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Trying to contain my FURY!!!Follow

#1 Dec 20 2004 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
Hi all,
Just a requests to everyone out there to share their hints and info on everything to do with Furies. We seem to be a greatly under-informed class. The site here doen't give us our spells, theres no mention of our fury training or armour quests here etc. Whilst I have found both (mostly by following Warden links)I'd like to invite you all to share the goss here.

Some useful stuff:

[li]OUR SPELLS AT LAST!!! (Many thanks Gwynet the complier!!!)

List done by Gwynet on the beta forums

1 - Minor Healing - Instant heal
3 - Smite - Divine DD
4 - Minor Archhealing - Instant heal
5 - Courage - AC and sta buff
6 - Cure Noxious - Poison and disease cure
6 - Summon food and water
7 - Weakness - Str debuff
8 - Revive - Non combat rez
9 - Enduring Breath - underwater breathing
10 - Nettleshield - Damage shield
11 - Chill - Cold DD
11 - Favor of the Phoenix - gives a feather to an ally that rezzes a priest
12 - Regrowth - Regen
13 - Spirit of the Wolf - run speed increase
13 - Bloom - Instant heal + regen
13 - Subterfuge - AoE hate reducer
14 - Winds of Renewal - Group regen
15 - Sylvan's touch - regen with no power cost/no casting time
15 - Mossy Balm - Cure Trauma
16 - Vigor - Power buff
16 - Willowskin - Wis, Agi, AC buff + Divine, Mental and Magic resists
16 - Sylvan wind - Group heal
17 - Effloresce - Instant heal
18 - Wild Spirit - group agi and arcane buff
19 - Elemental Amending - Cure Elemental
20 - Faerie Fire - Wreaths the target in a green glowing flame
20 - Peerless Predator - Lion form
21 - Feral Intimidation - str and wis debuff
22 - Cylone - Magic DoT
23 - Bristlepelt - Damage shield
24 - Strike of Thunder - Magic DD
24 - Ferocity of the Eel - Enduring breath and additional crushing damage to ally
25 - Felshweave - Instant Heal + damage buff
25 - Fierce roushing - Combat rez
26 - Savagery - Agi and str buff + chance to additional attack
26 - Fleshweave - Regen
27 - Confounding Brambles - AE hate reducer + snare
28 - Breath of the untamed - Group instant heal
28 - Ram's Growth - Group heal and def buff
28 - Predatory salve - Instant heal, agi buff + lion form on ally
29 - Vicious Feast - Group regen and sta and str buff when enemy dies
30 - Verve - Power buff, increases power regen out of combat
30 - Nature's Irate form - changes the form of the fury
30 - Mark of the Hunt - HP buff + HP regen and speed increase when out of combat
31 - Deadly Swarm - Divine DoT + def debuff
32 - Starburst - AoE Heat DD
32 - Untamed spirit - Agi, int, wis, arcane buff
33 - Savage's Mask - Group agi, str and AC buff, can add slashing attacks
34 - Transcendent Predator - Lion form
35 - Brutal Intimidation - Str and wis debuff
35 - Call of the Fae - changes the form of the fury
35 - Fae Fire - Heat proc
36 - Whirlwind - Mgic DoT + damage for elementals
37 - Apect of the Shark - Enduring Breath + additional slashing damage
38 - Frostbite - ColD DoT + elemental debuff
38 - Strike of storms - Magic DD
39 - Pact of the Cheetah - Increases group's run speed
40 - Bloodlust - Agi and str buff + additional slashing damage
40 - Wild Bloodflow - Regen + damage buff
41 - Ferocity of the hunt - HP buff + increase in HP regen and speed out of combat
42 - Owl's restoration - Group heal + defense buff
42 - Howl of the Untamed - Instant heal
42 - Toxic Quills - Piercing DD + hate reducer + can add poison damage when hit
42 - Feral Tenacity - Prevents death + heal + defense increase
43 - Savage Feast - Group regen + sta and str buff when enemy dies
44 - Vim - Power Buff + power regen out of combat
45 - Fury of the storm - Calls down lightning on a group member
45 - Fae Flames - adds heat DoT proc
45 - Untamed Shroud - Group invis
45 - Feral Salve - Instant heal + lion transformation + increase of slashing damage
46 - Ferine Mask - Group Agi, Str, AC buff + additional slashing attack
46 - Ferine Spirit - Group agi, int, wis, arcane buff + potential damage increase
46 - Starfire - HoT DoT + AoE
47 - Irritating Swarm - AoE offense and agi debuff
47 - Ferine Elixir - Instant Heal + str and sta buff
48 - Incomparable predator - lion form
49 - Beastly Intimidation - Str and wis debuff
50 - Porcupine - Damage Shield - Costs power to maintain and immobilizes the caster
50 - Rowyl's Furious Barrier - Surrounds the fury with rings of light

Dark Affinity, Runnyeye
Iksar, Bruiser

These I found quite easy and begin with the NPC Aurora just to the left of the entrance to the Temple of Light in North Queynos. I soloed all the mobs involved and I'm not that great so I'm sure most of you can handle em. (Please feel free to update this site with who to see in Freeport or more specific info on each quest.) The prize was a staff (Aurora's Furious Staff) which had decent stats for the level but was somewhat disappointing to me as I see my character as a scimitar and shield girl really (Bodecea on Antonia Bayle if you fancy saying hello).

The start NPC here is Selwyn Oakheart who is found in South Queynos beneath the large tree facing the gate to Antonica. She sends you on 6 increasingly difficult quests that will see you stretched to your limits in Antonica, The Crypt of Betryal, Stormhold, and finally The Thundering Steppes. I hope this brief note will spurr you all to send specific info about each quest. As you do them and send in hints, please dont just list mobs, everyone who gets the quest gets that information automatically so it doesnt help anyone. Locations, strategies etc, are what people really find useful, mob lists just show you were there)

This post is long enough already so I'll leave it to you all to pad out... Just one parting question for you out there. I'm just about to complete my 6th and final armour quest but died when I was fighting the dreaded "Shadowdash" and cant get him to respawn....anyone know any reliable tricks to get him to spawn??? (No listing of him at all on bestiary here)

Until next we meet friends,

May the light and balance of the Goddess fulfill and uplift you...

Bodecea Sangreal
-Antonia Bayle-
#2 Dec 21 2004 at 3:02 PM Rating: Good
62 posts
That spell list contains a few errors (probably spells that have been moved around at end of beta). For a more accurate list, take a look at this thread:


I'll try to make a small contribution to the thread by sharing what I've learned about Fury/Druid from personal experience(up to Fury27).

[They are random thoughts and not really organized since I'm at work and do not have time to make it more structured. This is mostly group-oriented thinking, too. I solo a LOT but when I make a permanent upgrade to my spells/stats, I keep the groups in mind.]

We are healers but we are neither shaman nor clerics and trying to play Fury as if we were one of those will only lead to frustration.

We have the best defense buffs out there. We can increase our group's AC/AGI and resists so that the group takes much less damage. Since the group takes less damage, we don't need the big heals a cleric would need and regens are often enough to keep our tank in the green.

The 2 most important spells that define a druid(if you can get tier2 adept3 spells, get these first):
- Willowskin: +300AC(adept3), big AGI boost and divine/mental/magic resists to the whole group. This is probably the best thing we can bring to a group especially if there's already another healer.
- Regrowth

These 2 spells are still my most important spells at level27.

The best use of concentration slots, from my experience, is to cast the following spells in that order:
- Willowskin (group ac/agi/resists buff)
- Wild Spirit (group agi and arcane resists buff)
- Vigor (self, power buff)
- Verdure (group health buff, elemental ward, increased power regen outside of combat)
- Peerless predator (self, health, power, extra melee attacks/damage buff)

Things to do after/between/before fights(usually while tank looking for something to pull):
- heal everyone to full
- damageshield(nettleshield or bristlebest or later version) on tank(sometimes on myself if tank can't hold hate)
- ferocity of the eel on any melee using crushing weapons(staves,hammers,maces,etc...)
- savagery(str,agi buff and chance of extra slashing damage) on everyone that melees. My app2 gives +12str and +13agi(or the other way around) and just for that, it's worth to keep it up on all the melees.

Things to do during fight:
- engage. No reason not to. I do poor damage but it's free damage and I don't have to pay any attention to it. Like a small DoT. Also helps you keep your crushing/slashing skills capped for when you solo.
- weaken the mob to reduce it's damage output (feral intimidation or weakness before level21)
- regrowth on tank
- DoT the mob (stinging swarm, cyclone). Stinging Swarm has the added effect of lowering the mob's defense, which means your group will do more damage to it.
- recast damageshield, regrowth, savagery when they go down (pay attention to maintained effect window to know when)
- if tank's health goes down to half or lower, cast bloom, maybe effloresce or if it's going down REALLY fast then the emergency heal is SylvanTouch(long recast time so keep it for emergencies) to gain some time while you cast bloom/effloresce
- recast mob debuffs and DoT when they wear off
- nuke. Only if your tank can hold hate or the mob is almost dead and only if you would still have enough power to handle any add or the next fight without downtime.

Nuking/DD spells: We are not damage dealers. Our DD spells are the least important spells we have, when grouping(the last to upgrade if you have a choice to make). Buffing your group and debuffing the mob will help kill the mob as fast as if you were nuking and it won't get you as much hate.

Equipment and stats:
- Keep your armor and jewelry up to date (yellow/orange), as everyone should.
- My preferred stats boosts are +WIS and +AGI. Our spells are WIS based and the AGI allows to dodge more attacks and land more hits in melee.
- Keep both a slashing weapon(scimitar, etc..) and a crushing weapon(hammer,mace,staff,etc..) with you so you can keep both your Slashing and Crushing skills capped.

ALWAYS have something to drink(the summoned food and drink are worthless) for increased power regeneration.

Character traits: Personally, I picked power regeneration and WIS boosts everytime I could and I find this helps a lot.

This probably does not need to be said but upgrade spells as soon as possible. Personally, I buy app2 as soon as I learn as new spell. I also take a look at market/blackmarket for app3/adept1 and rares to make adept3 when I logon and before I logoff.

My priority when deciding on which adept3 to make:
1) group buffs (willowskin, wild spirit, verdure, ...)
2) regens (regrowth, winds of renewal, bloom, ...)
3) mob debuffs (feral intimidation, stinging swarm, ...)
4) group single-target buffs (savagery, ferocity of the eel, ...)
5) self buff (peerless predator, ...)
6) direct heals (effloresce, sylvan wind, ...)
7) DoTs (cyclone, ...)
8) nukes (chill, strike of thunder, ...)

#3 Dec 21 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
158 posts
yup I've seen fury's spells and it seems they compliment shaman pretty well. Ofcourse the key thing is any priest sub type can be good enough healer till 20's or so. It maybe slower but if you can't find anything else Furies are good to.

Their main role seems to compliment any other healer, help slow dmg down so some one else can heal.
#4 Dec 22 2004 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
im thinking about making an alt character and fury's sound pretty darn cool...can they solo ok? im not big on being a support character when it comes to groups so if i can keep that to a minimum then i'm totally gonna make this my alt.
#5 Dec 23 2004 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks very much to those who have chimed in...particularly DEORE's excellent epistle. All useful stuff.

To tuza,
yes they can solo quite well if you learn a good spell pattern such as intimated by Deore. To solo at low levels just get all your buffs up (they last ages in any case) and just before combat cast nettle shield and attack with best direct damage or damage over time spell, then wail away with your melee weapon. The trick with furies is patience. When combat gets you to yellow cast regrowth (your most important soloing spell)and keep on going. Your ability to regenerate is awesome. Keep blasting away with DD and DOTs till about your last third of power then down shift and keep power for regens, heals and nettleshields (damage shields) only, and you'll be able to take down quite strong enemies eventually. You don't have the big damage hits or spells, but you are damn hard to actually defeat if you guard your power consumption properly. You are damage over time personified. I recommend the barabarian race for furies as they have good stamina and strength and decent agility which is important if you're interested in soloing. (High hitpoints, decent melee damage and hard(ish) to hit)

When you qualify as a fury you get a really quite decent staff, but I find that AC is too important and a slow attack rate less useful than the damage it affords, especially when fighting spell casters (more swipes = more chances to break their spells)I strongly recommend keeping your slash skill maxed and going for a fast scimitar and a good shield. A good AC and speed before damage seems to work best for me. Soon as you can use them go for a pristine ash buckler and the pirates cutlass, and remember the thing about using a one handed weapon is damage over time ...if the bonuses don't seem as good as the staves and mauls, remember that your shield has bonuses that figure into the mix and adds crucial AC too.

I've really loved this character from her roots to her current 25th level, sounds like you'll love yours too. At higher levels you may be stretched to be solo healer but your combination of debuffs and regens make you integral to any "thinking mans" party.

My next post will be a walk through of ARMOUR QUEST 6 (chest plate)and a bonus quest to get a helm and really complete your new armour properly

Till then,

All the best to all of you,

Bodecea Sangreal (Antonia Bayle)
#6 Dec 24 2004 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
FURY ARMOUR QUEST VI (BREASTPLATE) + Extra Quest for a good helm

The sixth and final armour quest from Selwyn Oakheart (under tree in South Quetnos, but ytou'll knwo that already lol), like the one involving the Calorine Acolytes and the Mobs in Stormhold can be fairly problematic so I shall attempt to debugg some of it for you.

The mobs are all in Thundering steppes but some are easier to find than others and for some of them, especially the named Griffon Shadow Dash you will need quite a healthy party.

ou'll need a reasonably strong party to take these comfortably in the Low twenties (levels). They can most reliablly be found between towers 3 and 4 and the safest place to pull them too that i found was the low stone ledge jutting off the mountain that faces the road near tower 3. Don't let anyone but puller step off the ledge as all the mobs have a fairly large aggro range here and a badly timed add can really ruin your day. The dead end canyon to the left of this ledge (when youre on it anf facing out) has groups containing the mystics but i would strongly advise you leave these alone unless you have a very strong group. You need 12 of the mystics if memory serves.

Happily these mobs can be hunted together (as can the named griffon Shadowdash but more of him in a minute) and are best fought with a small group (just a couple will, do for these lionesses (highland huntresses) and the baby griffons (griffawns) can even be soloed if your itching to get started straight away). Both can be found on the road that leads south from Tower 2. Near the end where it peters out is best. The highland huntresses are the rarer of the mobs and can be a pain to get hold of so a ranger or similar class with track ability is a great asset. If you join a griffon hunting party here and just ask them to pull the griffawns and huntresses you should be able to sort these pretty quickly. 10 of each required as I remember it.

SHADOWDASH (The named Griffon)
This is the last and hardest thing standing between you and your "Sun Touched Breastplace" but is found in roughly the same place as the huntresses and griffawns. You will want a strong party with a good tank (24-25th lvl for preferance) who has a high level taunt skill and a second healer if you can manage it so that your regens/heals dont draw the aggro too soon. When he pops he's double up yellow and has a pair of mean hawks accompanying him. Needless to say everyone assist tankl and drop Shadowdash first. When i went for him getting him to pop was the most infuriating thing about this whole quest, but the answer is infuriatingly simple. The first time he popped the group wasn't all together and the poor person who got blamed for pulling him when we weren't ready I managed to save, but I died in the attempt (and didn't get credit for the kill...DOH!!!)He claimed he never pulled him he was just innocently hopping on som erocks beside the road and Shadowdash attacked him. This turned out to be true, but i spent 4 days trying to get shadowdash to pop again before someone pointed out the obvious to me which is that hopping on these rock IS what spawns him (DOH, DOH!!!). The rocks are found two thirds of the way along the road leading south from tower 2 (just off the road to the left) next to the lip of a crater. (Loc: 1, 133, -102). Make sure you're healed and buffed up to the full and all of you are assiting and assembled next to these rocks before anyone walks behind them or jumps on them because this will be a scarry fight if not. I was solo healer when I did him and managed well enough, but it was a close run thing and another healer to keep aggro off me longer would ahve been nice.
Now return To Selwyn to get your chest!!! While you're in town though why not pick up an easy quest to get a helm that pretty much matches the stats of your new armour set and is really easy by comparison to some of the official FURY armour quests.

Spindlecogg the Tinkerer is found in the bank in baubelshire imediately to the right of the banker, but is a gnome so assuming you are not you'll need to get the Gnomish Language Primer from one of the vendours in the local scribes shop in Baubelshire first before talking to him to get this quest (price 12sp). He will send you after 3 sets of 10 mobs after each of which youll have to return to him to update the quest. The first two sets can be soloed quite happily if youre getting alittle sick of the company of others, and a couple of other only are required for the last mobs.

Find these roaming about the roadside from Tower 1 to Tower 2 and beyond it on the road southwards, theyre dead easy.

Yes more baby griffons have to suffer I'm afraid. You can always dedicate a few prayers to them later. These can be found as above in armour quest VI but if youre soloing and having problems pulling safely from the road there is a single pop in a small glade just to the right of the road as you enter the griffon valley (go off road to the right as soon as you see the mountain there) If youre finding the griffawns are not very abundant becaus ealot of people are on, wipe out al lthe ones you can find including the single pop i just mentioned and run back to the TD gate and zone out and back in to a different instance of the thundering Steppes. (Cheeky, But effective)

Far and away the best place I've found to hunt these is at the Docks in Thundering Steppes. You may be itching to use your enduring breath and Eel spells here but I recommend you just send a puller in to collect them from the waters edge and pull them back. They can multi-spawn and add here and the third dimension (you can also now be too high/low to a character to assist them properly in water) and general scarryness of the way they attack can disorient a party that isn't experienced in underwater combat. Don't trust your rangers track ability here either our ranger said there were none about but we all saw them regularly within a few moments swimming about, before we realised we should pull to shore). Their fairly tough critters but a couple of decent tanks is all you'll really need. Kill 10 of these and go get your helm from Spindlecogg. Really easy considering it's a helm that is the equal of your other armour and makes for an unofficial 7th armour quest. This addition to your armour should see you happily through to 30th when you start armour quests all over again.

Hope this is of use to you all. If you're having trouble with some of the earlier armour quests ask me here and I'll tell you what I can remember about them. This was freshest in my mind so I thought I'd put it here, in full, the way I wish others would tell me about quests.

All the best to you all,

Bodecea Sangreal (Antonia Bayle)

#7 Dec 27 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
I appreciate anything found on my chosen class however what completely frustrates me is most of what I find is Qeynos related.

#8 Dec 27 2004 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
Sory Zandee,
Bodecea is Queynos based so thats where most of my info comes from. The reason I started this was a lack and/or bias of information so I would hate to be guilty of it myself if I can help it. Why not ask specifically what you need to know or whats getting you down and maybe I, or somone else out there can find out for you. All I've found so far about Freeport furies is that their initiation NPC is Mizzog the Sighted N. Freeport near the potion shop, and their 20th level armour quests begin with Vassi Darkscale in North Freeport aswell, or so I'm told. I suspect you know these things already, so ask all who look here what you need to know specifically, and who knows...

All the best mate,

#9 Jan 04 2005 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
This is a great thread and makes me feel better about my choice (of Fury)! Thanks much to all - especially the long and well-informed posts. They were a lot of work, and we appreciate them!
#10 Jan 04 2005 at 3:33 AM Rating: Default
Um, ever try the site dedicated to druids?

The Druids Grove
#11 Jan 10 2005 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
Could you link that site for druids?.....or give us how to find it please ...don't find a Druids site here ,,the ones I've seen out of Allakhzam haventn't been up to much...come one mate share the wealth 87))

Bodecea - Antonia Bayle
#12 Jan 21 2005 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
The druids grove site SUX! There's no useful info in there. I looked. The fury class is the least revealed of all the classes in eq2.
#13 Apr 24 2005 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
178 posts
This thread is so rich with information!

/full curtsey to all the contributors Smiley: grin
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