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EBAYERS and BOTS Please ReadFollow

#77 Jan 02 2005 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
499 posts
thanks for asking Jakstrw

I just remember you saying that you were not going to play EQ2 and were going to wait for vanguard to come out. I'm glad you decided to play anyway and wanted to get your view on the game now that it's been live for a little more than a month. Thanks for the input.

Plus this thread was giving me a headache and needed a good jacking

Edited, Sun Jan 2 13:28:59 2005 by jakstrw
#78 Jan 02 2005 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
499 posts
All in All a positive start, i think people have taken me for a PP seller in this thread because i have tried to inject a little bit of reality into the arguement rather than mindless flaming of both those selling and buying.

I have neither bought any Pp or sold any and i do not advocate doing so, it does not however stop me from understanding the reasons why people do or the motivation behind SoE's lack of action on the subject.

Nahhh I've seen your opinion about platt sellers on other threads and I know where you stand on that. I know you're just playing devils advocate and doing so with good facts and well thought out arguments. Oh and GRATZ.... you reeled in a big one here LOL
#79 Jan 02 2005 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I just remember you saying that you were not going to play EQ2 and were going to wait for vanguard to come out. I'm glad you decided to play anyway and wanted to get your view on the game now that it's been live for a little more than a month. Thanks for the input.
To be honest it was mainly because of the inaccurate recommended requirements that people where throwing about

The "you HAVE to have 1k RAM and a 1meg cable connection to even think about playing" kind of thing.

I run two PC's <mine and the wifes> and i could not justify spending £1000 just to play a game.

However the real requirements where and are much lower, i run with a 56k modem and only 512 RAM and is runs like a charm unless i am in Qeynos proper, and thats only 3 zones.

I still want to try Vanguard mainly beacause i am having trouble getting a guild. I am applying to one but it's going to take weeks and they want you to stay with 1 charicter, i want to explore what the game is like from the four broad class types and do a betrayal quest with a Rat so sticking to 1 toon is not going to happen.

/Hyjack off

Anyway plat farmers......
#80 Jan 02 2005 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
Every time I read this post it pisses me off more.. Especially the person who started the thread who seems to have no clue about what a bot.. a box or an ebayer really is.

It is One live person playing with 5 other BOT accounts. I am sorry there is no excuse for having ANYONE no matter what their situation organize and make a living out of ruining a game that I pay a monthly fee for.
There is a huge thread here in reference to this matter

Also I have players contacting me from all servers on organizing and putting a end to this, please keep and email. I am also sending emails to SOE with all of the data I have gathered and have been sent by other players. Also a formal complaint has been sent to SOE in reference to this matter.

Again contact me at


Umm okay. A bot is an old MMO term and it refers to A toon that is ran totally without human interaction.. It will continue to do whatever macro it runs while you sleep or whatever.. Like some tradeskill task.. or foraging task.. or killing some mob. Bot scripts are normally dumb things.. they are very very easy to spot because the whole thing is just a loop.. It will do the same thing over and over without any deviation. If it is pulling mobs.. it will pull the same ones over and over.. run in the same path..

A box is an old MMO term refering to 1 person playing more than 1 account at the same time.. This is not illegal.. as a matter of fact sony supports your right to box and makes changes to the games to enhance your ability to box multi accounts.

An Ebayer is a relatively new MMO term.. and it refers to a person who purchased a high level character off of a player auction site or EBAY.. the reason they have a bad reputation as a whole is because in general these people do not know how to play thier class.. since they did not level the toon up themselves.. they often have no clue what spells they have.. or how to use them.. nor how to perform thier class function properly in a group or a raid. Ebayer does not and has never refered to the buying or selling of plat or items. I am not aware of a term that specifiacally refers to that.

A Farmer refers to some one (be it a box a bot or just a single player) who devotes thier time to making in game money by killing the same mobs over and over for the loot.

Just because you box.. does not make you a botter.. nor does it make your additional toons bots.. in order to be a bot you have to be runing 3rd party software of some type that macro's your actions without you being at the keyboard.

Just because you farm.. does not make you a boxer or a botter.. Or and ebayer.. I know tons and tons of people who spend all thier time farming.. why? because they enjoy it and thats what they want to do. Farmers are not bad.. there is no rule agianst farming. It is a valid part of the game. And if you Box and want to be a farmer.. there is still nothing wrong with this.. who are you to tell anyone how they can spend thier online time that they pay for? If I want to cut my xp off and kill 50,000 goblins for the loot and title.. its my bussiness and I should be able to do that. As long as I o it while I am at my keyboard.. and I control my toons not some macro.

in refernce to the qoute above.. 1 LIVE person playing 6 Toons is NOT by default a BOT. All you have to do is use a little common sense and watch how they xp to verify if its a bot.. For instance.. you say they die alot (the wizards).. does the cleric face the bodies to target? because if he does its not a bot. Does the cleric always move in the EXACT same pattern when pulling mobs? if he doesnt then its not a bot.. From everything I have read of people seeing these guys XP and describing thier habits.. I dont think any of them are bots.. Bots dont roam around and kill in different spots.. Bots dont revive and run to get thier spirit shards... bots dont move to a different area becuase you came and harrassed and trained them. If it was really a BOT it would have continued to try to farm the exact same spot regaurdless of what you did. (WHY?? because a bot has no clue that you are doing this you MOMO.. its a damn bot, there is no one at the keyboard to see)

As far as people making a living off a game you pay monthly for /gasp.. wtf do you think Sony is doing?.. thousands of employee's that make a living off a game you pay monthly for.. what about the software outlets that sell the game???? hundreds of thousands making a living off a game you pay monthly for.. sticking to your theory of action you should go mow down some walmart cashiers who work in the electronics department with an Uzi because they sell eq software and make thier living that way. Or are you in some way entiteled to decide what people are allowed to do with the time THEY pay for?

So some people have enough brains to figure out a way to make a living or augment thier income by turning thier eq playtime into RL cash.. so what. they pay thier monthly fees just like you do and have every right to spend thier ingame time as they wish. As long as they arent breaking any rules it is thier right.

Botting is bad and harms the game I agree with that. But you assuming that every boxer wether its 2 or 4 or 5 or 6 is automatically a Botter and training these people or doing bad things to them harms the game just as much. I sincerly hope sony does something about this.. I hope they BAN YOU for breaking the EULA and Harrassing these people and ruining thier game time.

And you wonder why SOE doesnt respond.. and locked the other thread.. Because half of what is in this thread is garbage.. typed by people who think they know what the EULA prohibits but really have no clue. I had a problem with one of my CD keys recently.. I had to spend several hours working through it with SOE customer service.. They went through my accounts.. Of which I have 6 eq1's and 4 eq2's.. They were VERY helpful.. at no time did they say OMFG you box I need to BAN YOU. As a matter of fact they went out of thier way to help me and make sure all my accounts were setup and working. I have had my eq accounts for 5years +.. have had tons of interaction with ingame gm'S over the years.. with my entire 6 box sitting right there. Why was I not banned? because I DO not macro.. I do not BOT. If I leave the key boards my toons will do nothing.. they will sit there until I come back and make them do something by clicking my mouses and keyboards etc.. just like you.

SOE posted we are checking into this.. guess what.. they will moniter these people for a few days.. if it turns out they are BOXES and not BOTS.. they wont do anything to them. I have had GM's pop to me in instanced zone and watch me plenty of times.. I am sure they were there before watching where I couldnt see them.. Normally they come chat after they verify I dont macro.. I have been told I was reported for macroing and they were checking it out haha. Tough crap. I dont break rules and its my right to box... just deal with it and stop whining.
#81 Jan 03 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent

i had fun with eq 1 i hope it will be the same with eq 2 i just with @#%^ing alla had more info on a preneum service site god i gotta read this sh*t in forums to get any real info thats gay

ya i do agrea bots suck but what ya going to do?

Ok first off breath! 2nd EQ is way over board now with prices tho its not bots its just land of the uber noob now. If you would log onto EQ today as a new player you would quit the same day. There are 1st level players in that game that have better gear then some 50L players.

Eq2 will not have that problem even with the bots. I have been playing from the begining now and have yet to buy anything but some adapt 3 books. You can get the best gear by questing so no need to buy it. Bots will not ruin the game.

There will be a few noobs in the game who think that buying gold or plats off of ebay will get them twinked in the game. They will find out it won't after all, everything in the game has a low and a high range on its use so I say let em farm if no one is buying what is the point!

Just my 2 coppers

Edited, Mon Jan 3 10:34:01 2005 by Broan
#82 Jan 04 2005 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
259 posts
it was my impression that the sharing of an account was against the eula, which would mean the plat farmers that work in shifts 24/7 are in violation. cant find a copy of it online that our netn@zi doesnt block, though :x.
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
#83 Jan 04 2005 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
you tell you brother "Hey ill give ya 10 dollars if you play my toon and get me some xp and plats for 2 hours!!"

Brother plays toon.. xps for 2 hours and loots the crap on your toon.. No violation of the EULA.. No laws broken.

Actually that is sharing accounts which is forbidden in the EULA

From the EULA
You may not transfer or share your Account with anyone, except that if you are a parent or guardian, you may permit one child to use the Account instead of you (in which case you may not use that Account).

Your point about their inability to prosecute is probably valid but then so is your point about their capability to ban without providing a reason.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#84 Jan 04 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
thanks cobra ^.^
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
#85 Jan 04 2005 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
I am not a mathematician, nor a statistician, but I can see how Bot competition in a market would totally ruin the "little" guy. Enough said about that issue. I suppose we could find out what their Bot merchants names are from Ebay sites. Then we could do what anyone in a real life situation would do--boycot the bastages. Post the bots names and don't buy from them. Only buy from reputable players. Get to know other players and their guilds. Form trade alliances.

What bothers me most is that the Bots take up a place in the game that other players can no longer access, such as spawn points or harvesting nodes. Sending them away via cleric spell is a beautiful thing while it lasts. (I expect Sony will change that spell soon.)

Bots detract from the interaction among players that Sony advertises is the purpose of its game. Maybe that is a point to be used against Sony--truth in advertising. If they aren't going to provide a game with dependable player interaction, then they are selling a different product.

#86 Jan 04 2005 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
I think the best and really only way to make big coin is to make things and sellem or harvest or loot etc etc. As long as your not making money come out of thin air.. gliches coin come from npc etc etc then it shouldnt inflate the economy because the coin is just going from the buyer to the seller on broker then to buyer from ebay or what ever so its just going in a circle not being formed out of nothing then going into the economy. So think of it as the us dollar if there are tons of counterfit notes going into the system then the value drops and it takes more dollars to buy things. Same with gold if someone found a real mountain of gold then the worth of gold would drop and it would take more gold to equal the worth of the same gold before the moutain was found.

eco 101 class dismissed :)

I hope you people dont go nuts over my post some of you take things way to seriously IMO :)
#87 Jan 05 2005 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
While most bot-hunters are driven by the FPS idea of, "OMFG! He's better than me! Cheatin Hackzor!!!!!", SOME, like the original poster, are very valid in their accusations.

Yes these guys DO ruin our game/economy. Anyone who doesn't get that never took Econ 101 in High School. A monopoly is when one person of company has total say in the profit/prices of an idea, item, or company. When one group only camp a mob that only drops a rare item, and set the price to massive amounts to get money and to @#$% all the ppl who need it, THEY MONOPOLIZE IT!
#88 Jan 05 2005 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Yes these guys DO ruin our game/economy. Anyone who doesn't get that never took Econ 101 in High School. A monopoly is when one person of company has total say in the profit/prices of an idea, item, or company. When one group only camp a mob that only drops a rare item, and set the price to massive amounts to get money and to @#$% all the ppl who need it, THEY MONOPOLIZE IT!
Irrelevant in EQ2, because all the exp zones are instances all you would have to do to get the item is go into another of the same zone and camp the mob in there.

Besides twinking was where all that money was used and you effectively cannot twink in EQ2 since the gear you get from quests is just about the best you can have at that level, anything that drops is generally red/orange to you so would be useless to twink a lower lvl player.

The only expencive comodity in EQ2 is rare harvested items and you cannot BoT or camp them since the spawns are randomly placed and the rare harvests are about 1 in 1000.
#89 Jan 05 2005 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
While I agree with you that there is no great need for money to drive plat-buying, that is our viewpoint.

I can easily see people driven by paladin-envy buying horses or obsessively upgrading every spell/skill to Adept 3. Such people will look at the game and say "making money is hard in this game and I have to have all this stuff". We may think they are crazy but they exist. Just looking at the threads here there are people saying they have no way to make the money they need - there is the market for these parasites.

As for the cash-farming it is more likely to consist of continuous killing of green^^ mobs which are fairly good on vendor sellable chests than on camping named. A lot of named in EQ2 are scripted rather than simple PH setups. Also because of the way the quest system works there is no point in trying to monopolise quest drops as there was in EQ. You cannot buy an item to complete a quest since the quest inventory is not accessible.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#90 Jan 05 2005 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
Arent these BOTS and Ebayers winning by causing you to devote so much attention to them? Your going to ruin your gaming experience by changing your play to interfere with them when they have more time to play more than likely because its a job to them. you will be seen a a nusance nothing more, and if they get the GM's involved you could end up the one in trouble. The only people who can do anything about it is Sony at thispoint. Sure report them but dont waste your time worrying about it, it will only frustrate you more.
#91 Jan 05 2005 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
you tell you brother "Hey ill give ya 10 dollars if you play my toon and get me some xp and plats for 2 hours!!"

Brother plays toon.. xps for 2 hours and loots the crap on your toon.. No violation of the EULA.. No laws broken.

Now what if you tell a stranger to do this??.. or a Powerlevling company.. have you now broken the rules?? haha not one bit. You are paying some one for thier time.

Example 2:

YOu and your brother both play eq2.. your brother plays more and his toon is level 40.. yours is level 20... He can play for a few hours and make 10 gold NP.. you might make 1 gold if your lucky in 2 hours..

YOu tell your brother hey!! I will pay you 10 dollars if you will log on your toon and farm 10 gold and give it to me!!

Broken EULA?? nope!! get real. Your paying him 10 bucks for the time he spent making the money.

SO you do this with a stranger??.. all the sudden your breaking rules.. again.. nope.

Yeah you are. You can NOT share an account with another person so you lose and you ARE breaking the rules.

Why are you so bent on this? Must have a personal issue or problem with them maybe going to put a stop to it?

I have not seen any of these groups tho unlike some people who will remaine nameless deny that they even exist, and I also think they are spending money on many accounts thinking they will sell gold in the game for real money. Well if they can then its your fauilt for buying it not theres for selling it. And really what will bought money get you that you really need (other then a horse):)

Getting bent out of shape or showing how smart you are NOT by cursing or calling peeps names...... lets just say it makes you look stupid and that person knows who there are I am sure :)

#92 Jan 05 2005 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
11,563 posts
you tell you brother "Hey ill give ya 10 dollars if you play my toon and get me some xp and plats for 2 hours!!"

Brother plays toon.. xps for 2 hours and loots the crap on your toon.. No violation of the EULA.. No laws broken.

Actually that is sharing accounts which is forbidden in the EULA

From the EULA
You may not transfer or share your Account with anyone, except that if you are a parent or guardian, you may permit one child to use the Account instead of you (in which case you may not use that Account).

Your point about their inability to prosecute is probably valid but then so is your point about their capability to ban without providing a reason.[quote]

My question to you cobra is how would SoE know that you are sharing accounts unless you plainly and unthoughtfully shout out in /ooc that you are sharing. How will they know...
Might wanna check your sig. before you say something like that...i mean ill agree yes it is against the EULA but unless SoE bugs your house they wont know that you are sharing accounts with your family. (thats the basis of my question not strangers but own families since it applies to them as well)

Edited, Wed Jan 5 13:17:33 2005 by Kupoback
[20:55] Darqflame: <3 U2 Kupo

Be Jealous

[14:24] nLoD: so it can't be all that hard can it?!
14:25] Pikko: obviously for magi it was really hard.. all the time

WoW: Retired
Uncleleo - 80 Undead Warlock Earthen Ring
Kishio - 80 Blood Elf Priest Earthen Ring
Elainebennis - 80 Blood Elf Death Knight Gul'dan

EQ2: Retired
Ishio - 80 Kerran Shadowknight - Crushbone
Ishiu - 26 Ogre Defiler - Crushbone
Ishias - 36 Conjy - Crushbone
Nerstinna - 16 Warden - Crushbone
#93 Jan 05 2005 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
ok my only problem is that PP and items in the game are not ouned buy the player and you cant sell them for real money and profet

Saying that your just selling "the time you spent to get it" is dumb thats like if i bought a movie like the matrix which is leagal and then i copyed it and sold it and selling the copys are ileagal. but what people think is that i could sell those taps if i said " im not selling them im selling the time it took me to copy them" which is what people are saying about EQ stuff

EVERYTHING you get in eq was at one time made buy game writers or programers and the people who think it up. They where payed so everthing in eq acally cost SONY to have and i dont think that they will just let you sell it

the reasion that they dont do anything is that they will have a hard time picking out exactly what acounts are selling stuff exc.
They dont want to delete the average guys acount and **** off more people then they need to. Its finding whos at falt and how to punish them, also if they get into a legal fight its not like the bots and sellers have millions of $ for SONY to profet from

i dont mind farmers and sellers online, i like to level,
but i think Sony ouns what they made. EQ isnt like real life
and sellers have made it like that.Which is funny.Who has not a life that they got to use real money to buy PP in a online game, insted of buying a drink for a girl at a bar?
#94 Jan 05 2005 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
If SOny hasn't already taken a position and made a response against this activity, I don't think anything will change.
#95 Jan 06 2005 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Saying that your just selling "the time you spent to get it" is dumb thats like if i bought a movie like the matrix which is leagal and then i copyed it and sold it and selling the copys are ileagal. but what people think is that i could sell those taps if i said " im not selling them im selling the time it took me to copy them" which is what people are saying about EQ stuff
That is a totally different law you are talking about Hooch, that is COPYRIGHT law and that is what they would be prosecuted for.

In the case of the Sale of pp the only offence they could be charged with was Breaking the EULA and at worst the could have thier account banned.

In case anyone is under the impression that the EULA is a real law, it is not.
#96 Jan 06 2005 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
My question to you cobra is how would SoE know that you are sharing accounts unless you plainly and unthoughtfully shout out in /ooc that you are sharing. How will they know...
Might wanna check your sig. before you say something like that.

I was responding to the poster who adamantly insisted that sharing accounts - ie getting your brother or a third party to level your character was not a breach of the EULA. Clearly it is.

I agree that they would have a very hard time proving it. As I understand it one of the main resons for the rule is to prevent people dodgin blame for actions by their character. This rule means you cannot tell the GM "My little brother did it - it wasn't me" without opening yourself to banning for sharing the account.

Another reason is to give them a rest from the "I lent my character to my friend and he stripped it" petitions. Again if you broke the EULA don't expect a sympathetic hearing

Also of course they would love a family of 4 who all play to have 4 accounts rather than a shared one.

I know people share accounts, I know people who have given their details to a friend so they can be flagged for something they would otherwise miss. SoE are not particularly concerned until they have to be.

Lastly what has my sig to do with it??
Wherever I go - there I am.
#97 Jan 06 2005 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
11,563 posts
Alright thank you for clearing that up. and i appologize about the you should check your sig...i was looking at the wrong post and and saw the Your mind is like a parachute, it only works if its open. I thought it was sorry for that comment so i take it back. im not trying to make any enimies (yes i know i cant spell) i just want to point on some things on this as this post has gone hostile. see you in the game :)
[20:55] Darqflame: <3 U2 Kupo

Be Jealous

[14:24] nLoD: so it can't be all that hard can it?!
14:25] Pikko: obviously for magi it was really hard.. all the time

WoW: Retired
Uncleleo - 80 Undead Warlock Earthen Ring
Kishio - 80 Blood Elf Priest Earthen Ring
Elainebennis - 80 Blood Elf Death Knight Gul'dan

EQ2: Retired
Ishio - 80 Kerran Shadowknight - Crushbone
Ishiu - 26 Ogre Defiler - Crushbone
Ishias - 36 Conjy - Crushbone
Nerstinna - 16 Warden - Crushbone
#98 Jan 06 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
My mind is open, that is why i am capable of seeing why Plat sellers have never been prosecuted at the same time as being Anti plat sellers.

It's called looking beyond your own views and recognising the truth.

The truth is SoE have never and will never take IGE to court, because in a court of law, they do not have a leg to stand on and it would cost the milllions of real money to prove to the world that they have no case against plat sellers.

As much as i hate the above truth, my open mindedness still recognises it as such.

I hope that someday you too can admit that just because you feel something should be a particular way, it often is not that way at all.
#99 Jan 07 2005 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
Yes these guys DO ruin our game/economy. Anyone who doesn't get
that never took Econ 101 in High School. A monopoly is when one person of company has total say in the profit/prices of an idea, item, or company. When one group only camp a mob that only drops a rare item, and set the price to massive amounts to get money and to @#$% all the ppl who need it, THEY MONOPOLIZE IT!

Did you see anything in my post about saying it was ok to camp something? I was saying that price's arent going to jump throught the roof from someone selling on ebay or where ever they are selling it. Im not saying any of this behavoir is good or bad. I am going off the permiss that they are harvesting and looting regluar things and selling them on broker or making things to sell on brokre then taking that money to sell on net. This will not make a differece in other prices in the game cause the money is the same money as it was before. Where you really reading what i said or just wanted to try to prove your some how smarter than others? Im not sure but in any case i dont really care :). Everyone has there own thoughts on this but im just trying to say its not going to ruin anything. As far as ive read the people in question arnt camping same thing over and over againg because as ive said the real money is in harvesting or making things or scroll work to sell on broker. If its a company doing this then they are not going to try to get something that no one can use to sell cause if someone can use it they are most likely to do the quest there selfs for the item. So there best bet is to cater to the masses cause there chances of selling things and making money faster are there not in uber loot. Sorry you didnt see what i meant in my post maybe I should have explaned it better or maybe dumbed it down for you :).
#100 Jan 07 2005 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
There's nothing u can do...all mmorpg's are exploited this way and yeah it does ruin the economy. I've seen it ruin EQ2 and L2 but there's really nothing that can be done to stop it. Sony has done everything they can to prevent this by not having coin drops and making alot of the items no trade etc...but people will always find a way around it.
#101 Jan 08 2005 at 5:35 PM Rating: Default
you notice when people reply to stuff they reply to chosen peaces rather then the whole post?
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