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Give SOE a breakFollow

#1 Dec 18 2004 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
if you didnt know already, they are experiencing HARDWARE issues and it's really not their fault. lay off all you SOE bashers. servers are coming up, calm down.
#2 Dec 18 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
LOL. I can only hope thats sarcasm matey.

Edited, Sat Dec 18 15:01:09 2004 by Sloughter

Edited, Sat Dec 18 15:01:37 2004 by Sloughter
#3 Dec 18 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Oh come one man iunderstand what yopu wanted to say - I know that soemthing as complex as MMORPG game can crash once in a while or patch can mess up everything. But 26 hours to rollback servers? Thats a bit long...
Even if that was a hardware probelm - they must have some kind of backup, if not I hope someone loses his job for not preparing system redundancy

/Whining off
#4 Dec 18 2004 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
hardware issue that destroyed their database on every server from the inside out? Even though each server has an independent machine (quite a few machines in a cluster per server). I think not sir. You are misinformed. Their patch ate the database. And they obviously hadn't prepared for something as severe as this. Lets hope they learn from this and it doesn't happen again
#5 Dec 18 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
48 posts
I would tend to agree with the OP. I know as well as the rest of you that a hradware problem can literally come out of nowhere and devestate whatever was running on it. This kind of thing happens and we really just have to make the best of it.

Instead of whining, let's all go back to posting informative threads that may help us actually play.

#6 Dec 18 2004 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
SOE havent actually said what the problem is bar this generic 'its a hardware' fault nonsense. Sounds like a cop out to me.

Didnt they have a contingency for this kind of thing?

If I buy a car and the engines knackered I dont think oh poor BMW, their suppliers let them down, what shame.

I dont think its whining to expect appropriate levels of service for my hard earned cash.
#7 Dec 18 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
Well, one week into the game(upgrading my hardware to boot) this isn't what I would call a good first impression. This week the server has gone down 3 times (short periods). The time I have to sit down and play is precious, and I was really looking forward to playing today.

While it may not be thier fault, a company as big as SOE should have had plenty of beta load testing to have some contingency plans for these situations. There is only so much forgiving one can do.

If there was something that prevented me from paying my monthly charge, would they be as forgiving?

I'm being very patient but I think it's fair to rant a little.
#8 Dec 18 2004 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
Don't blame SOE? Are you serious?

In all the time I've played FFXI, unannounced downtime NEVER happened. NEVER. NEVER.

It's unthinkable there. And to actually have your characters rolled back to an earlier state does not even enter the mind of an FFXI player due to the impossibility of it happening.

If the economy there wasn't so completely and utterly shagged I'd still be playing that.

And put this in perspective, people. SOE have had EQ1, SWG, PS and now EQ2 to sort out their online service delivery.

Squenix have only had one game, FFXI, to work on the online gaming aspect of their business.

So if you knew nothing about these two and their history, what would you answer if asked the question 'which of these companies is worst at delivering an online game, with frequent unannounced downtime and even one character rollback?'.

Funny how you'd be wrong, isn't it?

How is it that Squenix can deliver a service with no unannounced downtime and DEFINITELY no rollbacks, whereas SOE, with their 4 games and many years of online gaming presence (I won't use the term experience as that would imply they knew what they were doing) can't?

So no, I do not feel like giving SOE a break. Were it not for the crappy economy now of FFXI I'd be there, not lining SOE's pockets with undeserved money. I still might go back, despite the economy. I don't know. It might take a while to earn money there, but at least you knew you'd keep it (or the item you bought with it).

Oh, and it being hardware issues makes it worse for SOE, not better - are SOE seriously saying that in a big online game that's a major revenue generator, they can't buy a few mirror servers in case hardware fails on one of them?

What's the difference between SOE's IT division and a bunch of braindead retarded idiots? No, I can't tell either.
#9 Dec 18 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Well come on, lets not go to extremes - unexpected downtimes HAPPEN, and it is ok because everyone has the right to ***** up once in a while. But 30 hour downtime means it is soemthign BIG, what hurts me is that they didnt even give us any explanation...
Thjre were a few clues so far, even more rumors - but all were as clsoe to the truth as their assurance that servers will be up in no more than 4 hours *grins*

Anyways Servers are coming back online so letsall take a chill pill and wait for our servers to come back online.
Have fun everyone
#10 Dec 18 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
Sorry but downtime due to hardware malfunctions is still their fault. That's what raid arrays with multiple controllers, multiple power supplies, DNS fail-over, software clustering, etc. are for. The normal things you'd find in any enterprise networking/software environment.

Even without those things in place, they should at the very least have replacement parts available on-site. Their official downtime thread says they are waiting on a solution from a hardware vendor for some of the servers (aka waiting for parts).

Yes it's expensive but it's less costly than a mistake like this. I can't imagine how much business they're going to lose because of this.

Edited, Sat Dec 18 16:11:59 2004 by subvert
#11 Dec 18 2004 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
Naaa, dont think they will lsoe much bussienss - we are all hooked and they know it. I jsut hope that the person in charge of system redundancy gets in toruble...

#12 Dec 18 2004 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
hey dave..i played ffxi for almost a year and the server went down several times for emergency maintenance that was unannounced..and they never had the decency like soe does to tell anyone what was going on.
#13 Dec 18 2004 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,576 posts
Muzz wrote:
hey dave..i played ffxi for almost a year and the server went down several times for emergency maintenance that was unannounced..and they never had the decency like soe does to tell anyone what was going on.

Ya? wonder what this page is for then:
#14 Dec 18 2004 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
Unannounced downtime, I said. And there's been none of it in FFXI. It's always been announced beforehand.

I've played it for a year too. Squenix need downtime, they announce it, it happens, sorted.

SOE need downtime, they say nothing, they don't even know they need downtime, everything goes down and we get some idiot on their forums saying 'thank you for your patience, we are working diligently'.

If they really had been working diligently, all the servers would be up by now. As a last resort, the servers would have been swapped with servers THAT A MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY SHOULD HAVE IN RESERVE, then backups would have been loaded onto that and everything would be fine.

Again, no I don't feel like giving SOE a break. They don't deserve one. They could easily have avoided this length of downtime, and didn't.
#15 Dec 18 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
Heh, I've clocked 54 days of playtime on FFXI, and yes they've gone down..but its been few and far between. They've always given a good explanation and a projected uptime.

I does disturb me that thier updates say something to effect of 'no idea when we are going back up'... it does not instill any hope to me or other players that they are even working on it. Further thier chat servers are always busy (4 chat rooms it's hard to imagine why). I don't think we need to know the gory details, but atleast give us some sort of time frame to work with.

I'm not trying to bash EQ2, I only want to play...and since there is no other output it's only natural for players to 'vent' a little
#16 Dec 18 2004 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
Let's get the facts straight.

They said hourly updates - they didn't happen. LIE.

They say hardware issue on a day of a big patch - not likely - highly probably LIE.

Instead of working like dogs to get us our game back, they took the time last night to shut down a thread on their boards that was highly critical of them. It wasn't profane - it didn't violate any rules - sure, it was really harsh - but they shut it down. LIKE NO ONE NOTICED.

We pay them. We are their CLIENTS. They OWE us a lot in this relationship. But they consistently FAIL to respect us as clients. This goes way back.

Finally, for all you who mindlessly defend Fony - hey, if you wanna be their yapping little lapdogs, that's your choice. I find it pathetic. Just keep in mind that at least a real life lapdog gets the crumbs brushed off his master's table. As Fony lapdogs all you get is our distrespect.
#17 Dec 18 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
1,576 posts
I dunno, they did give us hourly updates, it was just the same thing repeated over and over:

"We're working hard to solve the problem, no ETA yet.. blah blah blah"

I don't doubt that they did run into hardware issues. Fast spinning SCSI drives don't like to spin back up after they've been in use for a while when they've been shut down. From all the server's I've admin'd, we'd rarely let the drives spin all the way down when we did server reboots for just that very reason. It's usually drives that have been in use for an extended time that have the problem but I've seen it happen to new disks too.

I'm not trying to stick up for them because I'm pretty ticked off myself but it's plenty possible that they've having some hardware issues. My real problem is their lack of emergency planning. No redundancy/clustering and it appears they didn't even have replacement parts on-site (they say they're waiting on a hardware vendor). To be fair, we really don't know exactly what's going on though.

I have a strange feeling that I'm not the only one who bought a copy of WoW today.

Edited, Sat Dec 18 17:22:21 2004 by subvert
#18 Dec 18 2004 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
Unless you live in Japan, FF11 is not comparable to EQ2. It was released there like a year earlier, so when you started playing it, it was not at all new. EQ2 has been out for about 1/12 that time, this is the first MAJOR problem they've had. Besides, FF11 is stupid and boring, the economy is shot, the classes are unbalanced, and it just basically all around sucks, and always did.

People are whining about wanting a refund and that Sony is taking their hard earned money? Boo hoo. I hope you never spend money to go to a movie or buy a book. You get, what, 2 to 6 hours of entertainment from those for around 10 dollars? For 2 bucks more, you can have as much entertainment as your schedule allows for AN ENTIRE MONTH!


#19 Dec 18 2004 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
yup. WoW's looking really good right about now...
#20 Dec 18 2004 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
My Lord but you people are dumb!!

Of course there was nothing wrong with the entire system, nothing. SOE just did this to teach everyone how meaninless to the company they are. The head office got together at the last board meeting and decided that it was time to put the peos (read customers) in their places. We have been getting uppity lately and making demands on the great God (read company) SOE. Never mind any whining they do, never mind any that leave, they are beneath the God's dignity, they are slime. We can trat them how we wish.

There, now don't all of you who have been bashing SOE and whining feel better? Justified? It was all an SOE plot and you were right, SOE doesn't care! VINDICATION Oh it is marvelous to be proven right about the evil SOE Smiley: clapSmiley: rolleyes

It happened, it's over, we are getting recompense, let it go and get back to enjoying the game!!! Smiley: smile

Edited, Sat Dec 18 18:23:54 2004 by DRHKerr
#21 Dec 19 2004 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
just btw

We sincerely apologize for the downtime this weekend. We had some hardware issues that caused us to have to tread very carefully in bringing the game back up

and if you hate SOE so much, stop playing their ******* games. jesus
#22 Dec 19 2004 at 3:12 AM Rating: Good
121 posts
Wow... (and I don't mean world of warcraft) I'm sorry but crap happens. To all of you who said they (soe) are filling us full of bull; that very well may be the case, but unless you know that as a FACT, and can present us with those FACTS, then how on earth do you know its false?

Do you really honestly think that SOE planned this? Do you really think that they wanted this to happen? They've been at this a long time, and generally know their stuff. But to hear someone "HOPE" that someone loses their job, because they didn't get to play a stupid game for a couple days sickens me.

Have you ever made a mistake? Have you ever been unprepared? I imagine that everyone reading this will at least inside have to answer yes. Do you really want someone at SOE, who will likely never make this mistake again, to lose his/her job? To go home to their family and say "Sorry honey, I messed up, lost my job today, hope the kids are going to be ok".

Yeah, thats a worst case, sob story, but you don't know what happend, you don't know who's going to be affected. This is a game, I play it, I missed it, and I hope it doesnt happen again. But grow up, watch the news, there is a lot more out there you should be losing your hair over than missing EQ for a couple days.

So unless you are perfect, don't demand it of others. Forgiveness is divine... (btw 3 free days, accelerated EXP on Mon. or Tues. sounds like they are pretty sorry about what happend to me).
#23 Dec 19 2004 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
well said wrake
#24 Dec 19 2004 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
I agree with ascendacy, and Dave, you're just an arrogant moron. Just another one of them know-it-alls. **** happens, maybe the **** just happened with SOE, and not FFXI.

You know, they're trying they're absolute hardest to get the servres up and running, and trying there best to make sure it doesn't happen again. Give credit where it's due and stop bashing SOE. I'd like to see you do better.
#25 Dec 19 2004 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Well said, Wrake.
#26 Dec 19 2004 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
Now now, children. Don't resort to petty name calling of other forum members - that's what SOE is there for.

sh*t happens, maybe the sh*t just happened with SOE, and not FFXI.

Really? This isn't the first time one of their online games has gone down for a long period. There was a two-day downtime with Everquest 1.

So instead of getting in some sort of multiple redundancy setup to stop this happening again, to the point where even if 8 of their servers had a hardware failure (EIGHT, for fsck's sake - how the fsck do EIGHT separate servers all fail at once?), they could continue online, they just have primary servers and the sh*t hits the fan.

sh*t happens? Stretching the limits of probability here, aren't you? Two downtimes larger than 24 hours, one of them involving eight separate hardware failures all at the same time?

If this really was bad luck, then SOE need to get out of online gaming as they are far too unlucky to deliver any sort of reliable service. If it wasn't bad luck, then they're just incompetent.

(btw 3 free days, accelerated EXP on Mon. or Tues. sounds like they are pretty sorry about what happend to me)

Depends on your perspective.

To me, it sounds as if their 'milk the game for all the profit we can, without spending money on a structure which will guarantee customer service' has blown up in their faces, and now they're having to grovel to customers.

[SOE] They've been at this a long time, and generally know their stuff.

Whereas Square Enix have not been at this a long time, but can deliver a far better service, even if the ingame economy is shot.

Not only has there never been any unannounced downtime in FFXI, there has never been any downtime longer than 24 hours, and definitely not one EVER requiring a rollback of data.

If SOE 'know their stuff', how come the newcomer to the MMORPG market can do this and they can't?

Face facts people, SOE don't have the ability to do this, or have chosen not to in order to maximise profits. Maybe they do 'know their stuff', but they are acting as if they don't.

I STILL do not feel like giving SOE a break. As I said, they could easily have avoided this (and have had stuff like this happen to them in the past, so they could have prepared) but didn't. Square Enix avoid it, so why not SOE?
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