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Conjuror or Necromancer?Follow

#1 Dec 22 2004 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
What are your thoughts on each sub class? i.e solo ability, pet rambling, spell arguements, w/e.
#2 Dec 23 2004 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
well they seem like the exact same class sony just changed the names of the spells used, and maybe tweaked what they do a little, but other than that they are twins.
#3 Dec 23 2004 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
44 posts
Not exactly twins, but they are very much similar.
#4 Dec 24 2004 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
Basically necros are Freeport based and conjurers are Qeynos based though you cn change cities with betrayal quest.
#5 Dec 24 2004 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
when u say they are alot alike... i have to disagree. A necromancer is much more group oriented summoner. AE dots and DDs (useless if your solo cuz usually youd be doing one mob. Also necromancers have many more utility spells. Conjurors have alot more single target DDs. their not alike-like you think they are.
#6 Dec 25 2004 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
I have to disagree with the above poster even more than what he disagreed with.

The only DD conjurers get that necros dont have also is a DD secondary effect on a stun and one dot.. both 30+.

Conjurers can buff their party with procs and their fire pet can buff the group with a DS which also adds 40-50 power. They have utilities for CC and their spells are mostly AE DoT's and Single Target DoT;s.

Necros and conjurers are about the same cept the element the spells are based on. Alot of their pets, though at different levels, come from the same archtypes such as scout, mage, fighter etc.

Conjurers are no more suited to solo than necros and if anyone thinks otherwise they dont know what they are talking about. Likewise, a conjurer is as important in a group as a necro.

Dont listen to the stuff the above poster said... i seriously have no idea where he got his assumptions from..

As for the notion about mostly single target mobs.. you obviously havent ventured far. Group non arrow down mobs yield more exp than any single double up cause AE groups rock. Be it Enchanted lands, Rivervale, RE, zek, or the other places its all worth it. People sell out AE's far too quickly cause they think it dosent do that much dmg to one mob.. when my lvl 25 AE can dish out over 400dmg easily.. while stifling the mob <if you dont know what stifle means it proves my point more>.

Utilities come from MORE than just stand alone spells.. we got secondary debuffs, stuns, and impairments on our spells for a reason ya know?

If you wanna be about the undead and darkness go necromancer.. if you want to be about elemental pets and Heat/Magic/Ice/Peicing dmg spells, go conjurer..

Edited, Sat Dec 25 13:28:33 2004 by Creasian
#7 Dec 30 2004 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
I must also disagree (not trying to double team ya). Im a lev 25 conj, and so far, ive counted 2 nukes (lightning burst, and dust blast) and 4 dots ( static pulse, bludgeoning earth, seism and shatered ground. Light burst does hardly any damage, so i actually dont even use that, i only use 1 nuke, dust blast. Static pulse is also doing around 7, but because it increases the damamge done by dust blast, i still use it. In a group, and solo, i usually have about 2-4 dots going on at least 1 mob at a time. Maybe your thinking of eq1, in that game, necros were more grp and dot/ae etc... orientated while there couterparts (conjurers in this game are most similar to mages in eq1), the mages were more dd orientated. I do most of my damage with my dots in eq2.

Edited, Thu Dec 30 07:12:35 2004 by Feromere
#8 Jan 02 2005 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
44 posts
You'll get spiked rain at 26 which will replace Dust Blast. But yes, conjurors get more AE oriented attacks than they do single target.
#9 Jan 02 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
you got that backwords. See... Necros get an AE DD with single target DoT and an AE DoT. AS long as an enchanter isnt present necros are fully suitiable for a group. Their DoT's though are really only noticiable on higher mobs. Blues and greenies die to easy to see the full power out. Conjurors DoT's are not AE, not any of them. But that doesnt relaate to AE rain effect spells, which druids were famous for in EQLive.

But now i do admit they, conjurors and necromancers, are ALOT alike.
#10 Jan 15 2005 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
So neither the Conjuror or the Necromancer has more soloability than the other?
#11 Jan 16 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
I have to say that the one thing everyone is over looking is how you set the character up. If you set either character up wrong, either the Nec or Con, you'll have a tough time soloing. Both do well in groups and soloing, you just have to have your tactics straight and your spells tweeked as best you can afford. Both Creasain and Feromere have covered the basic's and I see the similarities between what they are trying to say. What it boils down to is what you want to do more of. If you like fast nukes or prefer Dot's choose wisly Nec and Con get them at different levels and the power drain seems differnet too. Also, you have to decide what kind of a player you want to be, an ok "soloer" or awesome "gouper". I've played both the Nec and Con, and aside from not reallly understanding how to set them up, throwing the mouse and cursing wrong stats posted about a spell, I finally figured out that you really have to understand what you want to do, Solo/ Group/ Dot/ nuke/ buff or the combination of there of. I switched from a melee class and spent a few hours calculating some basic stats and concluded that the Con is 1% better. Now that is not much. Good luck and happy hunting!
#12 Feb 05 2005 at 6:53 PM Rating: Default
you got that backwords. See... Necros get an AE DD with single target DoT and an AE DoT. AS long as an enchanter isnt present necros are fully suitiable for a group. Their DoT's though are really only noticiable on higher mobs. Blues and greenies die to easy to see the full power out. Conjurors DoT's are not AE, not any of them. But that doesnt relaate to AE rain effect spells, which druids were famous for in EQLive.

But now i do admit they, conjurors and necromancers, are ALOT alike.

To put it simply my misinformed friend, YOU ARE AN IDIOT.

Conjurors DoT's are not AE, not any of them.

Really what do you call the seism line of spells????

shut your mouth, study your class and the one you compare it to, and come back when you know something about BOTH of them.

Nuff Said
#13 Feb 07 2005 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent

Here's a basic skinny on this issue:

Necro vs Conjs, main diffrence, augmentation spells. Necros get alot of party spells, but that doesn't mean they arenot similar to Conjs, hardly. Conjs and Necros share alot in common, esp when you consider that necros are the evil counterpart of the Conj. With that said let me say this:

As a lvl 31 Conj i have the following spells that i use all the time:

1. 2 DD spells (Spiked Rain, which is a minor DoT; Dust Blast Adept 3 which does between 62 and 200 damage).

2. 2 Pure AoE's, encounter locked (doesn't affect outside targets): Storm of Lightening (at app4 does about 30 damage no matter the level of the mobs); Shards of Ice (does about 80 damage at adept 3, regalrdles of mob level.)

3. DoT's, that is what a Conj is about, pure DPS on that issue: Static Pulse (adept 3) does about 12-20 damage. Bludge Earth (adept1) does about 25 damage. Seism (adept 3) does about 50 damage. Shattered Ground (adept 3) does about 80 Damage. Tremor (app4) does about 80 damage.

4. Stuns, and we love them: Arcane Bindings (works nicely for low level mobs (lower than white). Imoblize (works great on white and yellow mobs). Petrify (great quick cast petrify at adept 3 lasts 15 or so seconds). Frozen by Time (great spell, hardly anything resists it, stuns for about 5-10 seconds dependant on level)

5. Fire Seed Adept 3. When proced does 80 damage to the target attacking. If target dies while being hit with fire seed the group mob is damaged for same amount.

6. Pets, and i have alot lol My 2 main pets are the Tellurian Soldier Adept 3 (group ae taunts, as well as knockdown spells) Great tank that procs 3x damage at start and end of the fight, plus nice damage (60-120) every second. and my Adept 2 Savant. Mage caster that replaces the igneous apprentice. This caster does group aoe fire spells, as well as a fire DD. Plus you get the nice Group Buff.

7. Invisiblity Adept 3. Don't know if it is a fluke, or if they will nerf this, but i can invis my whole group, granted within about 3 minutes as the recast time is 30 seconds lol But, the great thing is it is a real invisiblity, unlike summon shaddows and stealth, not much sees through this, and our speed is only SLIGHTLY instead of MASSIVELY decreased.

8. 2 Pet Heals: Sooth Servent (259 Heal at adept 3), and Repair Servent (295 Heal at app4). Pet doesn't die that often anymore.

9. 2 Pet Buffs: Agitation adept1 and Provocation Adept 1 (both are wonderful buffs, makes the Soldier really a formidable pet as the latter heals for 55 every second, and the previous holds power and hp pretty high.

10. Group Buffs: Sonus Boon of the Magi (hp/power), Aluvial Brand (int and fire mitigation, plus sta i think, i'll have to check on that.) Pollution (nice buff, but puts conj at risk for hate.)

Plus, we can drain our power quite a few times per encouner when we get low. While the group is usualy out of mana, i'm still there casting, constantly my ae's and dot's, doing more and more damage as the time goes by. Instant Vim and Essence Shift are wonderful power pullers.

Plus you get a replacement (tho i add it as a stack) flame dot at lvl 31, at app1 it does 45 damage per second and then explodes at the end for about 110-125 damage, and has a very fast recast time.

Not to mention the secondary affects of all our spells: Spiked rain, for xample is an AC debuff. Shattered Ground stifles a caster. Tremor debuffs arcane mitigation making the mob easily suceptable to magic DD attacks.

The simple skiny: As all of our DoT's and all of our AoE's are encounter locked spells, it doesn't matter if we group with mezers or not, as long as we don't target the mez'd mob, none of our spells break the mez, and that is how SoE designed it. in group dynamics, the conj is a highely sought after DPS, because we can cast our 3 main DoT's and hit for well over 200 damage (400+ at adept 3 each) per second for about 15-30 seconds, that can't be beat lol. Healers love us becasue we can quick stun and petrify and pull aggro right off o fthem with our stuns and aoe's.

The only down fall is sing pollution while using our aoe's, it tends to draw aggro quit a bit.

As to necro's they are great in most of the same ways, they do have an 'advantage' over conj's in that they can summon plage rats (dogs at adept3) to fight along side of the necro along with their pet, you can consider them as 3 seperate dots casted at the same time, granted, theyare on a timer, and their recast time is not that great, but hey it helps. I'd say it helps alot more for soloists than in groups, but it is useful none the lss.

Necros have the wonderful ability to turn the group dynamic to the offensive when needed because they can chain cast their dd's and dots as fast as they can (which conj's can do.) One thing that i have noticed tho, is that alot of the necro spells are a bit more powerful than conj spells, but have higher recast times, so it is balanced out.

You can basically assume that if a conj is not avaialbe, a necro will do just fine, and if a necro is not avail a conj willd o just fine. Relly not a drastic difference, but enough.


We as conj's dont get group pets untill lvl 38 :/ not the best move by SoE, but hey at that level they will be great. We are focused on Pets and DoT's, in fact if you think about it, on the AoE scheme of things, we have 6 Dot's and 2 Aoe's but 3 of those DoT's are AoE's.

And with the ho's we rock. Our single blast ho's (single target only) hits for 2x80 or 1x80+110 damage most of the time. And our AE HO hits for 3x40 or 125+40 damage (dependant on level of mob). Consistant hits, rarely resisted.


The point: Choose what you want, evil or good, both are great assets and very underplayed in EQ2 because most don't understand how to use AEs properly or DoT's properly. Conj's are underused, but when properly used in a group you are sought after all the time.

I'll end this now, but just to say this: Conjurers are DPS. Our primary is Damage over Time. We have 6 of those spells alone. we also have many stuns. Don't cross us lol if we get pushed to the limit WE WILL surive in a group becasue we will be dealing out the damage when the tank dies. Necros on the other hand (sorry guys) i don't like lol
#14 Feb 07 2005 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
Great info and right on the money!!!
#15 Feb 09 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
Lots of quality info there. I never knew about the "AoE doesn't break the mez" bit. Where did you discover that?

Having played a Mage and Druid in EQ1, I've been holding back my AoE's when there's a Chanter in the group in EQ2. (old habit)

Sounds like I can unleash the fury. :)
#16 Feb 13 2005 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
#17 Feb 24 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
Just my 2 pp worth,

Basically Necro's and Conjurers are equally soloable as each other, where as conjurers get more grp augmentation spells at a lower level but necros get more damage from dd/ae (but longer recast times) this is even'd out by late 40's as the necro then gets a grp augmentation also to buff the grp. The reality is your preference, do you want to be good (join Qeynos and alll its flowery nonsense or goto the Dark Side and revel in the power it offers ; ) ). As you can probably tell i am a necromancer (currently level 38). After grping with my lighter counterpart (Conjurer) i feel we actually completment each other well and bebnefit the grp from not only ae's, dd, and pets. But also from cc and the ability to have our pets not only tank but (and this has happened alot for me) for my pet to steal and maintain aggro effectively. Only porblem is as someone did suggest, we are both sufficiently 'spade' when a enc is in group and ae is a 'No!No!'.

Whats he difference, whether you choose light or dark, and whether you like the dead or elementals. And liking the dead is not yet a crime on EQ2 ; ).

Conjurers and Necros are not the dps of Scouts or Sorcerer types, but where we lack in speed we compensate in strength and sheer determination. Nothing survives when i set my pet and dot's to it ; ).

Pudissy level 38 Necromancer, Splitpaw server
#18 Mar 13 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
How do you get better or different pets with either Necro or Conj
#19 Mar 14 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,885 posts
You get better pets as you level up, or you upgrade a pet from Apprentice 1-4 to Adept.

Regarding mez, I was in a caster group fighting in the TS riverbed. We took on a group of 3 skellies. The chanter mezzed 2 and my pet tanked the main.

I cast 2 DoT's and watched for any reaction from the mezzed skells. They did not take any damage nor did they break mez. Once we moved to the mezzed skell, we hit it and the mez broke as normal.

The payoff looks like: AoE does not break the mez, but it does no damage to the mezzed mob.

Anyone else seen this?
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