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Making money in Qeynos vs FreeportFollow

#1 Dec 27 2004 at 8:37 AM Rating: Default
Has anyone else noticed that it is difficult to make money in Qeynos?

If I leave the IoR with 22s...

1.) ...and go to Qeynos, I end up with around 32-40s at lvl 11ish. That isn't enough to buy all my armor much less a weapon upgarde.

2.) ...and go to Freeport, and I have 53-85s at lvl 11. I can buy armor, weapons, and still have some left over(6s). On top of that, I'm now lvl 12 and have 50s already. This is just from running around and doing quest and selling crap I get along the way.

Has anyone else noticed this. This happens with all characters I send to Qeynos and all I send to Freeport. In Qeynos I'm rewarded with furniture and chump change, where in Freeport I'm rewarded with armor and weapons and more money than Qeynos missions on top of the armor and weapons.

#2 Dec 27 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Default
Mmmm I don't think so my shaman in Qeynos is sitting on 8G 43S and 30C my SK in commonlands is setting on 30s and 12C both are 20L. I think its the other way around. Both get there money from adven and harvesting no crafting at all.

#3 Dec 27 2004 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
i have a hard time making money in qeynos, but i havent made a character in freeport yet. so im not reallly sure on how hard it is to make money in freeport.
#4 Dec 27 2004 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts

It all depends on your playing style and knowlage of the game.

Qeynos has more players usualy, so there tends to be more of everything available.

Freeport tends to have a smaller population, so it can be harder to get some of the things you need and prices can often be higher.

I did notice that some of Freeports quests tend to give more silver and better items, but I have not done all the quests so it may be a bad sample on my part.
#5 Dec 27 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Default
I actually found that the Commonlands are much easier to hunt as a low level character. Lower level mobs are clustered right next to the gate with the guards. Beetles, moving out to Armadillos, lower level Carrion Hounds, over to Ghostly Orcs, up to Elephants. Ghostly orcs will drop iron weapons that sell for around 3-4 silver, they also drop chain or brigadine leggings and adept spells.

Qeynos the mobs are scattered all over, too many people fighting over them, guards spaced too far apart.

Hands down, the Commonlands is an easier place to level to the mid/upper teens than Antonica.
#6 Dec 27 2004 at 10:26 PM Rating: Default
Broan wrote:
Mmmm I don't think so my shaman in Qeynos is sitting on 8G 43S and 30C my SK in commonlands is setting on 30s and 12C both are 20L. I think its the other way around. Both get there money from adven and harvesting no crafting at all.

You're lvl 20 MYSTIC??? What did you have at lvl 11? Also, I never spend any money on anything until after lvl 10.

I see no possible way to only have 30s in Freeport if you are actively doing quests constantly. You should come out of IoR with at least 16s. You must have spent more money on you SK than the shaman. I'm not, nor have ever, tried to make money. I just look down every now and then and find something like 7s 1017c on me and then add it to my bank money. This has happened every time I have a freeport character and the opposite when I make a Qeynos character.

#7 Dec 28 2004 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
285 posts
If you build up your tradeskilling on the IoR, it's quite easy to leave with 2c (as I did with my latest toon). That's beside the point, though...

I have noticed that the FP newb quests are generally a higher level than the Qeynos ones, yet just as easy to complete. At lvl 9, most of the suburb quests from Qeynos were blue to me, while most of the FP suburb quests were yellow. Naturally, I got bigger rewards in both xp and coin for finishing them in FP just because of the lvl difference. The other nice thing about FP is that there's a series of easy quests (can finish all of them by lvl 10) in Longshadow that will score you a full suit of lvl 15 armor. Qeynos has a couple pieces, but no real equivalent. I mostly just get weapons and food by the boatload. I'm standing there with no shirt on asking myself, "Do I want to use my +2 health/+1 power sword or my +1 health/+2 power axe?"

One tip I will give is that if you're offered different rewards for a quest and have no intention of using any of them, grab the biggest weapon or heaviest armor. They tend to sell for more. My lvl 15 warrior has twice the cash as my druid of the same level, and they've spent almost identical amounts of money for spell/ability upgrades.
#8 Dec 29 2004 at 6:43 AM Rating: Good
I'm not sure if this was changed for every lvl or not, but now all of a sudden thinkgs like humanoid skulls which sold to non thrifty merchants for 87c now go for 2s 37c.

I'm getting 4s 53c for armor pieces that sold for onlt 1s 23c a couple days ago.

I wonder if this is happening in Qeynos to. The money is just rolling in Freeport.
#9 Dec 29 2004 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
976 posts
Here on LDL Freeport is way cheaper than Qeynos.

I'm going to have to start making some serious money, luckily I'm all set to around lvl 26, and by then I hope I have my AQ's done. That'll give me some time to save some bucks, but yes...I've noticed a big price difference here.
#10 Dec 29 2004 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
aan item like say a orc skull that drops off a lvl 10 orc in the ruins sells for less then an orc skull that dropped in WC. Same name different price...
#11 Dec 29 2004 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
Ivven the Great wrote:
Here on LDL Freeport is way cheaper than Qeynos.

I'm going to have to start making some serious money, luckily I'm all set to around lvl 26, and by then I hope I have my AQ's done. That'll give me some time to save some bucks, but yes...I've noticed a big price difference here.

That may have something to do with you being an iksar more than it does with you being in Qeynos. NPC's sell stuff in Qeynos for the same as it does in Freeport.

Do you like the doves, the sunshine of a clear blue sky, the lag, and happy carefree way the citizens of Qeynos frolick to and fro??? Gah!! You sicken me!!

<<shakes fist>>

On another note, I looked at some player made armor... and the **** was selling for prices like 1g 38s!!! For one piece of armor that would be obsolete at lvl 13!!!! I could buy 2 sets of armor from an NPC plus weapons, shields, bow, arrows, and poisons for all for that same amount. Do people actually buy anything from these people???

#12 Dec 30 2004 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
976 posts
I don't buy from NPCs ;) I buy from broker or go to the merchant PC's house and buy directly from them. I only buy what is going to last me at least 4 or 5 levels, and is WORTH the money.

I spent about 12 gold on my complete lvl 20-26 gear. Hopefully by then I'll have AQ done so I can save some cash in the mean time.

But I have VERY good stats ;) worth the money, if you ask me. But prices in Qeynos are STILL higher on the boards than in Freeport. Not really sure why.

Edited, Thu Dec 30 01:36:45 2004 by Ivven
#13 Dec 30 2004 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
Ivven the Great wrote:
I don't buy from NPCs ;) I buy from broker or go to the merchant PC's house and buy directly from them. I only buy what is going to last me at least 4 or 5 levels, and is WORTH the money.

I spent about 12 gold on my complete lvl 20-26 gear. Hopefully by then I'll have AQ done so I can save some cash in the mean time.

But I have VERY good stats ;) worth the money, if you ask me. But prices in Qeynos are STILL higher on the boards than in Freeport. Not really sure why.

Edited, Thu Dec 30 01:36:45 2004 by Ivven

Have you played a character with NPC bought items and actually compared the difference?

1g for anything pre-20 is just not worth it to me. In fact the total amount of money I make from lvl 1-10 doesn't come out to 1g.

Do materials to make player crafted stuff cost that much? Or are these bastards just greedy?

#14 Dec 30 2004 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
Do materials to make player crafted stuff cost that much? Or are these bastards just greedy?

Next time you are on the broker take a look at the cost of:
A: The books that contain the recipies
B: The materials that are needed

1g for anything pre-20 is just not worth it to me. In fact the total amount of money I make from lvl 1-10 doesn't come out to 1g.

I think the robe from Quenos (Lindarian Oracle Robe <spelling>) is very much worth 1G. I would probably pay 3 gold for it since there is no robe that is even close in Freeport.

As far as the original topic....I have 2 characters on each side. 2 that have hit 22L and 2 that are 10L and below. I would have to agree with the OP that it seems easier to accumulate wealth in FP. On the other hand it seems that certain items are more readily available in Quenos.
#15 Dec 30 2004 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
I have to wonder if we're playing the same game?

Making 1g before 10 is only difficult because of the rapidity with which you reach 10.

Watch the merchants - prices vary enormously. If you take your items to different merchants you can see as much as 50% difference. Find ones you like and who like you. A simple example is Canine Saliva which several merchants pay 24c for my pet merchant pays me 37c. As a general rule the merchants out in the exp zones pay badly for stuff.

I've not played Freeport but a friend who has did make a similar comment about it being easier to make money there.

Whichever money is not exactly difficult in either place. Nor is it really necessary. Apart from room, food, drink I need arrows and (for my ranger) poisons. Most armour you can quest for and forget paying for it. If I sell something for a nice price I might look on the market but mostly having found a nice upgrade I come here and look up the quest for it.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#16 Dec 30 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Default
I dinged 20 last night and bought all new equipment, probably spent around 10 gold for a full suit of pristine forged carbonite vanguard and pristine agate jewelry, weapon and shield, lay on hands and holy steed. Looked at my stats after and was blown away how much AC, health, power, abilitiy stats and resists had climbed. Its the state bonuses that make the player made gear far superior to the NPC gear. All of my resists are in the 250-350 range now, all abilities are 45 or over and on a gnome my strength and stamina exceed 50.
#17 Dec 30 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Default
lotzamana wrote:
Do materials to make player crafted stuff cost that much? Or are these bastards just greedy?

Next time you are on the broker take a look at the cost of:
A: The books that contain the recipies
B: The materials that are needed

1g for anything pre-20 is just not worth it to me. In fact the total amount of money I make from lvl 1-10 doesn't come out to 1g.

I think the robe from Quenos (Lindarian Oracle Robe <spelling>) is very much worth 1G. I would probably pay 3 gold for it since there is no robe that is even close in Freeport.

As far as the original topic....I have 2 characters on each side. 2 that have hit 22L and 2 that are 10L and below. I would have to agree with the OP that it seems easier to accumulate wealth in FP. On the other hand it seems that certain items are more readily available in Quenos.

The reason I don't think anything at those lvls should cost 1g is because you're just not at that point long enough to spend that kind of money for an item that will be outdated in possibly a couple days.

#18 Dec 30 2004 at 6:37 PM Rating: Default
Cobra101 wrote:
I have to wonder if we're playing the same game?

Making 1g before 10 is only difficult because of the rapidity with which you reach 10.

Yeah, and there are people selling lvl 7 gear for 1g+. I think it's ridiculous. I can't even understand why anyone would even bother with non-IoR armor before lvl 10.

Watch the merchants - prices vary enormously. If you take your items to different merchants you can see as much as 50% difference. Find ones you like and who like you. A simple example is Canine Saliva which several merchants pay 24c for my pet merchant pays me 37c. As a general rule the merchants out in the exp zones pay badly for stuff.

That's what I meant by "non thrifty merchants" in an earlier post. I just look for the ones thats sell higher grade poisons for 24c. If they sell for less they buy for more.

#19 Dec 30 2004 at 6:40 PM Rating: Default
LairdRagna wrote:
I dinged 20 last night and bought all new equipment, probably spent around 10 gold for a full suit of pristine forged carbonite vanguard and pristine agate jewelry, weapon and shield, lay on hands and holy steed. Looked at my stats after and was blown away how much AC, health, power, abilitiy stats and resists had climbed. Its the state bonuses that make the player made gear far superior to the NPC gear. All of my resists are in the 250-350 range now, all abilities are 45 or over and on a gnome my strength and stamina exceed 50.

I believe that ALL classes get a boost at lvl 20 to compensate for the boost in mob strength.
#20 Jan 01 2005 at 7:47 AM Rating: Default
Allow me to intervine here. Alot of those previous posts sickened me lol. Seriously. More power to you if you spent countless hours infront of a pixelated crafting machine and pounded/sewed/sawed/wrote enough materials to have over 3gp. But honestly..... I just hit level 16, and i've never seen more than 40sp in my pocket. And i may not have all of the greatest gear, but man am i having fun :D And hey, i have a REAL job, that makes REAL money that i spend to play this GAME, thusly, i can play it anyway i want. And besides, most people dont know what you're wearing before you get to the group after the invite anyway, what are they going to do? Kick me out because i dont have the golden jock strap of vigor? Please lol. Furthermore, you can spend your life making platinum peices if you want, bottom line is, no matter how good your armor is, if the healer goes linkdead, you're still gunna die lol. So lighten up. Or shall i offer you tweezers to help get the rest of that stick out of your a....... Hey! A butterfly! <Scurries off>
#21 Jan 01 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
Qeynos has more players usualy, so there tends to be more of everything available.

Freeport tends to have a smaller population, so it can be harder to get some of the things you need and prices can often be higher.

This is great for me, as I am a crafter! I can corner the market on many different kinds of items and scrolls in FP. Although, even if I have a monopoly, i still dont rip anyone off. I believe that it is more important to make repeat customers than to make a lot of coin off someone one time and make them mad. But, I am making a great living in FP. Never played Qeynos.
#22 Jan 01 2005 at 11:16 PM Rating: Default
LuciLu wrote:
Allow me to intervine here. Alot of those previous posts sickened me lol. Seriously. More power to you if you spent countless hours infront of a pixelated crafting machine and pounded/sewed/sawed/wrote enough materials to have over 3gp. But honestly..... I just hit level 16, and i've never seen more than 40sp in my pocket. And i may not have all of the greatest gear, but man am i having fun :D And hey, i have a REAL job, that makes REAL money that i spend to play this GAME, thusly, i can play it anyway i want. And besides, most people dont know what you're wearing before you get to the group after the invite anyway, what are they going to do? Kick me out because i dont have the golden jock strap of vigor? Please lol. Furthermore, you can spend your life making platinum peices if you want, bottom line is, no matter how good your armor is, if the healer goes linkdead, you're still gunna die lol. So lighten up. Or shall i offer you tweezers to help get the rest of that stick out of your a....... Hey! A butterfly! <Scurries off>

I have to agree. I have yet to see any evidence that shows that armor with a bunch of stats is any better than armor without stats performancewise. It think all that fancy armor is just an expensive placebo.

#23 Jan 03 2005 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Gotta agree that the Qeynos lowbie quests need some work. Seems that 80% of them offer yet another version of the weapon you already have - ooo wait, one is +1 str and the other is +1 sta or some big woop like that. You can quest for an okay suit of armor, but you gotta spend 30 minutes in Alla's quest guide to line it all up, heh.

I like that a couple of the quests offer odd items to put in your house, like a cage, a bench and an easel. But they do get tiresome after a while.

Our evil gnomes started in FP, and yeah, the lag was less... but everything was the color of mud - and every NPC there has PMS or something. Does being evil mean you have to act like a Piza Hut Assistant Manager talking to a screwed up 16 year old employee who doesn't really care if he gets fired or not?? I guess so. Anyway, FP was so depressing that we changed our firewalls to reduce the lag and rerolled as Qeynosians. Yeah, some of the PETA-esque tree-hugging Oxfammers who live in Qeynos make me sick, but overall - well, we are still evil gnomes; we just live in Qeynos. Gawd, the thing that kills me the most - I've always pronounced it "Kay-nos", not "Key-nos". "Key-nos" is so squirrelly sounding.

Another prob living in Key-nos is that the cheaper houses near the bells are all taken - boo. We hadta buy a house so far from anywhere in N Q that we never use it. Btw there are plenty of ways to make cash in qeynos, and artisaning is only one. I'm not telling some of my tricks - too many people know them already. Just nose around and think a little - money-making techniques will come to you. GL all.
#24 Jan 04 2005 at 4:01 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
I have to agree. I have yet to see any evidence that shows that armor with a bunch of stats is any better than armor without stats performancewise. It think all that fancy armor is just an expensive placebo.

I'd have to disagree.

We recently spent a little cash on gear when we reached 20 and the difference in how much damage I take is really noticeable. The number of times I resist offensive spells is also much greater.

However I didn't spend 10gp or anything like it.

I'd agree that spending gold on gear pre-level 10 is pretty silly. It goes grey so fast you'd be wasting the money. Spells might be different though. An adept is always an adept whatever your level.

Also everyone and his dog is falling over themselves to give you armour and weapon quests in the lower levels. What I do is look at the market to see what nice things I can use and then go do the quest for them.

As for:-

More power to you if you spent countless hours infront of a pixelated crafting machine and pounded/sewed/sawed/wrote enough materials to have over 3gp. But honestly..... I just hit level 16, and i've never seen more than 40sp in my pocket. And i may not have all of the greatest gear, but man am i having fun

Everyone plays in different ways. However if you cannot afford better gear then you start to become a liability to your group. As a little pointer you can make more than 40sp in a night just from harvested stuff.
Wherever I go - there I am.
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