertainment. Then again even $50 is pretty cheap nowadays. (I'm to cheap to buy the collectors edition ).
#6 Dec 30 2004 at 12:40 PM Rating: Default
I used to play FFXI, and now I'm playing EQ2. In my opinion, I think FFXI is better than EQ2. Some of the gameplay and features EQ I think they stole the idea from FFXI. For example... Need to do quest in order to advance to the next level bracket.... Herotic opportunity(in FFXI call Skill Chain)...
There are some good features that FFXI and EQ2 just doesn't have... The JOB System! FFXI are very flexible in terms of what job you wanna play. Also.. FFXI has Auction House which you can start using it starting from level 1!. Also... There are NCP to deliver Money and items for you!(Like Fedex in the game!)... These options are just not there in EQ2.... Anyway... I'll continue to play EQ2 for awhile... but so far... it's gettin kind aboring already.
#7 Dec 30 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
499 posts
I used to play FFXI, and now I'm playing EQ2. In my opinion, I think FFXI is better than EQ2. Some of the gameplay and features EQ I think they stole the idea from FFXI. For example... Need to do quest in order to advance to the next level bracket.... Herotic opportunity(in FFXI call Skill Chain)...
There are some good features that FFXI and EQ2 just doesn't have... The JOB System! FFXI are very flexible in terms of what job you wanna play. Also.. FFXI has Auction House which you can start using it starting from level 1!. Also... There are NCP to deliver Money and items for you!(Like Fedex in the game!)... These options are just not there in EQ2.... Anyway... I'll continue to play EQ2 for awhile... but so far... it's gettin kind aboring already.

I have the exact opposite opinion. I played FF for a short period of time and I hated it. I am happy with EQ2 and am still having a great time playing it. Make no mistake, this game is far from finished. There are many bugs that hopefully will be adressed in the upcoming patch. This is probablly the thing that bothers me the most, but I have confidence that all the problems will be adressed and fixed. All things concidered, this is a great game and miles ahead of FF IMO.

Random person walks into SOE with his job application in hand
Random person: Here is my application for employment
SOE executive: Sir, this application is half finished
Random person: So are your products
SOE executive: You're hired!
can't remember who came up with this, but I would give him props if I could.

Edited, Thu Dec 30 12:59:02 2004 by jakstrw
#8 Dec 30 2004 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
1.)How is the combat? Is it press a button and sit there or are there tactics?

It definately not push and go, if you did you would die to blue's <2nd lowest xp con> Heroic Oppurtunities are the key to soloing and require effort and concentration.

2.)Im hearing a lot of negative feedback about the aspects. Is the content enjoyable or is it just a tedious task to get gold?

It is hard to get gold but if you are not a I MUST HAVE IT NOW person then you will find that gold is pretty much not required, sure you need to get some improved skill books but drops will cover the cost if you are patient.

3.)How long does it take to level? Is it slower or faster than FFXI?

It has took my wife 3 weeks to get to lvl 22 Necro/21 Scholar so it's not lightning fast but not slow either, comfortable is the word i would use. Slow enough to make it a challange but fast enough to prevent bordem.

4.)I heard this game and FFXI are identical true or false?

Pass, never played FFXI but from what i have heard there are few if any direct comparisions

5.)What is the soloability? Do you have to group from the getgo?

Nope the ability to solo is about class knowlage and choise of enemy. It is posible untill at least 22 and there is plenty of variety to choose from.

6.)I heard the arena duel area is closed, are they ever going to open it?

Hopefully Never, EQ2 is ill suited to PvP.
#9 Dec 30 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent

I've been searching for a new MMORPG for a few days now and I had a few questions for you guys.

1.)How is the combat? Is it press a button and sit there or are there tactics?

Combat is fun. A lot of fun. Comparisons to other MMORPG games I've played. SWG = fun, and for the most part, prss button, sit, repeat. It wasn't that in-depth but when I was in a good group which was almost always, I always had a blast specially in areas like the Sand People enclave or even the giant beast thing which I forget what it was called. Eastern part of Tatooine.
City of Heroes - I thought this was a horrible boring *** game and stoppped within two weeks of playing it. Not only did every zone seem exactly the same, but so did every mob, but with different color clothing. The only cool thing about that game was the apprentice/sidekick thing. Combat in that game was completely redundant.
Tactics in EQ2 are a great part of the combat experience in EQ2. While it's not necessary, it sure makes it more fun, and u can level faster by being efficient with how u tackle mobs. Heroic Opportunities is an example of that. For example, a scout type triggers this, then a fighter uses a certain type of special, then a priest, then a wizard, and wham, a unique special move happens. If you are actually fighting something challenging then you will have to be concentrating the majority of the battle.
Another thing taht makes battle interesting in EQ2 is the xp debt. If you and/or other people in your group/raid die, u share in their xp debt. So there's consequences to not having a good strategy, unlike COH or SWG, where, if you died, nothing happened. While it can be frustrating at times, specially in a group situation, it makes it more worhtwhile to find good people to play with.

2.)Im hearing a lot of negative feedback about the aspects. Is the content enjoyable or is it just a tedious task to get gold?

Comparisons. SWG - sucked in content.. it seemed to only be about leveling, leveling leveling.. while they had an arc here, an arc there.. it was never really interesting and i didnt stay around long enough for the jedi deal. but i heard it was the same thing.. level. level.. level. then ur jedi.
COH - talk about 0 content. freaking boring boring.
In EQ2 there are a million quests to do. You can carry up to 50 missions at a time, and theres a decent variety to the types (ie. killing mobs, harvesting, crafting, finding items, exploring, etc.) Some quests relate to others while other ones are just random, which is fun to me. The storyline is good too, one cause it's not that predictable.. meaning in SWG we all know what happens cause weve all seen the movies. Not the case here.

*edit* - i didnt get my first gold piece until I was around 20 or so.. but that was because I didnt know the proper way to sell. While this is an annoying aspect of the game, if you can leave ur computer on while u go to sleep, sell then. its just a matter of setting prices, click start selling, and check it out in the morning when u wake up. after i realized this and got to a bit higher level quests, I have around 10-12 GP from selling quest reqards i didn't need, from gaining coin from completing quests (completing wholesaler, foresting, or crafting missions dishes out between 20-60 silver pieces each time u complete em, depending on level of ur craft), and selling everything i looted but cant use via the player to player selling.. selling to an npc (how i started) yields maybe 15% of what you can actually get from selling to a player. Once in a while I'll sell something completely random and overprice the hell out of it, but for some reason, someone buys it. It's usually things I can use and dont really want to get rid of, but if someone wants to pay THAT much for it then hey, they can have it. and I mean OVERPRICE!!! enjoy

3.)How long does it take to level? Is it slower or faster than FFXI?

Depending on the grup you are with you can level once every 4-6 hours. If you are with a consistent group who knows what they are doing, you can avoid debt almost always, and just whack away. I personally am not a big fan of powerleveling cause you miss out on so much other stuff by leveling fast. But that's the beauty, the game appeals to so many different types of players, solo, groups, raids, crafters, content types, etc.

4.)I heard this game and FFXI are identical true or false?

no idea, never played it.

5.)What is the soloability? Do you have to group from the getgo?

You can solo through the entire game but you miss out on the following:

1) uber lotts, drops, spawns, etc.
2) quantity AND quality of #1
3) learning about things in the game you'd never know unless you simply ask someone or overhear them in a group
4) some freaking socialization people. i mean, we still are people and need to socialize. try it sometime.

6.)I heard the arena duel area is closed, are they ever going to open it?

from what I hear it's not ever going to happen, although whoever said it above has a good point. every mmorpg implements it eventually. im sure if the demand is high enough they will do it, after all, they want to keep making money, which is what this whole lil fantasy world is about for SOE.

Edited, Thu Dec 30 15:18:05 2004 by Jobago
#10 Dec 31 2004 at 12:25 AM Rating: Default
Combat is similar to FFXI in many ways. All classes have abilities. Fighters have kick, wild swing, taunt, etc. Heroic Opportunities resemble Skillchains, only much better and far more refined. There are other similarities too, but you need to know that this game allows you to solo much deeper into the game if you like. Also combat in groups is almost always against groups of enemies that work together in a similar fashion to your average party (i.e. healer, tank, dd, etc..) This creates a scenario that actually requires a much better use of tactics. Also, the enemies so far are much more exciting than those of FFXI. Unless you are soloing, there is no repetition of sheep, crab, fish, crab, mandy, worm, etc. I was fighting rock golems by level 8 solo, and giant squids in my teens.


I fell out of my seat laughing at this statement. The heroic oportunities system in EQ2 is a laughable attempt at copying FFXI's skillchain system. There are way too many issues with the EQ2 version, main issue being is NOBODY can do regular skills while a group of ppl is trying to perform skillchains. It happens more times than i can count somebody fires off a skill right after you hit your HO skill, which in turn kills the HO. The system is flawed, and practically useless, it doesn't give the huge benifits and damage count as the multi person FFXI skillchains. Nice try sony, fix it and maybe it won't be ignored in most groups. Dont get me wrong. i didn't like FFXI that much. But i loved the skillchain system.
#11 Dec 31 2004 at 1:31 AM Rating: Good
976 posts
HO's are GREAT .... if you can get a team to work together, you can clobber mobs with them and get awesome buffs. So no, they aren't useless.

I played FFXI for a year. I was a paladin, and a mid lvl monk. I enjoy EQ2 MUCH more. It looks better.I fight all kind of mobs... at lvl 20 I've already fought more mob types than I did all my lvls combined in FFXI. It was crab, crab, mandy, worm, crawler. That's about it. So far I've fought rats, goblins, gnolls, orcs, giants, centaurs, crabs, zombies, skeletons, treant things, wolves,bears, badgers, hawks, lions, elephants, hyenas, ghosts, giant spiders, deer, a slew of NMs. At lvl 20! Not 40, or 50, or 60 or 75... (max lvl in FFXI of course).

Grouping is similar. But here's the big difference. While waiting for a good party...guess what? You can also at least go out and find SOMETHING to solo on. Doesn't give a lot of exp, but it sure as heck beats FFXI where after 20 soloing was next to impossible.

Crafting is more interesting. You don't just use a crystal and some other thing and watch it fail half the time. You can make halfway decent returns at a low level without having to sink millions into it. Most of the items you can harvest yourself fairly easily to use as components.

Money is not that hard to make, compared to the system in FFXI. Quests give money, and armor. Even the Armor Quests at lvl 20 are MUCH more reasonable than AF armor quests, which took sometimes weeks and MONTHS. Another nice thing, almost all Armor Quests are tied in with eachother, require the same kinds of mobs to be killed no matter what "kind" of armor... so you never have to wait for some kind "high lvls" to come help you find your coffer, because there's usually an Armor Quest group forming, and since most of them need the same works in the common interest and not just the opposite.

Character creation could be a bit better, but it's still better than FFXI. And more will be added in the future, I'm sure.

This is NOT a game where you should hurry hurry hurry and level all the time. That is another big difference. People who do this are the people who start complaining around lvl 25 or so that they're burnt out. Of course they are! Leveling in this game takes time. It's meant to be a journey. Explore! Quest! RP! Enjoy the game. It's really NOT about leveling as fast as you can.

I liked FFXI for a long while, but after about 6 months the game started to go sour. The economy is SO screwed up in that game. Melee wait for HOURS and DAYS to get a party, sometimes weeks, and you can't solo at all after lvl 15 or 20. Money is hard to make, and prices are insane. It's all about gear, and being "uber"...and racing to lvl 75 for an end game that consists of not much more than camping NMs for 10 hours straight for a rare drop you probably won't get.

I know I sound pessimistic, I am a little....after spending 2million gil on a level 36 monk so I wouldn't be gimped, and then STILL waiting for 8 hours for a party...yeah...that sort of thing kind of ruined FFXI for me. EQ2 is much more my style. I don't feel rushed, I dont' feel stressed, I don't feel gimped or hard pressed about money. It's more fun.

#12 Dec 31 2004 at 1:50 AM Rating: Default
I agree wholeheartedly with the previous poster. EQ2 is a superior game in many respects, i'm enjoying it overall greatly. there's a few pet peaves, mainly things that make me think soe got dropped on it's head as an infant to implement. (8 hours to re-enter firemist? come on it's a friggin newb dungeon and the lvl cap is 20, most ppl try it once, fail then leave never to complete the content.)

I still stand by my statement HO's suck *** compared to the skillchain system of FFXI that was actually very well calculated and thought out.
#13 Jan 01 2005 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
Put very well guys, but I see a couple of things differently. I think that this game and FFXI are very very similiar.

The one part about EQ2 I absolutely despise, but that is easily remedied is the bazaar/AH or whatever you call it. FFXI has the best system I've come across yet, limited number of items you can sell, but you don't have to stop using your computer while the game runs with your guy sitting in your house all day to make some cash. Call me crazy, but if I were able to quit, that would be why.

In many ways though, the game is much better. Leveling is slightly easier, and can actually be done solo. No one is concerned about whether or not you have your stupid subclass leveled, or all your best equipment. (yes, I did) And for focks sake, you won't have to wait 15mins for a boat to go to Khazham, where you must then wait 15mins-1hr on a group to advance. (Or walk 25mins to the next town.) Just solo, or even better, open up the old quest journal if you get bored and run quests until you fall asleep on the keyboard, awaking only to the soothing sounds of PC speaker telling you a key is depressed.

Ok, enough joking, sorry. I have played a few MMORPGs, Ultima which to this day I am addicted to, Star Wars, FFXI, and now EQ2. Even at level 26 now, I am just starting to get the hang of it, but EQ2 has a lot of the elements that made other games great. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only two things that really need to be adressed are the selling, and PVP. Overall though, it's more than worth what I paid/pay for it.
#14 Jan 01 2005 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Most people in EQ2 do not want to see PvP. It doesn't need to come to this game, it's not set up for it... and it just would ruin it.

The FFXI AH system was.... flawed, at best. Not to say EQ's system is much better, but the fact that gil sellers began to dominate prices and everything got so over-prices in FFXI ruined the AH system all together. It was good... a year ago. It is not good now, and unfortunately SE's "plan" to fix it just seems to have made things worse.

For me, what started out as a "magical" (yep, cheesy I know) journey on my first real MMORPG became more a job than my job was. It's sad, how that game ended up, because initially it was not a bad game. But.... /sigh. Too many things just went wrong and no one fixed them in time, and now it's just rotten.
#15 Jan 01 2005 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent
One more thing, you may hear crazy people complain about exp debt, just ignore it. They have no idea what it's like to have to sell half your equipment to buy that new sword after you FINALLY gain your level, and then go out and die, lose the level, (which can't happen in EQ2)and be stuck with no weapon for 3 hours while you find a group decent and uber enough to help you re-level for the 3rd time.
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