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#52 Dec 19 2004 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,437 posts
For those of you who want the PvP but dont want to play with WoW graphics and gameplay there is DAoC . Here's a link ,it just might be what your looking for .
#53 Dec 19 2004 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
198 posts
The reason why PvP will affect me even if:

Its only on specific servers;
It is a Duel system;
Faction Vs Faction;
Only ON for those that do a quest to turn it on;
Arena Battles;
Whatever else I forgot;

Is that those that PvP WILL complain about class balance. It has happened in every single game that allows for PvP and it will never stop.

"So and so is so much more powerful than I am! Not fair! Nerf them!"

When SOE begins to listen to these paying customers, my game will also be effected. My class will begin to change and one day I will log on and find that my (any spell) is now weaker because someone, on a server that has nothing to do with me or that I interact with, has complained that when that spell is cast on them its not fair.

Now, PvE is different in that mobs are made to survive those spells and even fight back and win. Weakening that spell for PvP has now made me weaker in my PvE experience. So to all of those that say that it will not affect me in any way, I have seen it affect me always.

DAoC is a perfect example. They said that players had the option of not joing in the Realm Vs Realm aspect of the game if they did not want to. Well, when players in RvR complained about overpowered classes in other realms (complaints against Midgard come to mind) the Midgard classes were nerfed so bad that many stopped playing them. The Healer and Thane classes were two of the more powerful classes in RvR. Do you really think that those that did not play RvR were saved form the nerf bat? That their PvE experience was not in any way changed?
#54 Dec 20 2004 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
PvP in EQ2 would suck but /duall would be nice.
Its fun to duall someone from time to time but really nothing I care about since who wins in PvP has NOTHING to do with skills, its just about class, level and gear.
Anyone who thinks its about skills should try out Unreal Tournament 2004.. Now thats duall skills!
#55 Dec 20 2004 at 2:19 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Daask wrote:
I was wondering though if they have plans on opening the arena soon because it was promised with the game

Whereas the main EQ2 site FAQ says:
Will there be player-versus-player (PvP) combat?
Just as the original EverQuest was geared towards PvE (player vs. environment), EverQuest II has a similar focus. There are currently no plans for player vs. player combat in EverQuest II.

I don't think that constitutes a promise.

and Mokuba wrote:

Then you obviously know nothing about pvp. There usually is a duel system where you consent eachother for a duel. In big pvp raids you usually have to be a declared faction before they can attack you. They can't just attack some neutral begginer at level 5.

Which proved conclusively that he knows nothing about PvP. Most PvP players think /duel isn't real PvP at all. There are many different flavours of PvP even within EQ.

On Rallos Zek server you could kill anyone as long as you were within 4 levels of them and loot all coin and 1 item.

On Tallon Zek and Vallon Zek it is team PvP so you can only kill people on the opposing team but you have an 8 level range and can loot coin only.

On Sullon Zek it is team PvP with no level limit.

Those are a long way from the PvP-lite of duel and arena combat. I have never been interested in dueling but I can see the arguments for it. It feels pretty lame on a "roleplay" server to have people from Freeport come to taunt Qeynos and all that can happen is a rather silly shouting match - made much sillier by the people (who chose an RP server remember) saying "don't use shout, it's rude. Use /ooc".

That said it also gives rise to all kinds of silly attitudes. I remember one time having a perfectly decent exp group when 2 of the people decided to duel each other. The other 4 of us basically had to sit and do nothing while these 2 killed each other then wait longer while medding up from rezzing, healing and buffing the loser.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#56 Dec 20 2004 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
Or when you were MT in a group and after a few hours the rest of the group decides it is time... You go 'WTF heal me!' but instead you get nuked and robbed of your best gear.. Sux.. :p
Was fun watching people run like crazy and undressing at the same time though.. :p
#57 Dec 20 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
Um... as previously stated.. FIGHT FOR PVP!!
#58 Dec 20 2004 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
so...having pvp servers would somehow effect you? even if your on a pve server? and it has nothing to do with you? duels and arenas where you dont have to fight if you dont want to inturrupts your playing? @#%^ no think about it

i dont see why douches and old people have to ruin it for everyone else

Do the words STFU get said to you alot? I bet you get your A$$ slaped everday. Hehehehe Loser :)
#59 Dec 20 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Default
because i dont take forums seriously like you and i want pvp?
#60 Dec 20 2004 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
Then you obviously know nothing about pvp. There usually is a duel system where you consent eachother for a duel. In big pvp raids you usually have to be a declared faction before they can attack you. They can't just attack some neutral begginer at level 5.

There is no way to have a PvP and PvE in the same game, how can you make it fair one way other? If its fair to PvE it will be an uneven fight in PvP so they then make it more even in PvP then it throws of the PvE game. I think if they do it which I am sure they will not. They should give all you future killers your own server and you can go play with yourself there.

I think it would clean out all the little kids off the servers anyhow so there is that good side effect :)
#61 Dec 20 2004 at 1:14 PM Rating: Default
eq had pvp and pve and its like the best
#62 Dec 20 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
eq had pvp and pve and its like the best

Having played EQ for 5 years I can say no its not.
#63 Dec 20 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
Well, seems this is another forum where people wish to force their ideas of fun on others. (THOU SHALT NOT SOLO!!!, If you want to solo go...).
Look folks its easy, if you don't want PvP, don't do it. A PvP server is fine, because only the peopl who want to play there have to. As far as I know, no one was ever forced to play on TZ/RZ/SZ.
With a separate server, none of you have to here what goes on there.
I will tell you one thing, there are a lot of people in EQ II now that could get a much needed attitude adjustment on a PvP server. There are plenty of jerks in the game on non-pvp servers in both EQ 1 and 2.
Oh yeah, I'm 37. Not in my teens.

Some of us just like a little extra excitement in the game. If it doesn't interfere with your game play, then why do you care.
Honestly if they don't implement PvP within a few months, I'll have to cancel my EQ 2 subscription and just play EQ 1 from now on. Nothing against the mechanics of EQ 2, but I like the exceitemtn of PvP.
#64 Dec 20 2004 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Sharrn wrote:
Some of us just like a little extra excitement in the game.

some of us would like a *different* type of excitement :). i find the game stimulating as is, but in a different way than if it were a pvp situation.

i'm fine with the pvp model eq1 had. pvp servers are fine. i won't be playing on one, though ;).

i do agree with the poster (not showing up because i replied to a post not the thread... apologies) that stated above that balance for PvE differs from balance for PvP. thus, i would become concerned with the class balance juggling once they put PvP servers in. this only due to the seeming randomness that seems to frequently characterizes such changes. i tend to take changes as they come, and compensate by adjusting play style instead of getting wound up about it.
EQ: Runyaessz, 5 Monk, Phinigel
EVE: Runym/Runyn/Runyl, 43M SP each
SWTOR: Pardoric, 22 Merc, on vaca
EQ: Runyariel Varyuvantel, 65 Enchanter, Tarew Marr, on vaca
LoTRO: Runyarian, 38 hunter, Vilya, on vaca
WoW: Runyarian, 70 hunter, Muradin, on sabbatical
EQ2: Runylala, 25 Troll Bard, Qey, Blackburrow, retired
WAR: Runyael, 30 DiscO Khaine, Ironfist,retired.
CoH: Hissing Chicken, 16 Scrapper, Pinnacle, retired
#65 Dec 20 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent

i think a PvP server would be ok IF, and only IF the classes get nerfed on those servers only. Classes will be stronger then other classes, thats how it works in PvE to promote partying...but if PvP comes out, seclude it and its after effects to seperate servers.

That i wouldnt have a problem with
#66 Dec 20 2004 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts

I would love if they added a PvP/RvR server, or even duels, either one would fit in very well in EQ2. EQ2 has so much PvP potential, it's really a no brainer. No need for people who dislike PvP to get upset really, because they can add duels which are always consentual, or just add some PvP servers, problem solved for everyone.

#67 Dec 20 2004 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I would love if they added a PvP/RvR server, or even duels, either one would fit in very well in EQ2. EQ2 has so much PvP potential, it's really a no brainer. No need for people who dislike PvP to get upset really, because they can add duels which are always consentual, or just add some PvP servers, problem solved for everyone.
Fine if they give me the option of always declining duels without an annoying pop up then i could live with duels on normal servers.

But PvP and Duels are not the same thing.
#68 Dec 20 2004 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
Haha. From what I am reading here some of you want PvP so you can kill that snot nosed punk that is ninja looting your harvest or annoying you. Sounds like a nice scenario. The good guy triumphs over the evil griefer... But unfortunately that is only a dream.

The reality is that the snot nosed punk will have a bunch of snot nosed punks running around killing all the harvesters and stealing their nodes. If you think that griefing is bad and wish you could retaliate, wait till you join a PvP server and they can not only grief you but kill you as well.

This is only one example or reason I see for wanting PvP. It just seems silly to me. UO is the perfect example. Players wanted the option to kill other players that wronged them. What happened? Players were stuck in town because all the archers and mages stood on the edges of the town waiting to PK everyone that stepped out. This, of course, only hurt the new players because they had to walk out of town. The more powerful players would just Recall out of town and never have to deal with the PKs... which was supposed to be their job. They were supposed to band together and save the towns from the PKs.

I played UO and I enjoyed it. But only once I reached a level where PKs tended to leave me alone and go for easier pray. I would still have to deal with them and die every once in a while, but I was pretty much left alone. You can call me any 'wuss' type names you want, but I do not like PvP.

I play online games to unwind from work, not be tense and ready to kill the next person at a moments notice or to wonder who will next try to jump me. I already did that in CS.
#69 Dec 20 2004 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Fine if they give me the option of always declining duels without an annoying pop up then i could live with duels on normal servers.

But PvP and Duels are not the same thing.

I agree with that, and you are right they are not the same thing, but I just meant that I would enjoy either one of those options. Heck I would even be happy if they added the old EQLive Gems game.

Im not complaining about how EQ2 is now, it is a great game, I was just thinking it would be enhanced with those added features, and yes I agree it should be done in a way that doesn't disrupt those who don't want any part of it, but why shut out the entire idea of it all together for everyone? Why tell people "Sorry go to WoW, we don't want your kind around here" rather than opening up a PvP server or two even *shrug* doesn't seem like it would ruin any of your day to me.
#70 Dec 20 2004 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Congratulations, XxRavanaxX on having your troll post achieve 2 pages already.

People, people, people, please stop feeding the trolls.

XxRavanaxX wrote:
I don't even have the game, and I probably won't
#71 Dec 20 2004 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
When SOE begins to listen to these paying customers, my game will also be effected. My class will begin to change and one day I will log on and find that my (any spell) is now weaker because someone, on a server that has nothing to do with me or that I interact with, has complained that when that spell is cast on them its not fair.

just a few comments about this comment lol

1) if they nerf it they should nerf it only in the pvp battle, they wouldnt or shouldnt nerf it out side of pvp

2) even with the above said i do agree they would spend way too much time balancing the pvp and i'd rather them spend time making the "actual" game even better
#72 Dec 21 2004 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
I played on a PvP server in EQL so I would like to see one here.

That being said, the current game mechanics would not support PvP. Think about what happens when you target another player and hit attack or cast a spell? Right now you would end up nuking yourself. Could they change this? Sure, but it would require rewriting code that they most likely would rather not mess with. At least not anytime soon. Personally I would rather they spend their coding time on other things right now.

If I want to feed my PvP addiction I just log into Planetside or my old EQL server. All paid for with my Station Pass. (Sony just send the check to cover promotional Expenses to…….) :)
Flyhalfer Wingfoot
Melee Druid of Karana
#73 Dec 21 2004 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
308 posts
With the whole 'Good v. Evil' thing, I was really expecting the drive of EQ2 to be TOWARDS PvP, which made me rush my character towards ShadowKnight-hood. Then I found out we couldn't even /duel and was a bit disappointed. My idea:

Instanced 'warzones' in which two opposing raid forces group up at opposite sides and speak to a Supreme Overpowering Commandant of Elemental Destruction (for Freeport) and Big Prissy Foofy-Hat-Wearing Coalition Leader (for you know who). Once the raid is formed and the raid leader tells the Commander he/she is ready , the war begins. 48 people in a locked instance, duking it out. Once you fall in combat, you are booted out of the warzone with your spirit shard (or perhaps with no xp loss since it's pvp combat) and your side loses you for the duration. The team that wins is the team that has the last man or woman standing. Now, to make it interesting, there could be some sort of game wide implementation of a benefit for either side, like if Freeport wins this weeks war (because naturally, Freeport would win every single week...) your 'side' (ie all evil characters based in FP) gets a 10% xp bonus on all kills, or everyone gets cheap items from a certain 'war vendor' vendor with a Queynosian flavor (spoils of war?). Under this system, you could even grant prefix title to those who participate in (and win) and certain number of wars. Win 1 war, become a Foot Soldier, win 25, become a Dragoon, win 50, Warmonger, 125, Battle Master, 300, Completely Lifeless get the picture.

I think that PVP under this system would be vastly entertaining, and no one can complain since there are soo many safeguards in place to make sure that if you are there, you want to be PVPing. Also, it wouls serve to make people more receptinve to PVP in general, as there is actually something to lose and gain from a Roleplaying standpoint rather than simple 'pwnage'.

Another crazy idea- give rogue classes the ability to 'scout the terrain' and lay booby traps for the opposing side during or before the battle, give warrior and brute classes the ability to use seige weapons, give summoner classes the ability to summon creatures native to wherever the battle is taking place (IE, the battle takes place in, say, the Lesser Faydark, then necros can summon up some undead faeries...).

No idea how hard all this would be to implement, but I think that this system would be the only PVP system that EVERYONE would enjoy and benefit from.

*applies Flame-screen*
#74 Dec 21 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
499 posts
That being said, the current game mechanics would not support PvP. Think about what happens when you target another player and hit attack or cast a spell? Right now you would end up nuking yourself. Could they change this? Sure, but it would require rewriting code that they most likely would rather not mess with. At least not anytime soon. Personally I would rather they spend their coding time on other things right now.

Exactly, I don't mind pvp on speciffic servers and I also enjoy the extra challenge. However, this game is going pretty smooth for the most part and I would rather see the devs concentrate on perfecting what they have now rather than trying to introduce something new.
#75 Dec 21 2004 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
lol um the intelligent targeting would not have to be changed one bit...friendlies (people on same faction/ or in group/raid) targeting works as usual. Enemy/duel opponent = MOB. end of discussion.

Not that it really matters because SONY has stated it won't happen.
#76 Dec 21 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
I'm not really keen on PvP, but I don't mind if other people want to duel. If they do implement this feature, I would prefer that they didn't have a window pop-up every time someone challenges you. This can get annoying after a while.

They should probably have a special flag that you can set (like the LFG flag) that lets people know who is PvP-ing. Then only people with this flag up can fight each other, and the rest of us can be left alone. You might also be able to search the entire server for other people with their flag up to challenge them.

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