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semi-rant about silver and coralFollow

#27 Dec 15 2004 at 5:05 AM Rating: Excellent
811 posts
pederpan wrote:
I totally agree with ivvan for the simple fact that i played FF XI and the prices were insane the best lvl 8 equip for theivs, leaping boots, would run u 200,000 gil and that would be a bargin. I was one of the people that camped the courel meat for 4 hrs a day at least and it was the only way to make good $$ each day to keep up with the markets. I hope and pray that i dont have 2 sit in an area for 4 hrs a day every day just to get good items for my character to be well equiped.

This seems like a dangerous way to think of things, if you believe adept III type spells are for simply being "well equipped" versus "Mygodthatsbadasshowinthehell equipped" you are going to be going insane. Yes saving up some money you gain in game over time to be able to get something expensive that you think will aide the way you play can be nice but getting the expensive items that there will always be should in never be seen as being at all mandatory.
#28 Dec 15 2004 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
While it's all nice, fuzzy and warm to think that most people would make adept 3s nice and cheap if they got the rare ingredients(ie coral, lapus lazuli, etc.) for cheap. However, the people that make these spells are just as greedy as the people selling the harvested ingredients and will sell for as much as they can.

I even have a anecdote to back up this theory. I was fortunate enough to actually mine a rare ingredient and asked for the PC on it. First person to respond offered what I originally thought was a good price until the next person told me that I could sell it for twice the amount I was originally offered(which I promptly did). The first person obviously wanted to rip me off so that he could make a huge profit off my ignorance.

Hence, a person should sell his items at a price based on whether or not he thinks it will sell at that price and on how fast he wants it to sell. If no one buys it then the price is too high and should be lowered.
#29 Dec 15 2004 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
976 posts
To the poster referring to me being "not wanting to admit money is easy to obtain in EQ2"

Here are a few quotes you may have missed.

What I'm saying is this. Compared to what I'm used to, this is easy for me. I don't have hours and hours typically either, I work and have a real life. BUT, it sure as heck beats - for me- farming for weeks and weeks just to get enough to squeak by.

Notice the key words... Compared to what I am used to, this is easy for me that simply means this is a better system than what I played before on L2 and FFXI, and not riddled with inflation so bad that it is nearly impossible to make enough money to squeak by.

The point I was trying to make is yes, the merchant system could be lots better...BUT if you get too impatient, you will see a repeat of what happened on FFXI. I'm not obsessed with "comparing" the two games, what I am, however, "obessed" with is the fact that a game economy is a complex thing, just like a working real economy. SOE should LEARN from the mistakes set forth by previous MMORPGs and and come up with something better. They have a decent start. Now they just have to implement more.


Edited, Wed Dec 15 06:06:11 2004 by Ivven
#30 Dec 15 2004 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
I'm going to hijack my own thread back... I am still annoyed at all the morons who jack the price of rares up soo much. It only makes people in your XP party have less than desired skill levels later on. Since not everyone can leave thier computer running at night (which honestly I think is BS, just don't turn it off...) I agree not everyone has an equal chance of making money. But then again, who said it has to be fair. MMORPG's mirror real life in the economy as well as social status. Why do you think so many people get wrapped up in them? Cause they can be the rich guy in the game. It's an easy pull for the devs. That was OT but it's my thread so kiss off :-)

Anyhow, I still believe money is fairly easy to come by. I'm with Ivven(sp), the game I came from was much less money friendly than this one (FFXI). I have a wife and 2 kids and only get to play from 10pm to 1am 2 or 3 nights a week. Somehow though, I have managed lvl 18 Brawler, 14 Scholar and 8g in the bank. And this is not my starting character.

Gather and leave your freakin computer on. Your bill won't be that high. Until they decide they need to change the market system, we have to deal with it. Or don't play /shudder /cry...
#31 Dec 15 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
I have to agree that the "free market economy" of EQ2 isn't working so well some days. To ask 17s for 1 vial of eolith temper is absolutely ridiculous (making armor not adepts). However, this will no doubt change for everything but the stuff requiring rare drops. I simply created alt to make the eolith temper and other items i needed so the guys trying to sell for ridiculous prices aren't going to effect me, and I sell my crafted items at VERY reasonable prices, considerably below what others are charging because of this. My greatest success, of course, is 8 slot bags. I see them for 50s and up on the market, while I sell at 30s. If the overall price drops, I will simply drop my price.
For those trying to keep their prices reasonable, keep going, we can eventually take over the market lol. There is profit to be made without being stupid about it.
#32 Dec 15 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
Orz -_-

All this talk about rares... somebody should make a list of rare harvests, when I was harvesting (to get my skill higher) on my first character, I came across a Lapis Lazuli, and all the other stuff in the area was worthless to me, so I thought this was too, and promptly tossed it. Now I feel like the biggest idiot on this thread :/

thought my story would cheer you up :P

I'm not much into crafting for now, but I certainly am nowhere near rich so I'll hate having to buy Adept3 for insane prices :(
#33 Dec 15 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts

goto Here for a harvest chart. That site also has alot of other info on Artisaning in EQ2.
#34 Dec 15 2004 at 6:25 PM Rating: Good
1,930 posts
So I come home today and log in to find a coral up for sale yay. NOT it's 19g. ARGHHHHHHHHH

When oh when will people learn??
#35 Dec 15 2004 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
517 posts
LOL..this post is so funny, for one thing, if you are buying coral and silver on the broker, you're a moron...Ive never heard of anyone buying rares on the broker..youll see them for like 30 gold each-

you complain about high prices, and the contribute to problem by paying them... If you want to buy coral and silver, go to T Steppes zone, and zone in and out of different antonica zones during prime time, alot of people have them in their banks and don't even know what they are. many of these people have never seen a gold piece in their lives and would be happy to take a gold. I've personally obtained 5-6 ink components this way. Averaging 1.5 gold a piece. Set aside a day and actually go LOOK for coral, if not that day, hey try it the next day... It's not impossible, everyone in my guild has gotten their adept3's this way....

Brokering rares! ROFL! You've got to be joking

For this Ademius fellow.. Hmm..where to begin...Let me start with quoting you here

"No, my complaint is that there are players like myself who, frankly, don't have equal access to the market due to obligations outside the game. We work just as hard as those who do have access to harvest materials and/or craft them into sellable finished products or subcombines. We may even offer them at prices lower than others. But we can't devote hours and hours of time to doing nothing but keeping our stores open. That's what needs fixing."

Some people just never learn... For one, you can trade this stuff into a wholesaler and never broker anything. For another, these items you harvest in high demand(anything but shrubs and fungii) Sell like HOTCAKES, right before your eyes. Ive dumped off 3-4 stacks of each tier 3 resource in an hour.As for the lottery allusion, the majority of money comes from harvesting itsself, but you CAN win the lottery with a rare, yes.

When you harvest in Tsteppes the items you get sell for average of 3 silver a piece, at least 2 silver if you undercut everyone, belladonna, carbonite, ash, pelts, agate, gold clusters...and if you decide to broker them, it doesnt take OVER NIGHT..ive made over 30 gold on the broker and i have NEVER left my comp on overnight.

Go out and harvest all day, and fill your bags. Get a friend, go in luminary Cache in Starcrest. He assigns you wholesaler quest, 15 items, for 48 Silver. By this time your bags are full for TONS of the quests. Have your friend trade you the items the wholesaler asks for 1 at a time, in all six spots however. So in three trade windows you have another 15 items you need for quest. Rinse and repeat. WHen i empty a whole bags harvesting i usually get tons of gold.... 15 items for 48 silver, if you're out there all day filling up your bags..You'll have tons of money

That my friend is how you make money, and if you dont want to waste the time with your friend trading you items for wholesaler quest, just broker them for cheapest price. LIke i said they all sell before your eyes, but youll make less money this way..either way it's not impossible, or even HARD to make money in this game.. you just have to ask around, and try and use a little ingenuity, rather than making long winded whiny posts on messageboards....

I haven't posted on this site since I quit FF long ago i saw this thread here and had to dig up my account info and post im amazed at what im reading... I shouldn't have to post this **** on messageboards for 100s of people to see of how to make money and do things properly, you should ask around yourself, your guild, your friends, and have it done in a discreet manner...I was just too shaken up by this ridiculous complaining to keep quiet

Edited, Wed Dec 15 22:27:40 2004 by Technina
#36 Dec 15 2004 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
454 posts

Brokering rares! ROFL! You've got to be joking

Yes, what fools people are for using the merchant system in the game to sell items. o.O

What's next? People riding the griffin stations instead of walking?? *gasp*

But as per the thread, yes, its stupid. The end product must cost more than the components. It's a luxury item, though, and as such its going to be expensive.
#37 Dec 15 2004 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
517 posts
I know you're trying to be clever and sarcastic, but really you're stupid. No players i know use the broker system to buy rares, because they are ridiculously over priced. Why pay 10 gold for silver or coral when you can pay 1 or 2? Why pay 20-30 gold for jasper or palladium when you can pay 5-10? Where is your ultra clever reply for that one?
#38 Dec 15 2004 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
454 posts
On Kithkor Coral goes for 5-8 gold normally. I've seen it go higher but rarely, and sometimes you see it for insane prices that noone in the game probably has yet. That's a very reasonable price, I think. These things are rare, very very rare. You could spend your time searching all day trying to track one down on someone who has no idea what they have and cheat them out of what they could get, yes. But I think you would most likely waste your day. Even if you spend 3 hours to track down a price that will save yourself 3 gold, I wouldn't consider it worth it.

EDIT: I don't rate whether an idea was good or bad on the actual outcome of the situation, but rather the likihood that repeated attempts will reveal the same result. Thus, if this were a daily activity, even if one day you got really lucky, the unlikely even of getting multiple corals repeatedly would make this a bad way to do business.

Edited, Wed Dec 15 22:52:57 2004 by ThirdWizard
#39 Dec 15 2004 at 10:53 PM Rating: Good
517 posts
I'll say it again, go zone into antonica a few times randomly and say you want to buy coral or silver, and youre offering a gold. One time i got two replies simultaneously... If you go in three different zones you're talking potentially 300 people there and not all of them think or believe it's worth 8 gold a piece. I'm not being theoretical, all of my 10-19 spells were/are adept 3, and i never paid those ridiculous prices....not sure how big an impact this information on boards is going to disrupt this, but go try it out. Say even it takes you 3 hours to find it, you saved yourself 7 gold. And i guarantee it takes you more than three hours to get 7 gold. It's not too hard to give it a shot, it worked for me, and it worked for my guild, and many others. Like i said, none of my friends broker rares, its foolish and wasteful. Be resourceful.
#40 Dec 15 2004 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
454 posts
Like I said, its much cheaper on my server, which is partially why it wouldn't bey worth the investment in time. I can see how it would be worth it if on your server coral is going for 10 gold (almost twice the usual going rate I'm used to).

I will try it and see if it works.
#41 Dec 15 2004 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent
517 posts
"You could spend your time searching all day trying to track one down on someone who has no idea what they have and cheat them out of what they could get, yes."

this strikes a sore nerve. "COULD GET". Could get yes, but is that what it's worth? Worth it how..You tell me how a level 10-19 adept 3 spell is worth 10 gold. ALL of my spells that level are adept 3, and the difference is barely noticable... And the people that harvest these things, are already making money, gathering components, and are generally under level 20. A couple of hours of some sub 20 level players time is not WORTH 10 gold...

It's maybe worth a couple. How do i figure? Well if they were doing something else, they wouldnt make NEARLY as much money. That is why the rares of tier three zones are worth more money, because players of that level could be making more money with their time. And for all of you rushing out to adept3 all of your spells so quickly, i have them all, and i'm not very happy paying 5-6 gold for 20-29, and around 2 gold total for 10-19. I'll cite a couple of examples.

Rash Advance Adept 3 made my Piercing/Slashing skills raise ONE POINT higher than Apprentice 2.

Fancy Footwork Adept3 raised my parry skill ONE POINT higher than Apprentice 3.

Backstab adept3 made my attack higher, yes about 3gold worth higher, not TEN...

basically a damn adept3 10-19 spell is not worth 10 gold, and coral isnt worth 8, and you dont have to pay it.. Let these say what they want to me, but i'll tell you a fact.. no one in my guild has ever paid those kind of prices for coral or silver, and they do exactly what i'm telling you. Coral and Silver not bought on broker will not cost you 5-8 gold. And it dont take all day to make a couple of shouts in different zones to try and find some

Edit: For those of you rushing to adept3 your spells with silver and coral PLEASE go to a skill tree and make sure those skills arent about to be REPLACED.. because i adept3 my quick flurry, rash advance, and backstab, and streetsmarts.. When i was around level 20.. and by level 28, ALL FOUR OF THEM ARE REPLACED. So if you pay these prices people say here, youre flushing 30-40 gold down the toilet. 10-19 skills get replaced in mid 20s

Edited, Wed Dec 15 23:03:49 2004 by Technina

Edited, Wed Dec 15 23:05:55 2004 by Technina
#42 Dec 15 2004 at 11:14 PM Rating: Good
454 posts
It's worth it not because its so amazingly good but because its so amazingly rare. Luxury items are that: for luxury. And its because so few people are going to get them. Lets say that there's a sword that does a small amount more damage than all the other swords for the few levels that it can be used. And there is only one of these swords for every 500 of each of the other swords. It's going to be expensive. Very expensive most likely. It is worth it, though because its rare and it is worth exactly what people are willing to pay for it.

Worth is pretty much defined as what people are going to pay for. The amazingly expensive sports cars arn't worth so much because the sum of their parts are so expensive. It's because people are willing to buy them for that much. Ten gold for something that most people in the game don't have? Heck, it'll be outdated in 10 levels! Would I pay 10 gold for an Adept 3? Maybe Inflame. But, that's about it.

But, am I going to go up to an artisan who is selling tons of Adept 3s for 10 gold and selling out every night on them that it isn't worth 10 gold? They'll balk, put it up to 13 gold and still sell out every night.

EDIT: By the way, the origional post isn't about how high prices are, its about charging high prices for components and then expecting finished goods to be lower priced than the components. I charge 35 silver for 8 slot 10% reduction backpacks and many have told me I'm selling for too high... but I sell out every night and people who price higher than me seem to sell out every night. I don't think I'm charging too much.

EDIT2: I've been doing the /auction thing in Antonica since my other post and so far I've only gotten 2 people asking what it is and some others yelling at me for ripping off newbies. :P

Edited, Wed Dec 15 23:18:49 2004 by ThirdWizard

Edited, Wed Dec 15 23:21:03 2004 by ThirdWizard
#43 Dec 15 2004 at 11:24 PM Rating: Good
517 posts
My point here friend is not that it's not rare, but that the smart players would never pay that amount of money regardless. The sportscar allusion is moot because you can't go to a different dealership and pay 50,000 for that F-355 ferrari instead of 200,000.... I'm saying there are smarter ways to get ahold of the item you want. It doesn't take all day either, i never had to look hard to get a chunk of coral for 1-2 gold, just gotta know how/where to ask

Edit: I'm not going to argue anymore i'll leave with this point..If you want coral or silver, DOnt go to the damn broker.. Zone in and out of antonica 1,2,3 and ask, say your price 1-2 gold. This is how me and my guildies, and everyone i know got their coral. And it has never failed. I wasnt even aware people used broker to buy rares, because they cost 3x as much this way. Just becuase some idiot puts Coral up for 5-8 gold on the broker, doesnt mean that's how much it's worth.

Edited, Wed Dec 15 23:27:25 2004 by Technina
#44 Dec 15 2004 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
454 posts
People are starting to flame me for asking for 1 gold for Coral in /auction in Antonica. I'm not going to hurt my rep (even a tiny bit) just to try this out. Sorry, I don't see how it works. =/
#45 Dec 16 2004 at 12:02 AM Rating: Good
517 posts
as of around 2 weeks ago on Najena, this was how everyone i know got their coral, and no one brokered it. the way i got mine was a shout or auction in all the ants zoning in and out like this

WTB: Rough Coral or SIlver Cluster, paying 1.5 gold each

Or id say paying 1, paying 2, whatever.. if i went out and got one for 2, next time id say 1.... if no one replied for 1, i'd say 2 etc... I'm not sure how much price of it has increased durin these two weeks but it could be substantial
#46 Dec 16 2004 at 1:36 AM Rating: Good
Thank you! I have all scholar addept III books, but the coral/silver on my server is so expensive that it makes it almost impossible to make them. My server is Everfrost.
#47 Dec 16 2004 at 3:46 AM Rating: Decent
A major part of the issue here was the destruction of the economy due to tradeskillers exploiting {intentionally or not) the high prices given to them by npc merchants for player created items.

Not much was said about this situation, but you may remember the patch a little bit ago where merchants would no longer purchase player crafted items. They do purchace now, but at a level on par with the costs associated with crafting said item.

It's too bad that the economy was ruined by some people, and that internet plat sellers got a leg up on things. When you check the broker for items and NONE are within your financial reach, you need to remember that some people have, in fact, HUNDREDS of gold. (well that would make plat, but you understand)

Frankly I'd rather have a server reset than to go on being the slave to a bunch of billionairs that dont give a damn...
#48 Dec 16 2004 at 3:59 AM Rating: Good
517 posts
Aye, this has affected us in more ways than one..rather than locate the platinum, and remove it, and ban the players, they just circumvented the exploit.. Maybe removing the plat and banning the players would allow those players to sue SOE? I can see no other reason for not banning them. They used macros to cheat the system.... From what ive seen/heard/evaluated..this macro came from crafting while on the stove and keeping a merchant open simulataneously using some macro
#49 Dec 16 2004 at 8:33 AM Rating: Excellent
1,930 posts

I have read your posts. There are a few things you have to remember. Every server is different, on my server pretty much everyone knows now what they can get for coral or silver. So when I shout that I'm looking for it, I don't get it for 1 gold. Sorry to burst your bubble and bring you down a notch from your high horse, but you're not the only person who has figured out that brokering is not the way to go. Nor are you the only one who has figured out how to use the Wholesaler tasks. There is a reason why I rank 4 out 750 in my Wholesaler society.

I have mined countless hours to get it myself and have only gotten one. And repeated shouts in all Antonicas have resulted in nothing, so I'm left with the market system to get it, where all the people who have gotten it know they can get mucho gold for it.

You make me laugh, because as you come on here and call people idiots and morons for doing something a certain way. You fail to realize that you in fact are very lucky to have it the way you do on your server. If having lots of people to dupe into selling you something for less than it's worth can be considered lucky. You are the idiot my friend. Not because you do it your way and it doesn't follow my path, but because I just think you are a jackass.

Now that wasn't very nice of me was it?? To call someone I don't know an idiot. But I have only to judge from your comments on this board and that is the light you shine upon yourself. Don't be so self-righteous, we all come here to share info and learn from each other. And yes sometimes to just ***** and moan about the prices.

Next time don't be such a jerk and maybe read the post some. I'm not sure that you even did read the OP. Cause if you had, being as smart as you are, then you would have realized that I had already done everything I could to get it on my own..

Thank you

Edited, Thu Dec 16 10:15:20 2004 by Jute
#50 Dec 16 2004 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Personally I hate people who come into zones offering ripoff prices for valuable items.

In EQ you would frequently hear people shouting in a newbie zone that they would pay 2pp for a stack (20) of spider silk. Boy did they get upset if anyone mentioned it sold for 5pp per piece in the bazaar.

I wouldn't begrudge a reasonable discount because they made the effort to go where it's harvested but the idea that taking advantage of someone else's ignorance is "clever" or to be encouraged is sickening.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#51 Dec 16 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Default
Personally I hate people who come into zones offering ripoff prices for valuable items

so you want to buy a diamond ring which marked $20000 for $1 in real life? since there is no official pricing in the game, everyone can sell anything at any price they want. if you think thats too expensive, dont buy it. or go find a cheaper one. or you can go talk to the seller see if he want to lower his price. or trade some of your items with him.

you cant compare EQII with EQ I. mobs in EQ I drop money(like SandGiants drop 10-20pps each kill). have you ever see any mob drop money in EQ II so far? Im lvl 28 now and I can say I had never saw a mob drop money. and the cash reward from quests are too little.

money is hard in this game, if you are lucky enough to get a super valuable items and you are 99% sure you might not lucky enough to get another piece within half a year, of course you wont just give it out to a stranger. of course you wanna sell all your stuff out at the max price. if you do that, dont blame people who do the same thing as you.
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