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SWG and EQ2Follow

#1 Dec 26 2004 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
Hi everyone,

i am strongly thinking about getting EQ2. i have been playing SWG since may 04 and i love it. the only reason im thinking about EQ2 is that i want a change of pace.

i have mastered 8 professions, have 80 million in credits and am grinding jedi. the JTL expansion is great but to really level up, you have to group.

now my questions are:

can you solo EQ2? i am mostly a solo player but i dont mind grouping with others as well.

is there other things to do in EQ2? example: if i dont want to fight all the time, can i craft or harvest items to sell or make items, change of pace

now..since i do like SWG because if its diversity, is EQ2 similar?

these questions are directed toward former SWG players who like SWG because they could give me a more honest answer, but anyone with some genuine input can help me decide

thanks :)

P.S. i did play the WoW beta for 10 hrs and didnt like it because it was very limited and not as diverse. (my opinion)
#2 Dec 26 2004 at 6:55 PM Rating: Good
I know you wanted input from SWG players, which I am not, but I can give you some info.

if i dont want to fight all the time, can i craft or harvest items to sell or make items, change of pace

Yes, crafting in EQ2 is excellent, and, in my opinion only, is one of the best parts of the game. I barely party at all, and spend about 95%+ of my time crafting. It's extremely fun and profitable, even in early stages, unlike many other MMOs. Even if you only want to craft every once in a while as a change of pace, it is an wonderful diversion!
#3 Dec 26 2004 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
thank you for your reply dacypher.

just for more insight, what do you craft and your profession?

in SWG, when you gather resourses, the resourse has stats which vary resourse to resourse. example: one type of metal may have better stats for what you need to craft than another type which in turn may make a better item. does EQ2 have that?

i ask because in WoW, there is no such things as stats and whatever you craft always comes out the same as anyone else can make it.

i like the challenge in SWG when crafting that you could possibly make a better item if you get better stat resourses and offer another player, or yourself, an item that is of much better quality because you took the time to level up your crafting and the trouble to find the better resourse and the payoff is a much better crafted item. i believe it is much more rewarding.

i do hope that EQ2 has something like this.

also, i hated the fact that in WoW when you have an item and equip it, it is soulbound, meaning you cannot trade it to another player. it can only be sold to a merchant.
#4 Dec 26 2004 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
From what I've seena nd played this is what i can tell you IMO:

You can solo in EQ2 and it is quite a bit funner than SWG, and harder i think. Without the aid of buffs (which ruin the solo side of SWG IMO) it is actually edge of the seat style , well for me atleast, you know what you can kill in SWG and could leave a macro running and go watch TV.. Not in EQ2.

There are ALOT ALOT of quests to do, so if you dont just want to go kill some mobs you can do many quests which is quality compared to getting the same type of mission 1000m aawy and repeating like in SWG...

And as far as crafting etc.. i haven't looked into that yet , but from what people say it less boring than in SWG. And that was damn boring!

EQ2 does seem smal;ler to me ATM but that is probably because ima bit noobish.. But the areas are alot more detailed and with alot better graphics its kewl

SWG felt like there was no point in palying it apart from leveling up... EQ2 is the same (for me atleast)

Edited, Sun Dec 26 22:44:39 2004 by DokTahEURO
#5 Dec 26 2004 at 10:47 PM Rating: Good
I am a level 22 Sage (almost 23!!). Sage's make spell scrolls. 22 is pretty high for my server. There are people who are higher than me, but you could say that I have a lot of insight into the crafting system.

EQ2 does not have a system exactly like that. I'm going to be lazy, and quote some lines from my guide to Scholar crafting, as its a little complex.

When you begin to craft an item, a window comes up with four full bars, and then under those, are four empty bars.

Your durability are the bars that are on top, and begin full when you start a recipe. The second bar on the bottom is the progress bar. When the progress bar is full, you have completed the recipe. If you can complete the recipe with all the durability bars full, you will get a pristine item (pristine quality has not been added to skills yet, but is going to be). As you lose each bar in durability, you will lose a grade of quality.

You have several different "tradeskills", which are like spells. They counteract errors while crafting. Each craft has several different icons, some raising progress, while others raise durability (quality).

To combat the loss of durability (loss of quality), I suggest putting your tradeskill icons on your hotkeys. Make a seperate row of them for each craft you will be using (chemistry, runecraft, and scribing). You will have two different icons with the same picture on them for these three crafts, making you have 6 icons for each (6 for chemistry, 6 for runecraft etc). The weaker icons (you can examine the icons, and they con, just like monsters) will add to your progress, while the stronger ones will usually add to your durability. You can use these at any time, not just when you need to correct a mistake. I suggest using a combination of progress and durability, until you start lacking in one. If you are about to lose a level of quality, start using your durability tradeskills. If you have near full durability, but progress is slow, start using progress tradeskills. Be wary of which ones us how much power though, as some use much more than others. I suggest drinking some kind of drink (not summoned) like coffee when crafting. This will keep you from having an issues with running out of power.

I know this doesnt explain everything, and actually may be a bit confusing, but I am sure that it shows that the crafting system is complex, and it is very easy to get caught up in it, not even caring about combat and partying. And what you said about being able to produce better items then other players, that is very possible in EQ2. If you do not understand exactly how each tradeskill works for the item you are crafting, then you may not get pristine quality. Therefore, those that do the research, and craft very often, will usually make better items than those that dabble in it.
#6 Dec 26 2004 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks Dok for your reply

how is it leveling your character? is it fast or slow? do you need to be in a group or can you do it just fine solo?

like i mentioned in my post above, i do like to solo because sometimes groups just concentrate on kills and leveling up fast and i like to take my time and enjoy, not saying i dont like to group because i do when i want to be part of a team.

so far im a bit iffy but leaning towards EQ2. i just need some more solid info
#7 Dec 26 2004 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
i like your little crafting guide Dacypher. i like that crafting really matters.

Edited, Sun Dec 26 22:54:50 2004 by asidrave
#8 Dec 26 2004 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent

Soloing sucked and was boring in SWG i thought.. In EQ2 it can acutally be a challenge and is actually fun!

So if you want to solo, go get EQ2 my man =P
#9 Dec 27 2004 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
Hi everyone,

i am strongly thinking about getting EQ2. i have been playing SWG since may 04 and i love it. the only reason im thinking about EQ2 is that i want a change of pace.

i have mastered 8 professions, have 80 million in credits and am grinding jedi. the JTL expansion is great but to really level up, you have to group.

now my questions are:

can you solo EQ2? i am mostly a solo player but i dont mind grouping with others as well.

is there other things to do in EQ2? example: if i dont want to fight all the time, can i craft or harvest items to sell or make items, change of pace

now..since i do like SWG because if its diversity, is EQ2 similar?

these questions are directed toward former SWG players who like SWG because they could give me a more honest answer, but anyone with some genuine input can help me decide

I played SWG.. actually started at about the same time you did.

Solo play in EQ2 is wonderful IMO.. some say there's not enough solo content, I tend to GREATLY disagree.. my Summoner has done very little grouping... despite the color /con, your ability to solo is greatly based on your class.

my summoner can solo Orange mobs rated "solo" it's risky and becomes a VERY delicate balance of hate management. Take hate from my pet too soon (due to over-curing it or using too many DOT's or nukes too quickly) and it's dying time... you get a feel for how often you can cast and make it work.. and it's cool having higher level people ask if you need help and being able to tell them "nahh it's going fine.. he's only Orange. ^_~"

my Predator however is very much a team player.. I wouldn't think of trying to solo an orange with her.. she's good..but not THAT good. She works best in a duo or more with a tank.. typically if I solo with that character I'm going for whites or less.

solo'ing in SWG was honestly TOO easy... ESPECIALLY for MTK, with our without buffs.. as a friend of mine put it: "Unarmed spin, you win..." and he was right.

there's PLENTY to do in EQ2.. crafting, questing, exploring and fighting seem to be the bulk of opportunities for advancement.. Crafting isn't nearly as complex as it was in SWG but you still have some fairly complex combines... I'm not a crafter so I honestly can't say much beyond that....

Questing is my BIG BIG thing.. I love quest.. the more the merrier.. always someone to go speak to and someplace to go..which leads to my other favorite thing to do in EQ2..

Exploring.. seeing how the game world has changed... the maps are blacked out so you have to actually go there and getting xp for discovering places for the first time is great.. and if you get REALLY lucky.. you'll find a spot to leave your mark. on Toxxulia in the sunken city.. there's a barrel that says "Nerris was here" lol it's a cute little touch to the game that gives exploration a slight edge of fun.

I think there's a good deal of diversity in EQ2.. at the lower levels most characters will look similar (something that didn't happen in SWG due to the sheer volume of clothing options and stuff) the character model creation is pretty diverse and you can get a unique look.. though I must admit SWG had the absolute most insanely diverse character generation options I've ever seen in any game.. online or offline... regardless, EQ2 is not weak in this area either.

as you progress.. you'll acquire more diversity in your visual look through more armor options.. and you acquire racial traits and abilities to choose from which will make you more unique.. so it's pretty safe to say:

Two level 6 Priest both Elven are the same in stats and spells... however.. taking the same two Elves.. at 20th level and they will have differences between them in traits (having chosen either warm blooded, hearty, cold blooded, etc.. etc..) and quite likely may not even be the same class anymore (one may become an inquisitor.. the other a Fury)

Edited, Mon Dec 27 10:48:23 2004 by Iaini
#10 Dec 27 2004 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
218 posts
i love eq2 and i also like swg. i played swg for about 5 months before my friend left for afganistan and we are going to start back up when he gets back and play eq2 at the same time alternating between the 2.

as for soloing in eq2 its alot easier then swg the mobs are marked solo or group where in some cases you can take a group mob its alot safer and you have a better chance on a mob marked solo to take him down to get xp and its fun to solo cause you will get all the loot and can make some decent cash from a few hours of playing. i play a 23 kerra assasin right now and its getting a little harder to solo but as long as i can keep my gear up to date with my lvl i can solo effectivly. now there are times when you wont be able to solo. like right now im working on my lvl 20+ armor quests and you need a group to kill the things you need to complete them but the armor you get as a reward is very nice.

crafitng in eq2 beats crafting in any game ive played swg comes close but it just got way to boring in that game. right now im a lvl 17 craftsman and im working towards provsioner which specializes in making food and drinks. you can sorta make different lvls of items. its no were close to swg crafting of different types of crafted items where you could make a blaster with high quality materials and get a 25 damage 2 second delay blaster when your buddy would make a blaster useing medium quality material and get a 20 damage 2.5 second delay blaster.but that was about the only thing fun about crafting in swg. i had a horrible holo cube when i played i had to become a master architect now talk about a boring time crafting there lol. now the big difference in crafting is getting materials where in swg you could have harvesters gather stuff for you 24/7 in eq2 you have to go collect the items yourself.

my advice to you is get the game and give it a month to try. if you like it and can afford 2 games keep eq2 and your swg account active that way if you get burned out on one you can switch to the other one.
#11 Dec 27 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
GREAT POSTS Iaini and Denotri :)

you 2 have really captured the diffrences in the 2 games and i thank you very much for that:)

i am currently a MTK/Doc in SWG and yes it is easy sometimes....i can solo a mob of rancors with ease. others like SMC and NS witches are a diffrent story.

oh... does EQ2 quests have story quests? i mean when i pick up a quest is there a plot? or just go kill this and get that repeatedly?

i will pick up the game today and give it a shot :)

Edited, Mon Dec 27 12:56:24 2004 by asidrave
#12 Dec 27 2004 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
218 posts
well most quests have a small semi story to them and then there are quests where they just ask you to go kill x ammount of mobs. different npcs will give pieces of info that tell of lore and places in eq2. like i found a few npcs so far that tell about the frogloks which will eventually lead to letting me unlock them as a playable class im assuming. now swg had alot of big plot quests i did alot of the rebel quests where you had to talk to luke and leia and han ect ect to gain access to hidden rebel bases and such which i thought was cool and jabba palace quests were fun in swg as well. but there are so many quests in eq2 that i think are pretty enjoyable and you get decent xp and items from most quests.

oh and the coolest thing is the quest window it keeps track of all quests you have active and all the quests you have done. and everytime you find pieces or mobs for a quest it will update it in your quest window so you can check your status without having to have notebooks full off notes on where your at on a quest. like as of yesterday i think i had completed about 100+ quests and still ahve in my quest window 50 active ones and im only lvl 23.

tradeskill quests are nice to you go to a tradeskill guild house in your starting city and they will give you quests to go collect x ammount of harvested items or make x ammount of items and as your reward you get some nice cash. like right now im doing harvesting tradeskill quests tier2 and i get about 12silver pieces for each completed quest. which is pretty nice and when i can move up to tier 3 i think people were saying they were getting like 40 silver or something like that.

#13 Dec 28 2004 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
I hated SWG quests. IMO there was no plot behind it, it was just some guy telling you to kill 3 things come back and go to the next person(Rebel Themepark). I dont have EQ2 but am also looking for a good game. Only thing that keeps me from buying EQ2 is there is no way i can duel/pvp/fight another actualy player. I hear about an arena for dueling but then i heard it wasn't opened yet.
#14 Dec 29 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
ok. i got the gave (i splurged for the special edition)

my thoughts:

so far its an ok game. i am a lvl 8 barbarian priest.

for me what the game is lacking is excitemant. maybe because im still a newb character. but in SWG, the game was more exciting and live for me.

also, my character wont level now?? i see it has 156% xp towards next level. what does that mean??
#15 Dec 29 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
you'll need to complete your class quest to level.
#16 Dec 29 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
Read that nifty little book that came in the box with your game aka the instruction book. It really does have some info in it that will aid you in your journey thru the world of EQ. Yes I am being a bit sarcastic but that doesn't change the fact the instruction book is really helpful.

Especially for the question you asked.
#17 Dec 29 2004 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
i am a lvl 6 priest..sorry i misread my lvl :)

anyways i am now stuck. i got a quest from abbetor telling me to deal with the traitors to prove my loyalty. ive been wandering around for over an hour going to diffrent places trying to find traitors. where the heck are they? my journal doesnt tell me where to go and what they are. this is getting a bit frustrating
#18 Dec 30 2004 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
To the person who had not completd the citizenship quest - the traitors (4 of them) are in the same room/area as you were transported to and given the task.

As for comparing EQ2 and SWG - it will be a different experience from SWG. I had an SWG account from summer-03 to about a month ago, although I was perhaps playing SWG for about half of that time. EQ2 I have played for about 2 weeks now, so it is still fairly new to me.

* Soloing
My characters in EQ2 are still in the "teens" in level, at this point soloing is quite viable.
From posts on EQ2 boards it seems to become less viable after about level 20. Probably possible after that, but ending more of a grind of lower xp mobs rather than being fun.
Leveling up your character in SWG was more fun back in -03 in my opinion compared to now, before everyone got buffed up and before player cities. Most of the time it has been fun so far in EQ2.

* Other things to do
AS others have pointed out, the crafting system itself in EQ2 is quite nice. Quality matters for the outcome, but the quality of the end product mainly depends on your crafting skills and how you do the crafting. The base raw material does not really have a quality value like in SWG, but the process from getting to the end product from the raw material will result in components of different quality.
While the crafting is nice, I cannot say that I like the player market system, which requires your character to be online and in "merchant mode" to be able to sell something. I can understand why they choose to do it this way, but I still think they could have come up with something better.
Your leveling as an adventurer (fighting etc) and artisan are completely separate, which is quite good I think. You do can do both with the same character, or focus on one of them.
There is nothing like the entertainer professions in SWG, so in that sense the diversity is less in EQ2.

* Quests
The quest system is much better in EQ2 than in SWG in my opinion. No auto-generated quests and a bit more diverse than "go to this point, kill/talk to/escort mob/NPC, go back". Rewards can often be useful, dialog a bit more fun and you also get xp for completing the quests.

Other comments:

* I am not thrilled by the penatly for getting killed in EQ2. While it is better than in some other games where you lost xp, it does take the fun out of playing at times.
Basically if you die you will get an xp debt where some of your xp you obtain after thta goes to paying off the debt. Unless you get revived by a priest, you will revive at a different location and have the option to go and retrieve your corpse at the location where you died - this will reduce the xp debt.
The xp debt will also be reduced over time, if you are not playing I believe, but at a fairly slow rate.
It is pretty much the death penalty system of Earth & Beyond, except for the corpse retrieval part. E&B had a faster rate of xp reduction if you where offline.
This is mostly fine for soloing, although retrieving the corpse can be difficult at times and you may end up dead again. If you are in a group, you will get an xp debt for all members of the group that dies. And if the group dies a few times it will add up.
#19 Dec 30 2004 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
218 posts
yea the xp debt is a serious downside of eq2. i was in a group a few days ago and we were in a tough dungeon where the mobs spawned really fast so we wiped a few times and wiped a few more trying to recover our shards because it was a zone where you couldnt right click on the entrance to retrieve your shard. so by the end of the night i had gotten about 98% debt which would take forever to get anywhere. but if you dont want to play your xp debt will be wiped free after 72hours i found out. which is pretty long in my opinion but hey thats the way soe wanted it.
#20 Dec 31 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
259 posts
regarding xp debt:

the clear time for it is 72h.

the actually amount of debt is the *difference* between the debt number and your xp. the debt number is the % that you must reach to be out of debt.

i believe half of your xp goes to debt, but i'm not able to find anything atm to corroborate that.
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
#21 Jan 01 2005 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
so far 3 days passed since i got the are my thoughts:

its been good so far...but nothing that makes me say "WOW" no pun intended. i mean there is no excitement. maybe because im still a lower level and it doesnt get good till a later level in my character (im a lvl 9 barbarian priest)

my first and only experience with MMORPG's is SWG so thats all i can compare it to.

i was at my friends house today and he is into WoW. i didnt get it because i wasnt crazy bout the game in beta. alot of my other friends got into WoW, i was the only one out of the 5 of us who didnt get it.

anyway, i watched him play it for over an hour and it changed quite a bit, for the better, since the beta. i like the layout better. one thing about WoW and EQ2 is that in WoW the worlds look more lively. i mean colorful and the popup menus are colorful as well, not dull and drab like in EQ2. (please note, im not flaming EQ2 or WoW for that matter, im just comparing.)

i still want to give EQ2 a chance and im thankful for this forum, it has answered alot of questions i had, with everyones help :)

my friend has lent me the game to install it on my PC so i could play it when he is not on so i can do a comparison of both games.
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