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Please tell me this is not another FFXIFollow

#1 Nov 30 2004 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
Yes, I'm a FFXI refugee.

Here are my main complaints about FFXI and reasons I am leaving:

1. The quests are generally useless for advancing your character. Quests do not give you xp, and the rewards are insignificant compared to what can be gained by simply farming.

2. With the exception of beastmaster, no class can be effectively soloed beyond about level 13. So if you can't find a party, you have to wait -- sometimes for hours.

3. Party requirements are very strict and difficult to fill. There's only one healer class, and two classes capable of effectively tanking. If you don't have one of each in your party, you don't have a party.

Some FFXI vets may correct me on my details, but you get my general point.

I have already seen that EQ2 gives xp for quests which is great. However, I've been noticing people shouting desperately for parties and others shouting for healers. I'm wondering if, when I get to a high enough level, I will be forced to beg for parties and wait for healers and tanks to log on just like in FFXI. If so, then I'm cancelling my account right now and picking up Wow. Please tell me that this is not another FFXI.

Edited, Tue Nov 30 17:54:56 2004 by Sonnette
#2 Nov 30 2004 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
So far I haven't noticed any of these problems... and from what I'm hearing from people further on up, neither are they.
#3 Nov 30 2004 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
EQII has none of the problems of FFXI that you listed.

Quests yield some of the best gear in the game, and 3/4 of my exp came from doing quests, not going out and grinding in exp parties.

Its not as restrictive like FFXI as far as soloing goes.

Party requirements are much much more flexable in EQII.

A large number of the people you hear shouting desperately for exp parties are probably doing so because it is what they are used to in other games, like FFXI and EQ1. You don't have to do this. Its actually better if you don't.
I inspect tons of people all the time, since there is no message sent to the person inspected in this game. Something I have noticed is the people who are doing nothing but grinding exp are leveling slower than I am doing quests, and their gear almost always SUCKS.
Last week when I was a lvl 18 predator I ran into a lvl 19 ogre fighter tank with one of those "Hunter of blah blah blah" titles. I inspected him and found that his HP, MP, STR, AGI, INT, WIS, Attack, Defense, and all his stats were lower than mine. Often by ALOT. This is what comes of spending all your time grinding in exp parties, and not questing and upgrading your armor. Quests provide money, exp at around the same pace as grinding maybe even faster and sometimes the best equips you can wear at your level.
There are tons of different ways to do things in this game. People need to learn about them, rather than try to mold this game into a copy of what they've played in the past.
#4 Nov 30 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
Thank you for those encouraging words.
In fact, I think I was in danger of falling into the "grinding" mode just as you mentioned. My only other experience with MMORPGs is FFXI so I'm very much accustomed to exp grinding as a way of life.

It's really great to hear that you can level by doing quests. I'd much rather kill mobs as part of a quest than mindlessly kill mob after mob simply to get exp.
#5 Nov 30 2004 at 1:21 PM Rating: Default
27 posts
After playing FFXI for far too long, getting exp and good gear from quests is great. Enough to make me quit FFXI. And about picking up WoW...don't. You'll be disappointed with graphics and lower/easier learning curve than EQII, IMO.
#6 Nov 30 2004 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
14,454 posts
The quests are by far the best I have seen in a MMORPG game. You get decent cash, xp and gear for your character while learning your way around the area. I have basically geared my toon all the way through quests.

You can solo but you do get better xp with a group. However, you do not have to do anything you dont want to. I've soloed, duoed, and grouped and all times I have been happy with the xp. There are certain things in quests that may be hard for you to go after soloing, which is why you may see so many people /OOCing as well. But I think if that happened to you, you could easily find a group of people who are needing the same quest kills as well and get together.

The classes in EQ2 are so well balanced now. There are 3 categories in healing (preists) and they all do a great job. They each have different ways of healing but each one is just as effective as the other 2. Tanks there will be a plenty, as well as DPS, and mages. I dont think you're going to find a lack of roles to fill and you dont have to pigeon hole yourself to look for that "one special class" you had to do for EQ1 and sounding like FFXI

Hope this helps.
#7 Nov 30 2004 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
i played eq and ffxi and eq2 is definatly the best theres hardly a cookie-cutter group since so many classes can tank and heal and do good dps
#8 Nov 30 2004 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
460 posts
EQ2's quest system is immense. You can go haywire talking to NPCs in town and grabbing quest after quest.
The rewards are decent too. At level 14, some armor/weapon rewards are still orange/yellow con which means they will be useful to me even after a few more levels. Certain quests even give you a list of items to choose from as a reward, which is a nice touch in my opinion.
Half of the levels I have gained so far are probably due to quests, as opposed to just killing mobs outside.

In terms of exp adventuring, this is my experience so far: (disclaimer Im only level 14)
While waiting for a group invite, you can still go kill mobs as long as you play it smart(observe the con colors, choose targets wisely, etc).
There are mobs that you can pick-off solo and just avoid the gang-type mobs. Sure exp will be slower, but it sure beats getting no exp/loot at all while waiting for an invite.
This is a big change from FFXI where you basically become crippled in town waiting for a party invite because a mob that can give you 12exp can still kill you in 30 seconds.
#9 Nov 30 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
It's not like FF XI, although several elements of the game are quite similar.

The quest system is good, gives good xp and makes you go around quite a lot of zones, forcing you to get to know them. Which is always handy!

I've only bought some armour parts, most are quested and will last me several lvls or until I get better from a drop or other quest.

I've only grouped once, I had to to complete a quest. I could have waited a few lvls and soloed the quest, but that would have been a bit futile. As most people are low in lvl and are doing the same quests everybody else is doing, one off groups for specific quests are easy to find. For now, no idea what happens in a year or so.

I have heard about problems with soloing after lvl 15, can't really discuss that as I am only 13 at the moment (and got all lvls solo, questing mostly)

As for partying, if it is anything like EQ I, there is no specific requirement of what classess are always needed, experiments are always fun, apart from having your party wiped that is, lol.

As with EQ I, in which soloing is possible, I can see that to take on certain mobs and specific npc's parties will always be needed, that might take time to find a group, but not for everything. (I hope, lol)

#10 Nov 30 2004 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
each mob when targetted says either "group" or "solo" on the indicator. group mobs give more XP but are geared for 2 or more people to take down (although some are still soloable). In addition to that, MOBs names are colored based on their difficulty level...if grouped, mobs will always con the color they are to the highest person in the group.

in addition to that, some mobs have either 1 or 2 "^" above or below their name. up arrows indicate increased difficulty and down arrows indicate decreased (undercon or overcon).

that being said, evey zone i have seen so far has solo mobs spattered throughout and even some areas littered with them. the game seems to cater nicely to both the soloer and group-type person.

another thing I like is that chests (which have greater rewards than standard loot) seem to drop off both solo mobs and group mobs. just more often and greater on group and harder mobs. this gives the soloer a chance to even gain some decent loot.

Edited, Tue Nov 30 17:13:55 2004 by Empyre
#11 Nov 30 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
248 posts
I must agree overall. This has got to be the best game I've ever played. Excellent quests, a TON of effort went into those, and it shows. Kudos to the Ubisoft folks that wrote it. Thus far, I have seen very, very little to discourage me abou this game. Ive played both side, FP and Q, and the fact that progression can be handled virtually any way you like, solo, group, duo, whatever, gives me great hope that this game will mark the end of the zerg tactics and other disasterous failures that killed EQ1.
Usually I have something negative to add, to keep all scales even, but I just cant find much to complain about with EQ2. It's just so damned...interesting!
#12 Nov 30 2004 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
Sonnette wrote:
However, I've been noticing people shouting desperately for parties and others shouting for healers. I'm wondering if, when I get to a high enough level, I will be forced to beg for parties and wait for healers and tanks to log on just like in FFXI. If so, then I'm cancelling my account right now and picking up Wow. Please tell me that this is not another FFXI.

Edited, Tue Nov 30 17:54:56 2004 by Sonnette

In this game the healers and the fighter are there, they just can solo so they will not help unless they are gettin something out of it. These are lvl 6.9 people with full quest armor I'm talking about here. This is IoR based observation. I haven't wanted to group so far in the cities. It takes a good 3 minutes to do the orc leader and there will be plenty of healers mages and fighters but they won't help because they just gotta get that turtle shell NOW... have to get it right NOW!! It's sad.
#13 Nov 30 2004 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
but they won't help because they just gotta get that turtle shell NOW... have to get it right NOW!! It's sad.

sadly, you nailed the mentality of soooo many people that flood into these games and ruin many aspects of them.

i consider myself to be an average power-gamer, but it is just ridiculous when you have to deal with and try to be nice with someone who has the "gimme what I need and give it to me now or you aren't being fair!! whaaaaaa!" mentality. I know you don't HAVE to deal with them, but I try to maintain a drama-free life...even online.
#14 Nov 30 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
1. As everyone else said the quest system is nuts. Many of them, just due to the sheer amount, actually overlap. You may have to go to one zone to kill a certain beastie that 2 or more quests need killin'. If not, there are other quests that would involve the same zone. Always something to do that gives good rewards and exp to boot! ^^

2. Solo'd my way to 18.8 and intent on making to 20. I group up for quests or to help people out. Hate the level grinding and will avoid it like the plague as long as possible.

3. I agree with everyone else... much more freedom in party makeup. You still need a balanced core (healer, tank, dps, etc.) but no one job type is singled out amongst the others. This may change in the future/endgame but right now, it's pretty good.

Just to note that I'm on the Lucan D'Lere server and reside in Qeynos. I've encountered quite a bit of people that are willing to help out that do not want anything in return. I have experienced others who only want to get their stuff done also, but the good experiences outweigh any negative ones.
#15 Nov 30 2004 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
FFXI can't compare to Everquest 2. EQ2 has an amazing character creation system that FAR surpesses FFXI. WoW is a rip off in that department as well. I wanted to be a Tauren Monk or a Tauren Rogue, nope can't do it. EQ2 I can be a whatever the heck i want, good or evil alliance.

FFXI music is something very much to be enjoyed....when it's there. Too many zones are empty and dull with no music or music that just irritates your gaming experience *San d'Oria for example* WoW has the best music of the 3 I have to admit. It's really great,and fun to listen to, but that's not to say that EQ2 falls short there either, just it won't equal WoW's awesome tunes.

Graphics, dead give away to EQ2. It's the best of the best out there for what Vid cards need to be and will keep beating other games for years to come in that department still. WoW has a toony graphic environment, which I don't mind, and in fact I thought to be creative for an MMORPG, and being I played Ragnarok Online for a long time, found WoW's graphics to be just fine and fun to boot.

Now as a personal reference for videogames, I always go to to read their reviews and previews and have followed their words forever on what a game's score should be. Till today when I went to read the WoW review....and just got angry. They gave EQ2 a 7.8 if I remember correct, and WoW a 9.5! What the hell is that? I played WoW beta and felt bored and just dumbed down at playing it. Along came EQ2 when it hits stores shelves and I get my Collectors box, and have the best gaming fun I have had in so long.

In short, don't sell yourself short by getting WoW or staying with FFXI. Real, intelligent, and mature players of games will know that EQ2 is the best out there now in the MMO genre. So go get your copy now. :)
#16 Nov 30 2004 at 8:42 PM Rating: Default
133 posts
heres a vote for banning the mention of FF whatever
#17 Dec 01 2004 at 5:34 AM Rating: Good
976 posts
I've heard some complaints already in EQ2, but coming from FFXI, I don't share many of them.

1) There's nothing to do but level.

WHAT? There are tons of quests that give good rewards and exp. The places to explore are HUGE! Crafting is much more fun in this game, and much more profitable at an earlier level. Get on an RP server and RP. RP in FFXI? You'd get flamed for wasting valuable leveling time.

2) Everyone looks the same.

Uh, no. In FFXI everyone looked THE SAME. In this game, sure, the lowbie armor looks similar, but the game is only a few weeks old...and you can at least change your character's look enough to be a bit unique. You know how many "Ivven clones" (that was my character) go running by in Jeuno (the big hang out for all jobs above lvl 20) at any given time? Dozens. And everyone wore the exact same armor for their job class and level range. We haven't seen the uber armor yet guys, because the game is still very new. Give it time and soon you'll look unique enough, at least more unique than FFXI.

3)EXP Debt sucks!

No...deleveling sucks. Compared to just dinging 50 after 4 hours of a party, and then the puller accidentally pulls a link...and you die...and viola!! Level 49 again.... EXP debt and having to dash to recover your shard is FAR better.

4)Takes too long to level

Well, after lvl 53 in FFXI, your exp TNL jumped to 20,000 for each level until 60. I believe after that it went to 30,000 until 65, and then it went to 40,000 or something. Consider this. You are LFG for about 75 percent of your time on that game. You party finally after 3 or 4 hours of trying to find a group. You can't solo for exp after lvl 15 or so. You get into a group and maybe, 2000 exp an hour, or 2500. OH NO! The white mage has to log off .... after only 2 hours. Damn, you barely got enough to even save your level if you somehow die...and guess what? Party is over! Because there are no WHM's LFG that are within 2 levels of everyone else. Everyone disbands... you go back to Jeuno and sit there, maybe farm for a while.... for another 3 or 4 hours. Sometimes it takes WEEKS at mid and higher levels to ding. For melee like monk or drk...might take MONTHS.

5) It's too cartoony.

Tarutaru dance. Enough said.

So to compare: I loved FFXI when I started playing it when it came out for PC last Oct. It was great. We were all n00bs and it was perfectly OK to be a war/rdm. Heck, I had a back up tank static rdm/war when I was a war/mnk with a Great Sword. No one cared.

Then something happened. Everyone got so serious about gear, about sub jobs, about getting that chain 5 exp... it wasn't fun anymore. At least not for me. Right now, I'm enjoying EQ2 a lot... the only part I miss about FFXI are the early n00b days of adventure and my LS. I can't say for sure if EQ2 won't turn out the same way in the future, but right now it's a nice...fresh...change from FFXI. Give it a shot.

Edited, Wed Dec 1 05:39:19 2004 by Ivven
#18 Dec 01 2004 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
I think what is coll about the quest system is that you have to make a choice.

There seems to be about two to three different paths for quests that will take up a good 4-5 levels of exp to fully enjoy. I centered on the stormhold and undergroud quests and have only set foot in black burrow once.

Now I am 22 an BB is just too low, all greys in there so I deleted all my quests for that place.

By the time i got my firemyst gully quest done I was 20 and all of the stuff at the entrance was grey, so having learned my lesson I am now picking a quest path and stayng with it so i do not exceed the fun factor by getting to high level.
#19 Dec 01 2004 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
the game is absolutely nothing like FFXI..

1) quest advance you faster than mobs unless your group is taking down some pretty hefty stuff... which is not often nor likely.

2) I LOVE to solo!!! I've soloed effectively with my scout (now predator) and even my mage (now sorceress) solos well.. though with a mage you have to be a bit more strategic about it if it's group mobs.. my priest on the other hand.. despite being only 6th level I allready see her solo potential being higher than both my mage and scout once she reaches those levels.

3) parties.. again, you CAN solo.. and do so effectively.. and quest give GOOD xp and items. that said... you don't have to party much if at all.. unless the quest is THAT tough.

I was puttering around with Neriss one day.. and got a pt invite.. well since I was just KO'ing a few grays for a quest and had the time I figure why not. SOO I agree.. this was the most disorganized group of people I've seen.. the mage was saying multiple times to rest for power.. I was saying multiple times to back away from the mob spawn points so we could rest.. all the while everyone else in the PT were in the deep yellow or even RED in HP and running off to fight. Since they wouldn't fall back it was an almost constant stream of links.

A pack of wild dogs (group mobs about 5 of them.. all orange and aggro) showed up.. and what do they do.. run right THROUGH them.. and get attacked.. when they could have easily gone the opposite direction without incident. (Which is what myself and the mage did.. we went to the other door.. duh)

now in FFXI.. parties are precious... since you can't solo you sorta want to stick out even a bad party in the hopes of making some progress. EQ2 is NOT like this.. and after about 20 min. of this pathetic anarchy I told them that I was going to go do some quest and did a /disband. not more than 2 min later I see the mage zone in where I am.. he left them too..

I don't mind sticking with a solid group.. even if people die sometimes crap happens.. but I will *NOT* get an xp debt because multiple people are obvious idiots with absolutely no coordination. I can solo and get 2 times the xp they would have caused me to be in debt with.
#20 Dec 01 2004 at 11:02 AM Rating: Default
1. The quests are generally useless for advancing your character. Quests do not give you xp, and the rewards are insignificant compared to what can be gained by simply farming.

Quest DOES give exp, but of course not all of them. I would say 70% of the quest rewards are better than your farming items. but due to TLC, you wont get any items from any gray mobs anymore. and even Named mob wont guarantee could drop good loots.

2. With the exception of beastmaster, no class can be effectively soloed beyond about level 13. So if you can't find a party, you have to wait -- sometimes for hours.

As a lvl 22 bard/Troubador( I cant heal myself ), I solo quite often when I was 15-17. I donno you class but every class can solo easily in EQ 2 compare to EQ 1 and FF11. Priest is a good example.

3. Party requirements are very strict and difficult to fill.

In almost ALL MMORPG, Healer class always high demand but low supply. if you are having problems on grouping, play a priest or go pick a class can solo.

There's only one healer class, and two classes capable of effectively tanking. If you don't have one of each in your party, you don't have a party.

There ARE 3 healer class at lvl 20. there ARE 12 healer classes at lvl 40 I think.
There ARE 3 tanking class at lvl 20. there ARE 12 Tanking/Taunting class at higher lvl.
Again, thats the style of MMORPG, even in WORLD OR WARCRAFT.

I've been noticing people shouting desperately for parties and others shouting for healers. I'm wondering if, when I get to a high enough level, I will be forced to beg for parties and wait for healers and tanks to log on just like in FFXI

well, unless you want every class have identicial skills and spells. or that would be the life of every MMORPG.

I'm cancelling my account right now and picking up Wow.

I am not sure if you are trying to promote WoW AGAIN like the other @ss head. but I can tell you, My friend was in WoW beta now. he said almost all players in WoW are kids. they yell, shout, senting out garbage messages. Play solo when grouped. If these are true, and you are still enjoy playing WoW. Good luck with that. but if you are not, I am pretty sure you will come back to EQ 2 soon.
#21 Feb 28 2005 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
1. The quests are generally useless for advancing your character. Quests do not give you xp, and the rewards are insignificant compared to what can be gained by simply farming.

Nope I have gotten more exp and items from quests then any exp group I have been in.

2. With the exception of beastmaster, no class can be effectively soloed beyond about level 13. So if you can't find a party, you have to wait -- sometimes for hours.

Nope 32 SK still solo EVERYDAY and group some with guild mates have np soloing.

3. Party requirements are very strict and difficult to fill. There's only one healer class, and two classes capable of effectively tanking. If you don't have one of each in your party, you don't have a party.

Not true have been in groups with no healer and did ok, a little slower exp due to down time but ant mix of char can group and kill for exp and do quests. Maybe not kill anything but enough to have something to do.

I have already seen that EQ2 gives xp for quests which is great. However, I've been noticing people shouting desperately for parties and others shouting for healers. I'm wondering if, when I get to a high enough level, I will be forced to beg for parties and wait for healers and tanks to log on just like in FFXI. If so, then I'm cancelling my account right now and picking up Wow. Please tell me that this is not another FFXI.

EQ2 is a new game with less then 5 months play time. I played EQ and that game is nothing like it start out as 6 years ago, sure some things I love some I hate but still a good game.
FFXI never played it but have heard more bade things about it then good, as for WoW played that was fun for like 10 min oops no that was another game. Heheheh no WoW is great if you want and crave PvP it has that and thats all it really brings to the table.
#22 Feb 28 2005 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
I'll throw in my 2 cents worth on the grouping thing.

You can group, but unless you don't spend any time figuring out how to solo, you don't have to.

However, you will have to figure out, preferably early in the levels, how your particular class solos. You can't just run up to every mob and start bashing away. You have to have a strategy for soloing, and you have to pick mobs that you have a good chance of defeating. I consider this a good thing, its an intelligent way to play, instead of just bashing down anything that comes your way.

If you aren't that good at soloing, or prefer to group, it isn't that hard to find a group. You won't be "begging for groups". For one thing, despite what people seem to think, a group doesn't consist of 6 people. 2 people can form a group and duo, 3 people can form a group, etc.

If you are concerned about being able to solo and being able to find groups, I suggest making a healer. Healers are always in demand, even though SOE has made it quite a bit less difficult in this game. You don't have to be a cleric, shaman and druid heal just fine.

Or you could pick a paladin. I play a paladin and its very easy for me to get groups because I'm a tank, but I can solo well too, and I get enough heal spells to be able to do quite a bit.

Regen when not in combat is really high in this game, so there is very little downtime. Kill mob, wait 30 seconds (or less) kill another mob...

As many have said already, you often get more and better rewards from questing than from fighting. Of course, many quests require you to kill mobs to complete them, so often you get both sides. I personally have a constantly full quest journal (you can only have 50 quests going at a time). Mine is always in the 45 to 50 range full. I love the quests, from the little running around quests in the city, to the quests I am doing now at level 30.

I thought there were less quests at this level, but I was wrong. My quest journal is just as full as it ever was!

If you don't like quests though, you will not like EQ2 that much, it really does revolve around quests (IMHO anyway). Sure you could choose never to do any quests and still play, but you'd be missing out on the best armor and equipment, and the fastest experience.

#23 Feb 28 2005 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
The big difference i've seen is that there are no cookie cutter groups, my favorite group i've been in was a group of 6 brawlers. Man we Slaughtered everything. and i realy like not having to worry about sub jobs and all the **** that comes with that.
#24 Mar 02 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
My current main is lvl 41 and I did my first XP grind last night with him. Cant remember I have done it before with him atleast.
My alt was my first char and back then I was stuck in EQ1 mentality and actually grinded most of my 24 lvls.

I group with (almost) the same people every day. We explore, find quests, do quests. Thats the way we get xp.
Grouping with the same people every day is good because you will all have the same quests and be at the same stage of them.

A sidenote, EQ1 is not dead. They are starting to merge servers atm and DoN is looking to be a great expansion.
EQ1 still the better game but one or two EQ2 expansions will change that I think and hope.

cheesybob wrote:
The big difference i've seen is that there are no cookie cutter groups, my favorite group i've been in was a group of 6 brawlers. Man we Slaughtered everything. and i realy like not having to worry about sub jobs and all the **** that comes with that.

Sure, you can set up a group anyway you like but to be most efficient you need one of each archtype for HO's.
The fifth player is good if it is extra dps (scout/mage).
The sixth player you want either a CCer or an extra healer.
You can do it with other setups without any problems but this setup is better then most and you will be able to handle adds better and kill faster.
Some zones demands either that you go there when mobs are green/blue or you bring a CC.
Take Condemned catacombs, you will have a VERY hard time to win if the mobs are yellow/orange and you dont have CC.

Edited, Wed Mar 2 09:11:08 2005 by BumbiRagnar
#25 Mar 02 2005 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
I am suprised at how many people on this thread do not want to group. As in EQ1, EQ2 is designed to be a group-based game. Sure, you can solo, but IMO grouping is more fun and rewarding. A lot of people are still learning not to pull mobs indiscriminately, over-nuke, or run off in 6 directions. But there are also many solid players in the game - many of them from EQ1. At the lower levels, I would agree that soling is probably fine. But if you're still soloing much past 15, I think you are missing out on a lot.
#26 Mar 02 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
I am suprised at how many people on this thread do not want to group. As in EQ1, EQ2 is designed to be a group-based game. Sure, you can solo, but IMO grouping is more fun and rewarding.

Why are you surprised? SOE advertised that EQ2 would cater to different styles of gameplay. Be it grouper, soloer, powergamer, casual player, etc.

In actual execution, it may be slightly harsher for soloers (others opinion, I had no trouble getting to 22 with my Guardian and right now 18, going on 19, with my Predator), but EQ2 was not (originally) designed to be only a group-based game.

Grouping more fun? I guess so. The comraderie is great and if you're in a good pick-up group, the pace would be great also. No argument over the rewards however, as there are group specific loot, and/or loot that can only be gotten if you have the help of a group.

At the lower levels, I would agree that soling is probably fine. But if you're still soloing much past 15, I think you are missing out on a lot

From what I heard, after 25~30, is where soloing gets particularly nasty. Soloing is fine whenever someone wants to solo. That's the difference between EQ1 (and FFXI) and EQ2.

Remember... the Multiplayer in MMORPG means more than one player, not group-oriented gaming. The EQ1 (and FFXI) mindset of playing holds no water for EQ2...

At least it shouldn't.

The only thing good about the forced grouping that I experience in FFXI is that because you NEED a group to progress, player reputation and server community tends to be better.

Then again, comparing playing a game that has a few years to mature with one that only has a few months under its belt may not be exactly fair.

Sure, you can set up a group anyway you like but to be most efficient you need one of each archtype for HO's.

Thankfully, this is a playstyle that can be avoided in EQ2 (mostly at least). " be most efficient" smacks of powergaming. Now, this is how some people play, and this is how I play in FFXI (really, no other way to play), and there's nothing wrong with that. But some people want to take their time, have fun (in a different way) and experiment.

Being most efficient is playing on the edge of being an elitist and someone who just wants to get through the levels quickly. There's both in EQ2 (and definitely in other games as well). Hopefully, elitism doesn't take over EQ2 as it does with FFXI...

Or those adventure packs that people keep harping are "optional", won't really be optional after all.
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