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Free month is is this gameFollow

#27 Dec 16 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
198 posts
Why did you post this thread? What was the purpose behind it?

Were you looking to inform? Inflame? Vent? Did you want someone to change your mind? Sympathy? What? To tell those countless numbers of players that are having fun and enjoy playing the game that its not fun?

After reading your posts in this thread, I'm happy to say that you will not be missed. May the WoW community prosper from your insightful posts.
#28 Dec 16 2004 at 5:59 PM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
Toco, if you can't see why he posted it, hey - I'm sorry, I'm not wanting a rating's slap from you - but then again, I guess I am.

*it's obvious*

You either get it or you don't.

And hey, if you don't get why a loy of us aren't happy w/ the game (and have a right to talk about it), that's okay, too.

I could ask what the real point of your post is. Are you engaging in a sneaky, sophist-style attempt to quash such people? Are you saying that people who aren't as articulate as you can't post here? See, it isn't very nice to be on the receiving end of such stuff. So maybe the answer is: a little more tolerance.

Cuz I'm getting a sense of "zero tolerance" for people who aren't 100% pleased w/ eq2 from certain posters in this forum. It's almost like you guys are Sony shills (are you? do you work for Sony?). Again, I don't really mean it - but - we don't like being on the receiving end of some of your intolerance. So please, reconsider when some of us come in here and vent.

Those of us who complain aren't doing it for self-aggrandaizement. In our own disturbed way what we're actually doing is to ask Sony to fix it. If you want to challenge our contentions and spell out why we're missing something - that the game isn't boring - that it has no serious design flaws - hey, please, educate us. But to simply bristle w/ intolerance... imo that brreed stagnation. Let's please not do that, thx much.
#29 Dec 16 2004 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
296 posts
"I know some of you feel you must defend this game and Sony to the death (hi Miaa - we cross swords in here a lot, don't we?)".

I don't feel I must defend the game or Sony. I just happen to like the game and think Sony is doing a good job. Unlike you and others like you, I don't think Sony is out to get me. They are a company putting out a product. If you don't like it, don't buy it. If you want them to make changes, write to them. Do you really think they read fan boards! Sorry if you don't like my opinion -- but actually I could care less. I would just like the boards to be used for useful information and I don't find posts like yours -- or the original OP's -- very useful. That said, I suggest you go find a game you like and stop paying the evil Sony all that money.
#30 Dec 16 2004 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
Acutally, this "fan-boi" had no problem with the critisism... it was the format in which it was delivered. You posted a poorly contructed, gramatically incorrect, neigh-unreadble run-on with poor use of punctuation while simultaniously sounding like you were whining and throwing down the "WoW is better!" card. I'm not sure what answer you expected on a fansite devoted to the game you are trashing... and yes, I'd call that "trashing" as the points were so ill-formed as to be taken more as a tantrum. Let's not even start with initial impressions from a subject such as "Free month is is this game".

It's all in the approach... a simple, "Hey ya'll I'm not sure this is my thing, I think I'll try some of the others and hope it changes a little" would have recieved a FAR better response. In fact a post such as that probably would have elicited responses such as "Oh? What're you having trouble with? Maybe we can help."

And where are you getting your statistics on how many "unhappy customers" there are? The offical forums? Not a good source my friend... exactly what percentage of the game do you actually think posts? I know at least a couple dozen that came to EQ2 with me and out of them I am the only one that posts there... so that's 1/24 from my standpoint... a skewed statistic to be sure, but the point is still made. And if your info is from "gaming" sites... considering I've actually seen most of them use the term "r0XX0r" at one point or another, I have a feelign that ANY game without PvP is not their cup of tea.

If you arn't happy, then move on... it's childish to try and drag everyone else down with you.

Good luck to you.

Brief edit before I leave work-

To those saying "What we can't voice our thoughts" etc, etc... Of course you can.... somewhere else. Somewhere appropriate. I liken ranting about a game on a fansite devoted to it about the same as sitting in the wrong side of the stands at a football game and booing their team... Not only is it rude, but it's going pick a fight. You posted an inflamatory remark in a forum that is known favorable to the subject... don't expect people to belly-up and let it pass.

Second Brief edit before I leave work :)-

DISCUSSING things that could be changed... that's something completely different. Let's not lump it in with the "thisgame suxx0rs, im switching to WoW" as something we should tolerate.

ANYWAY! I have to get outta here or my wife is going to curtail my breathing privilages! ;)

Edited, Thu Dec 16 18:18:44 2004 by vostik

Edited, Thu Dec 16 18:23:06 2004 by vostik
#31 Dec 16 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Good
465 posts
I'm hoping you posted this to get feedback and reasons for you to stay in EQ2. If all this is is just an *itching motion by you to tout some other game in the EQ2 forums then may a pox take your mouse hand away. Anyway, onto the serious part of my reply:

more like a frustrating job. while i do enjoy grouping, I also enjoy solo content and don't want to rely on other to do everything! I want to feel like i earned some of my rewards all by myself

I've soloed roughly 80-90% of the time. Quest exp is where it's at. And yes, I felt accomplished I did (most of them) all on my own.

way too many "hardcore....i'm better than you, your wasting my time, don't ask for help you dumb noob" jerks in this game

Which server were you on? What times were you playing? Mature and immature players are in every game. You just seem to have bad luck in getting the jerks. The majority of the people I've encountered on my server have been quite pleasurable.

EQ2 is not about instant gratification... well, I guess this is incorrect due to the full HP and Power bars every 20% fill of the exp bar, acquiring abilities/spells around 60-80% sometimes. Getting both exp and tangible rewards (coin/equipment/junk). The only left out is an easy way to level 50. Is that what you want? Do you consider that fun?

Atmosphere, as you know, also affects your enjoyment. I don't know if it's your cup of tea, but roleplaying is great. It's not about getting to high levels as fast you can nor about getting the uber-est weapon/armor before anyone else. It's about interaction with other players, enjoying the world of Norrath and exploring it. Having memorable battles with friends. One can do this without rp, but with it... now that's the spice that makes EQ2 that much better to me.

I sincerely hope you keep on enjoying WoW. I don't know about that game myself. I have no interest in it. I'm already paying $30 a month for two games. I don't need to add to that tab. :P EQ2 has its own set of challenges. If the challenges are not for you and you are not enjoying it, fine. Play something that will because you will only waste your money otherwise.
#32 Dec 16 2004 at 7:16 PM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
"If you don't like it, don't buy it."

This is a chickenscratch response. Excuse me, but if life were always that simple it'd be wonderful. You really need to stop saying that because it can only be taken two ways - either as an underhanded sophist trick or that you are rigidly intolerant. And I bet you are neither. It just sounds good to say it - like hey, that ought to end the argument. But it only starts it.

My mantra for eq2 is "having gotten so much so right, how could they have gotten so much so wrong?" No one has been able to answer that for me. I love aspects of it. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm okay with demanding that Sony make the game better or somehow more inclusive of me and my ilk - rather than tightly controlled, limited and low on fun. Especially because there isn't much choice in mmo's, yeah, I don't have to either love it or leave it. In fact to a discerning person that is almost never an option. I choose to stir the pot instead of embracing stagnation.

Now the idea that I shouldn't post criticisms of the game in here - and only on the official boards? Jeese man, I didn't know that Moses came down the mountain with that one! Sorry.

Puhlease, you guys may not see yourselves as white knights for the corporate goon squad (and in fact that characterization may be grossly unfair), but to some of us you're coming off that way. Especially when the best you can do is attack a poster for his poor grammar. That's cheap. Go parade your linguistic superiority elsewhere please - and let's see if we can prod Sony into giving us a better game. That's all I want. A better game. I'm not gonna get it from ff, ao, wow - I think Sony is capable of doing it. They once had it - they can re-achieve it again. Thanks much, and sorry if I came off too harsh on you all. I'm just feeling a little embattled here.
#33 Dec 16 2004 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
correct me if im wrong but last time i checked mmorpg didnt stand for massive Soloing online role playing game.... would u buy a bus to drive around by yourself?
#34 Dec 16 2004 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
My opinion of my EQ2 experience is mixed to neagative at this point.

An emphasis on grouping is great....provided of course that you can get into a group. Too often, people are monomaniacally focused on building 'perfect' groups of two tanks, two healers and two casters (preferably high damage ones- not those with the pesky pets). If you happen to be a Cleric, you're in great shape! Not only do you have your pick of groups from almost the second you logon, you can actually solo well in case you just don't feel like grouping! People always want tanks for their group. Rogues and Scouts are nice additions to any group but they'll be excluded in a hurry if another tank or healer comes available.

Trouble is, what if you don't happen to be one of those preferred classes? What then? Soloing is almost impossible unless you have excellent equipment and upgraded spells. Sure, you can take greens and blues, assuming you can find them. The game needs to provide you with an incentive to group, sure, but not at the almost total exclusion of soloing. The game needs more solo content.

If you played classes that solo well in whatever game you came from (as I did), you'll probably share my frustration at this. I think it's very interesting that SoE went to great lengths to make sure that the classes that had a hard time soloing in EQ1 (tanks and healers) now have a MUCH easier time, while those that soloed well in EQ1 (Druids, Necromancers, Magicians) have serious limitations.

That said, I do like the class variety. I don't see this system as prone to having cookie-cutter builds as other games did. you can upgrade only certain skills/spells to App3 and do well or spend the real coin and focus upgrading only on a couple of spells to Adept 1+ and be more specialized.

HOs are a nice touch- not that I've played every game out there (my wife would say that it sure seems like it) but they are, in my experience, rather unique.

Tradeskilling is needlessly overcomplicated.

Merchant system really, really sucks.

Graphically, the game is breathtaking at times and impressive overall. SoE went all-out to give us a visceral setting for their game and they succeeded.

There are more issues, but I think these are fodder for discussion. The original poster has several good points- the lack of a real fun factor after the gee-whiz aspects wear off, lack of solo content and the like- and he has every right to come here and post his opinion. Of courxe, were he a person who was planning on continuing to play and was raising these points with the idea of making the game better, maybe you all would feel a bit different towards his opinions.
#35 Dec 16 2004 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
"Exul" wrote:
Emorez hit the nail on the head. Judging from the fact that FoH went straight to WoW, and then bragged about it and bullied posters' opinions on the Blizzard boards, as if they would dictate how the rest of the EQLive populace would follow; proves that the 'L33t B4ttle.n3t' mindset will rule WoW.

FoH has an EQ2 team btw. Township Rebellion is on my server. These guilds won't have the same dominance they had in EQ live =)

#36 Dec 16 2004 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
Coming from FFXI soloing is MUCH easier in this game. Then again, I still prefer grouping. If any of you have played FFXI it is VERY VERY VERY grouped based. If you want to gain a single experience point you must be in a group. Comparing the two, it is so much easier to get a group in EQ2. The developers made it so many classes can take more than just one role, unlike FFXI. This way there are many more opportunities for group invites. As for soloing, i don't see why you're complaining. This is an MMORPG, if you want to solo go buy a PS2 RPG.
#37 Dec 17 2004 at 2:10 AM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
Would you guys who are surgically welded to this "the game is made for grouping so don't solo" concept please get over yourselves?

First, like in other successful mmo's, soloers and groups can *share* this game. It's not all that hard.

Second, you're nuts if you only group. You're always sharing loot - you're not stocking up on the adepts and etc. you need to be able to buy/trade for the adepts you need. I've had too many people win in the lotto an adept I needed and not offer it to me.

And third, you can actually get more exp soloing than in the *typical* group. Why? The average player isn't up to snuff yet. People don't use player made food/drink and can't regen fast - don't have good armor - haven't upgraded spells/abilities, etc. etc. They overpull, wake mezzed critters, and as dirt simple as HOs are - there is always someone who just refuses to get them.

Some of us, to get the cash and upgrades we need and to preserve our sanity need to break up group play w/ a little soloing - is that okay with you? Is that totally unreasonable?

Or are you going to continue to sit there and hammer us with your "it's an mmo - play group or get lost" mentality? Like I've said in other posts, I wasn't aware that Moses came down the mountain with that one. Sorry, I guess I missed Sunday School that day. So please excu-u-u-u-u-u-use me!

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