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#1 Dec 25 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
How often do we hear that there are a lack of healer-types being played? And how often do we read /shouts "group of 5 seeks healer" over and over again?

Well, I've decided to do something about it: I'm making a healer-type.

What I'd like to know from those of you that have gone down that road are, of course, your opinions on whatever class you decided to play and why, but I'd also like to know if any of you have a website (other than Alla's here) that gives good information on the Priests as well as maybe a guide or three.

I played a Cleric and Healer in DAoC and those seem to be closest to the Templar class here in EQ, and I played, albeit briefly, a Cleric in EQ1 (class could NOT solo worth a lick), so I'm not totally unfamiliar with the demands, though I'm sure that EQ2 will offer a different challenge than either EQ1 or DAoC.

ANY help is greatly appreciated.
#2 Dec 26 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
This is where the disputes start, friend, so here is my two-cents worth from what little experience I have playing the priest class.

EQ II priests (clerics, inquisitors) can solo a bit better than those in EQ I given the right equipment and race but they are still a support class. Evil priests tend to have more offensive spells/buffs; good priests tend to have more healing spells/buffs.

Two things govern how effective your priest character will be ... Wisdom and Stamina. You need WIS for Mana/Magic Points (MP) and STA for Hit Points (HP). Most of the time, HPs don't matter but when the big MOBs aggro on you, or whenever you're soloing, every HP counts.

You get Revive early on, so be prepared to rez lots of people you don't know and probably won't care to know ... :)

Most of the good priest armor and weapons come from questing. I wish I had a list of priest quests but Allakhazam has not added that sort field to any of their databases. Besides, evil quests differ from good quests as do their rewards.

I haven't run across any priest "gotchas" in the game yet, but I am sure there's a bug or two in there somewhere.

You have to be careful how and when you heal, as it is very easy to run out of MP quickly. You do get lots of heals of different kinds. Running out of MP also affects your ability to solo ... the only thing stopping me from killing tougher MOBs is my MP ... or the lack of it.

And that's about it ... as I said, I'm relatively noob (lvl 18) at playing a priest class ... I much prefer the mage class but my guild needs healers ... so what can I do ... :)

Edited, Sun Dec 26 12:36:41 2004 by chynn

Edited, Sun Dec 26 12:37:30 2004 by chynn
#3 Dec 26 2004 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
Here yoy go:
A site dedicated to priests.
#4 Dec 26 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
Many thanks for the replies folks.

Playing a support class has never bothered me. If you played a DAoC Cleric, healing and buffing was about all he was capable of. Healers were a bit more capable in that they got excellent crowd control spells but they, too, spent most of their time after the initial CC duties healing. I really enjoyed playing those classes.

After reading alot on the topic, I went Druid with my kittycat.
Although he's just 10th level now, I've noticed that he is a far better soloing class than was my Summoner or Bard at that level range and that's with absolutely NO spell upgrades of any kind. I also notice that people issue me group invites whether I have my LFG flag up or not, which is a real departure from playing my Necro especially, but my Bard doesn't get many invites either. I realize that I have alot to learn on playing the class but I like what I see so far.
#5 Dec 31 2004 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
I have a 19 Shammy and a 21 necro. Still not very far into the game but my necro can solo 10 times more than my shammy and the shammy has better equipment. With the shammy i can solo blues and greens. With the necro I can take the same number of mobs in a row but I'm fighting yellows and whites at worst. However, it is very very true that my shammy gets a group 10 times faster than the necro.
#6 Jan 06 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know bout anyone else but being able to solo blues and white should be cake. I kill blues only when there is nothing else. Typically go after white and yellows sometimes if I full hp and mana an orange. Been doing that w/ my cleric now only lvl 15 (good) and my druid lvl 12 (evil). Have noticed that evil side is a bit more challanging. Now being a Brawler is totally awsome, great dps and when teamed w/ a healer is a real killing machine :)
#7 Jan 06 2005 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Depends on whatcha like. All of the subclasses can heal effectively, and people are starting to learn that... i.e. a group doesn't need a cleric to stay alive and fight effectively, a shammy or druid will fill the role nicely. If you want big hp buffs, go cleric. As for the other classes (shammy/druid) i dunno what their real specialities are, but druids get a kickass spell that enhances your power, or that of a group member. When a druid comes along as a secondary healer in the group i'm in, there is really very little chance of anyone dying, as i can heal all day long with that spell slapped on me. Soloing is ok, but there isn't very much solo content, so when gathering quest items you have to either find a group or hope to whatever god you worship that you have enough power to chew thru 2 green up arrows. (i can't... and it's anoying)they can't kill me, but i have to book it when i run outta juice.
#8 Jan 06 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
What I've found (I have a 53rd level cleric on EQ1 and an 18th level cleric on EQ2) is that soloing is MUCH easier in EQ2. That being said, I have found the only mobs you can go after are the 'solo' ones - 'group' mobs (alone or in parties of 3 or more) tend to throw more damage at you and since you don't have the HPS needed, you can't outlast them.
Also, I have found in groups where the MA is a couple of levels higher than you and you go after mobs that con red to you, mana (or power in EQ2) simply runs out. I have upgraded my healing spells to at least App III and will soon find out if this is enough and I hope it is. Among the other group concerns is when you start throwing healing spells around, the aggro you get from all the mobs is incredible and sometimes hard for the others to get turned back to them. As a result, you die. And if you weren't thinking ahead of time to give everyone a 'rez coupon' (by casting 'Divine Essense' on them - I don't know what it actually puts in their inventory), you make the group look around for a healer to rez you as you can't rez yourself as in EQ1.
I am just getting into the levels where the spells effectiveness and versatility are better. Hope you continue on with your cleric/templar/inquisitor journey.
#9 Jan 06 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
How no to die from aggro: Cast your reactive heal (cleric) on the tank before he goes to get a mob or 2... or 3 or 4, whatever. This should keep the dude alive until he has time to pull off BOTH an AE taunt AND an AE damage spell (just not assault please), then you can start healing. there's no way you'll drag mobs off the tank, Please notice the emphasis in the above sentence. The tank needs to pull both of these things off to keep the mobs on him/her, otherwise all hell will in fact break loose.
#10 Jan 06 2005 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
I had my first experience with respect to the aggro that healing causes while grouped in Wailing Caves a couple days back.

Being a Druid, I don't have the reactive heal so I generally toss the HoT on the puller if he brings back more than a single mob. On this occasion, he not only pulled two ^^blues but we got a nearby pop of two ^blues almost the second the puller got back to us. I had tossed the HoT on the tank and that got the attention of one of the ^^blues and both ^blues. I went down faster than Enron stock.

Now I can understand why I got the aggro from the second ^^blue as it was grouped with the other one. But no one in the group had technically engaged the second one yet- I guess that my single HoT was considered engagement but that doesn't seem quite fair to me- after all, there's six people standing there, none of which have comitted an offensive act against the adds so you'd expect that each person would have a 1 in 6 chance of getting whacked.

I also learned that overhealing is a no-no but that repeated healing using lower-level spells isn't a good idea either. if you're a Cleric in metal armor, that's not all that bad because you have the absorb and hitpoints to take a couple shots until the tanks can pry 'em off you. But non-Clerics don't have either luxury, yet are constantly required to fill the role of main healer. I'd like to see Taunts made more effective, coupled with a lessening of the aggro generated by lower-level healing spells.
#11 Jan 07 2005 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
One thing I noticed on Allakhazam is that they don't focus on the Priest very much. I had a hard time finding the subclass info since they had it for every other class except the Inquisitor. It is hard to solo ^/^^ blues in this game since most of your spells are defensive healing and buffing. Once I have 2+ mob on me, I have to run. At lvl 19 I have only gotten 4 offensive spells and can't whoop anything to save my life. I find myself run quite a bit when soloing. Good armor & weapon is hard to find so make sure you stay buffed up and debuff your mobs. As a Priest, you definitely need to group in order to stay alive and gain any sort of good xp. I never understand why I always play as healers since it is a boring character, but somehow I always find myself get drawn into playing them :[
#12 Jan 08 2005 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
My hat's off to you Pistolbabe.

Playing a healer isn't for everybody. It takes a very special player to not mind not getting the kills and blowing stuff up. But I'd bet no one would disagree when I say that that kind of selfless player is absolutely crucial to a group's success.

I'm like you in that I gravitate towards playing healing/buffing classes. I had a Paladin in EQ1 that was often pressed into being primary healer for our Unrest group (no, I'm not kidding- I did a great job too!). In DAoC, I played a Cleric, Druid and Healer (each Realm's primary healing class) and really enjoyed it. And now I fnd myself playing a Druid and, while it isn't quite what an EQ1 Druid was, it's not too bad either.
#13 Jan 08 2005 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Several points. If you buff the tank/puller too close to him engaging the target - or right after he engages - you will get SERIOUS agro and maybe die. Target self F1 and chain heal til tank gets agro. Mostly, talk w/ the tank - and work out a system where, if you ward or regen or damage shield him just before a fight - he waits, oh, at least 3 seconds before engaging. That will save u tons of agro.

My Fury chain-heals all the time and often doesn't get any agro at all. But the MT or main tank has to have taunted (or area taunted) and built up a little hate. If yer a priest and getting agro, talk to the tank. If fighting grouped mobs make sure the tank knows to build up maximum agro/hate w/ all of them asap. Heh, some tanks when u ask them "do you taunt?" say "er, taunt? what's that?" Not all players are mmo veterans. Communication is always good.

All prieests are quite good at soloing. I don't understand some of the above posts that say they aren't. Maybe a Summoner type w/ a nicely upgraded pet is a little better, maybe. My Fury - well, I chose Barbarian. My power pool is low, but it's less of a problem than I thought it would be. I solo and duo a lot - which is why I went for a more agressive priest. I have good Sta and more hitpoints that other races, so I do really well at soloing. I buff self with nettleshield - then pull w/ DoT, HO, HO, heal or regen self, HO, HO - and it's usually dead. And I only have App lvl 3 Chill (a lvl 11 or so damage spell). I still kill yellows easily, though oranges are really hard. Maybe a summoner/necro type w/ a strong pet can kill oranges and red soloing better. But as others have said I can get a group in a snap.

Group healing - besides learning the timing issue so as not to get agro - let the tank take a little damage before healing - don't waste power. But watch closely and be ready to hit him witha big heal - a sudden nuke or damage strike can whack him down bad. Try not to nuke in a fight - sometimes I don't even melee - every little bit to not get agro helps. But in easier fights it's ok. Where to stand in a fight? I stand right behind the MT. If mobs go around him to get at me, all he does is spin and he's on them. I try to stay just out of mobs' combat range because it *might* help to shave off the chance of getting agro - no proof of that - but it might. Some healers stay back farther for this reason, but u can get "out of range" message.

Okay, u do have to really be disciplined and pay attention. You are mostly looking at the health bars in a fight- w/ your left hand on the F2 to F6 buttons. Practic a little before a fight selecting group members this way. IF the wiz draws agro, u need to know he's F4 and heal him real fast - he has very few HPs and no armor. Look into setting up macros for this - really top healers in old EQ had cool macros down. Macros aren't as useful in this game, but they are there. I've yet to go to them, but I plan to. I still haven't figured them out yet beyond making a /loc button or a /gsay heal done, start HO.

Oh, as healer you are the "leader" of hte HO doing. Your heals will mess up most HOs but MUST be cast. The scout is usually the best HO starter - so right after your first HO u can hit a button telling the grp yer done and that HO should go. People need to know not to hit spell or ability buttons while the scout pops up the starter for the HO. Then have it worked out who goes next. It's so hard to coordiante HOs, esp in pickup grps - but they are very worth it - esp w/ a scout - but u have to know which HO chains to go for - and the Scout can alter a goony buff for a chance at a killer Damage hit. But if you as the healer initiate this HO stuff - maybe your grp will get some off.

If you have good armor, if u've upgraded damage spells at least to app 3, a priest can solo yellows. I solo most green ^^'s, too. And I can take down all green groups (this is good exp and loot) and some blue groups. Even green group mobs are better to solo than say yellow solo mobs cuz they give more exp. - at least I have pretty much seen that to be the case. A green ^^ mob often gives 2% exp. A yellow mob half that. At least that's what I've seen when I've cared to track that. Now, I'm not sure all priests have the same amount of daage spells - druids/furies hve plenty. I've heard mystics complain, though. GL
#14 Jan 09 2005 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
I have to agree with healers being the best solo class. I'm a 22 warden and solo whites with little trouble and did a group of three yellow v (down arrow) as well. Soloing is just like any other game in that you have to know what you can and can't solo though. Two white mobs will hit for different amouts of damage have different hp, etc and you have to learn what you can and can't kill. Keep buffs up, damage shiled, and learn how to use you're solo HO's and all is good.

As for you choice in Druid the main hindrance I've found in the class is that people (probably from old hangover) don't count us as healers. All priests are good healers in their own way, but I've gotten into a million groups where the final character will get in and say "Don't we have a healer?" I've never had trouble being the only healer in a group or getting agro when the tank hasn't been a moron. The HoT's don't draw that much agro as long as you give the MT a second or two to establish agro. Avoid using the big direct heals if you can as they draw a LOT more agro, but you can spam the regen and bloom type all day.
#15 Jan 10 2005 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Haven't had a chance to try this yet, but found out u can do HO setups in Macros.

For druid, type into the macro button

: ; NameOfHOStarter ; Smite : Chill

I forget what starts our HOs, just look on the button and get the name. Use the : and ;'s as indicated. w/ spaces.

Gonna see if I can try this in game tomorrow. It's supposed to be easier and cast the HO faster. If a fiz or interrupt, just recast the one manually that didn't go. GL
#16 Jan 14 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
EvilGnomes wrote:
Haven't had a chance to try this yet, but found out u can do HO setups in Macros.

For druid, type into the macro button

: ; NameOfHOStarter ; Smite : Chill

I forget what starts our HOs, just look on the button and get the name. Use the : and ;'s as indicated. w/ spaces.

Gonna see if I can try this in game tomorrow. It's supposed to be easier and cast the HO faster. If a fiz or interrupt, just recast the one manually that didn't go. GL

what you have above i am pretty sure won't work for you gnomes... you need to have "useability" in front of the 3 spells. example:

: ; useability HoStarter ; useability Smite ; useability Chill

thats what i've done and my HO macro works great... except when one of the spells fizzles or is resisted, then you have to manually finish it.

in regards to becoming a priest class i would say this. i have a 28 inquisitor and i absolutely love it. although its often a thankless job, you are definitely a needed member of any group and people will let you know that. plus, the inquisitor is one of the best solo classes in the game due to our ability to wear heavy armor (my AC at lvl 28 is 1680), tank/heal ourselves, and cast a multiple of damage dealing spells including DD's and DoT's to quickly dispatch our enemies.

i often play in a duo or trio w/ a few friends who play DPS classes and by using Forced Submission (lvl 20 debuff) i can hold agro through the entire battle ab out 80% of the time. it's nice to have this role switch every now and again and actually be able to be successful at it.

in summary: the priest classes in EQ 2 are much more soloable than in EQ 1. Inquisitors/Templars can wear heavy armor. Priests are an integral part of any group and you will always be wanted/needed (assuming you play smart).

have fun w/ your choice. regardless of which path you go i'm sure after not very long you will begin to appreciate your abilities as priest. i know i was quite pleasently surprised myself.
#17 Jan 17 2005 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
Maybe I just suck at soloing with my defiler but it has been so not worth the time. I can take on maybe 1 yellow con, no arrows, and then have to sit for a few minutes to regain power. Ok, my defiler is 27 now and has 1364hps, 1022pwr, and 1483ac. I have mostly all of the spells at app3. Solo tactics are,

Ward self
pull with debuff
cast other debuff
cast DoT
start HO, trigger with 2nd DoT
finish HO with nuke
repeat HO process and occasionally re-apply ward.

I normally end the fight with about 40% power left and 70-80% hps left. What am I doing wrong that you guys are doing right to say that healers are great soloers?

Comparitively speaking, my 22 necro can take on yellow to orange con mobs, 8-10 in a row with no breaks. After say 8 of em he stops for about 2 minutes tops to eat his pet and move on. Unless I just haven't figured out how to solo with the defiler I'd say healers are pretty poor soloers by comparison.

To the original poster I will say that the defiler is amazing in a group as a healer. Debuff, debuff, ward, take a nap. My defiler has easily handled being the only healer with no chanter in groups that are fighting yellow ++ mobs. The only time we ever had to stop was if we got 2-4 extra adds on the pull. We would break for a few minutes, let everyone go to the bathroom and start right back up again. I also feel that they may be the best secondary healer in the game with the powerful debuffs and wards. Inquisitors, and druid types have regen spells that work wonders with a ward. Let the tank loose some hps for a few then cast a ward. Other healer casts a regen and with a low agro ratio he is full hps.

Defilers are great. Just don't plan on soloing a whole lot if my experience is correct. You shouldn't have to though because it's easier to get a group then to load up the game.
#18 Jan 18 2005 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Well, yer at the level where it gets harder. And I think pet summoners have a big edge on soloing now (brace for nerfs!).

My Fury's not as high as you, but ... I try to track down group mobs rather than yellow solo mobs. I usually get better exp and much better loot. Green ^^s are the best. I do get beat up, but w/ player made food that is level-appropriate, I don't find that healing and powering up is that bad. But yeah, esp w/ the new Spec. Training things for pet summoners, I think they are going to way outclass the rest of us in soloing... until the next nerf. I hope it doesn't come, but SOE seems to be about snipping the blade of grass that grows too high first and providing fun for the player last.
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