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#1 Nov 24 2004 at 5:48 AM Rating: Default
Ok all i all about the fact that people buy their own copy of the game and put it on a computer that they bought and then hook up to the internet which we all know as one of the last bastions of true freedom today ... but forgive an old roleplayer some ravings here...
It seems every time I take my humble avatar out for some hunting all i see out there are a bunch of players who are playing with themselves on multiple accounts i.e. got a healer and a melee grouped together and they are on 2 different computers with the same person at the controls. i dont know about others but before i ask to group or even talk to anyone voluntarily i usually watch them from a distace first and i can usually tell who these peeps are very quickly, not going to go into detail too much here.
Now while i applaud the skills it must take to do this, i want all u out there to know what this does - firstly because these people are basically power levling themselve to higher levels they get to more difficult enemies too quickly and then they actually have to group with real other people *gasp* and have none of the skills it takes to group with others. These people are easily reconizable as they will still barking out orders to others as how they "should" be playing their char as if (as they are used to ) the group is all about them. second these people know nothing about fair looting rules, they will have no sympathy for those who are poor and needy for what little loot they can get. and thirdly, and worse of all IMHO, alot of these types seem to be the kind of people who are trying to quickly make it to higher lvls so they can farm item and platinum to sell (illegally ) on the internet which floods the market and ruins the game economy. seen it happen too many times.
Make EQ2 a better place, do not group with these people, shout out their names and write them down, and show them no consideration as will have none for you. all they care about is themeselves, and unless you are rolplaying a dark elf i call that being a LAMER

#2 Nov 24 2004 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Jumping to alot of conclusions. But to each thier own. I 2 box on EQlive when I can't get a group, but I don't do it to power game, depends if I want buffs for my necro or not.

It is kinda hard to farm stuff here, unless you turn off your experience, and stay there awhile. There is always going to be stuff sold on the internet, whether moral or not, it is a very profitable venture. I don't believe in it though.

They could be 2 boxing because they like the challenge. I certainly wouldn't do it if I could get a group of real people, and that isn't very hard to do.

I saw one of the sites, selling 1 gold for 70 bucks, I laughed so hard, someone would really have to be hard core for that.

Game economies always start out low... I am enjoying myself though, even though at this point, it seems it will take me about a year to even get backpacks that hold more than 4 ;)
#3 Nov 24 2004 at 6:16 AM Rating: Default
trying to quickly make it to higher lvls so they can farm item and platinum to sell (illegally) on the internet

From the start, the highest EQ character I had was in the 30s, and I played well over 3 years.

I'm not a lawyer, but it's obviously not a felony to sell items and platinum on the net. A person might get nabbed for selling an account, because they have agreed not to do so, but I don't see anyone doing jailtime for it.

I hate the idea of someone selling an account/character. That means that once I get to raiding levels, I have to be careful not to get with a newbie wearing a high level suit. If it's the wrong party member, I could see party wipe because of it.

Items and plat I'm kind of neutral on. Both are used to attempt a min/max for a character. If you don't do your research, you get items that do not maintain their value. I think platinum sales are one reason you see frequent updates. Items get obsoleted.

I won't group with someone if I know they're boxing if both characters are in the party. If one is sitting in a safe spot to provide buffs, I might consider it. I cannot imagine boxing in EQ2 anyway, with HO and combat arts for the melee guys and spells for the casters, combat just moves too fast to try to control two characters.

Let them group with themselves, that way the risk is theirs.
#4 Nov 24 2004 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
i don't think it's fair to say everyone who plays 2 accounts is like that.
i have two accounts. mainly for banking and tradskills
i also bought two accounts so i can try many classes to see what i like.
i bought everquest 1 a year ago , and lvled my first guy to 10th, i found it so hard and most players were in 40-65 lvl so i had to buy a 2nd acount to help me lvl, and after i got my druid to 40 i started making other chartcers, do you enjoy starting over doing the exact same quests in order from lvl 1-10. it's ok the first 3 characters you make, but 8 of them. you may prefer some help from a higher lvl or same lvl to group with, to make it go faster.
oh and to say these dualloggers have issues sharing loot. you must not be on my server, most groups i've been in have free for all on. after 50 hrs of game time with my first character i've been in 8 or so groups and only my first one on the island was lotto loot. at time i thought it was automatic, but it's not. and now i don't join groups i make them so lotto is always on and fair for all.
because of many not playing well together, i like to duallog play in my own 2 man group. nothing is wrong at that. i coul just as easily ask my wife to sit with me and help. but at the moment she's 9 month pregnent and can't sit for long. i never take my dual group and join others. but even as a group of two it is challenging, and fun. a healer and a tank, or healer and mage. i find there's a lot of down time without a healer. but not to much, just have to rest 15-60 seconds between fights. with a cleric 1-20 seconds
i want to try out most clases to 30 or 40th lvl and see what i like best to go all the way with.

yesterday night i spent 4 hrs on the island with a cleric and mage. my mage died so many times, if i didn't have my priest there to heal i'm sure i would have had to play 10 hrs with the mage.
today i played a scout solo. and i deffinetly would have liked a healer there. i had to run so many times but it was fun. it took my 6 hrs to lvl. but i also harvested a lot. got my skills all to 35 before leaving. as in the city the resourses are hard to get so many trying to get them.

i agree that some may be doing it to get high in lvl for real money profit, i'm sure it wo't be long for ige to make lvl 50 and start selling. but still i think the few that are duallogging are just doing it for trade skills, as you need others to help and some are selling items too high so why not make our selves, and the other reason, to find out what class they like most. or even just because they rather play alone.
To play well with others is to NOT GET THEM KILLED

5x eve online (Currently playing 2 accounts)
1x darkfall "worse game ever"
8x EQ 1 accounts char's lvl 30-52 7 years (3 accounts active)2nd fav
6x Asheron's call lvl 40-99 one lvl 132 (FAV GAME ALL TIME)
2 EQ 2
3 Horizons
1 D&D online
2 vanguard
4 anarchy
1 lineage 2
1 City of H / V
beta's AC2,lotro,eq2,aoc, lineage 2, darkfall, crimecraft, fallen earth, aion, Jade Dynasty
#5 Nov 24 2004 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
Make quite a few assumptions about who people are and what their intentions are.

Let it go, you will enjoy the game so much more if you do nto get caught up in all the hoopla.
#6 Nov 24 2004 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
I've played EQ from the first day it went live and all but the first year I have had the ability to 3 box. People with multiple accounts in EQ is very common and at least 1/3 of my guild has the ability to 2 box. You made a number of assumptions that I find completely untrue.

I started to multi box simply to avoid spending the majority of my online time looking for a group. It also gave me the ability to explore zones that were not on the normal grind list.

I have found the opposite to be true on your assumptions about looting. I let people join me all the time when I was multi boxing not because I needed them but because it was a nice thing to do. I let them loot everything, clearing the corpses so I didn't have to was the best part of having them in the group with me.

The people who multi box to sell drops and plat you will never grp with, they don't want you in the group, they don't need you in the group and they don't care if you yell, shout, scream that they are doing it.

So be my guest and don't group with people who multi box, but you'll miss out on playing with a number of very good players and very nice people.
#7 Nov 25 2004 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
786 posts
Well i duelbox if needed. Ive found that if i need to have a relaxing time grouping with myself is the way to go. I mean with just me i can go at my own pace and not listen to whiners about me going to fast or to slow. Not everyone does what you say...your just jumping to conclusions and thats just as bad for the game as what your saying all duelboxers do. Give everyone an equal chance before condeming them or youll learn quickly the only one not getting a group is you.
#8 Mar 03 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
I am your basic noob, but how can you run 2 accounts on one computer?
#9 Mar 03 2005 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
You are jumping to an awful lot of conclusions with little to no basis to them.

A good 2 boxer, you won't even know they are 2 boxing and not just two players hanging out.

Many 2 boxers don't hog loot, in fact, they only take 1 share, despite the fact that they are providing 2 characters to the group (quite frequently the healer because nobody else wants to play one).

The people in my guild that 2 box, 2 box in our guild groups quite frequently, and they do it very well. Almost always its a healbot. We've found very few people that want to full time play a healer. We have 2 in our entire guild. If neither is on, it would truly suck for us if we didn't have the healbots (we have 3 dualboxers with healbots, and 1 with a fighter/rogue combo).

Not one of these people ever takes more than 1 share of the loot, they didn't do it in EQ1 and they don't do it now. The only difference is, in EQ2 you'd have to really pay attention to whether that "player" (the bot) was ever getting loot, because many 2 boxers are very leery of people like you, so they don't tell you they are botting, but they simply decline all loot with the bot. If you pay attention over an evening, and a player never wins a single thing, he just might be a bot. If you haven't been able to tell by their playstyle, then they do it well.

My guildmates that have healbots do it for several reasons:
1) they don't always want to group
2) they can complete quests without bothering their guildmates and friends to come help them
3) its more challenging to play 2 chars

I'm sure there's more reasons, but those are the primary ones that I can recall from discussions.

Now, are there 2 boxers out there that are like described by the OP? Sure. There's jerks that single box, dual box, triple box, 6 box. There's jerks that play every class. Every level. Level, class, number of chars, number of accounts, none of that has any relevance to jerkness. But to blacklist all 2 boxers because of your personal prejudices and maybe a few bad experiences is lame.

firstly because these people are basically power levling themselve to higher levels they get to more difficult enemies too quickly and then they actually have to group with real other people *gasp* and have none of the skills it takes to group with others.

Not true, many 2 boxers will group with guildmates, friends, or will single box in pickup groups. Just because you see them 2 boxing one day doesn't mean they do it constantly. Even if they do, that's their choice, it doesn't mean they don't know how to play in a group. Big assumptions made here.


These people are easily reconizable as they will still barking out orders to others as how they "should" be playing their char as if (as they are used to ) the group is all about them.

A jerk is a jerk is a jerk, whether they are soloing or boxing, the fact that they are being a jerk is relevant, the fact that they 2 box isn't. Its called being immature.


second these people know nothing about fair looting rules, they will have no sympathy for those who are poor and needy for what little loot they can get.

Either you are saying they took 2 shares, for their 2 characters, which is another area of discussion, or you are saying that because they can 2 box they should pass all loot to you, on the theory that because they can 2 box they can just get all the want other times.

What makes you think that 2 boxing makes you rich?

There are different viewpoints on the loot thing, as far as 2 boxing. Some 2 boxers feel that they bring twice the skills/abilities/dps/healing to the group, so they should get 2 shares of the loot. Most 2 boxers seem to feel that loot is player based, so take 1 share per player, not per character.

They are different opinions, but both have some validity. If a character isn't contributing, it doesn't matter whether they are boxed or not, they should be booted. One reason I think that 2 boxers should only take 1 share of the loot is that its impossible to give 100% effort to 2 characters.

If you don't like the loot rules of a group, move on or form your own. This issue has nothing to do with 2 boxing.


and thirdly, and worse of all IMHO, alot of these types seem to be the kind of people who are trying to quickly make it to higher lvls so they can farm item and platinum to sell (illegally ) on the internet which floods the market and ruins the game economy. seen it happen too many times.

I don't know any 2 boxers that are in any way interested in selling platinum or characters on e-bay or anywhere else. They do exist, yes. There's whole companies that hire chinese sweat shop labor to do this stuff. You'll never (or rarely) interact with these people and you will never group with them.

All the 2 boxers I know do it for the reasons I've already brought up, not one of them has ever sold an account or character or item or money. I've known all 4 of these people for at least 10 years.

That's a small sample rate, but I know these people personally. How many people do you know personally that 2 box just to sell? I think your sample rate is smaller than mine.

You have a chip on your shoulder because other people can afford 2 accounts and can do things in game you can't. Buy a second account, or seriously think about what you are saying. You are totally wrong.

#10 Mar 03 2005 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
First question. Are you on a roleplaying preferred server?

Second question. Whether you answered yes or no to the first question, why does it bother you?

Please allow me to elaborate on the second question. As a roleplayer, it matters little to how someone ((games)). Instead, being focused on the characters themselves ("Oh, why are those two acting quirky? Maybe they share the same brain and can only operate one at a time" *shrug* "Oh well, back to the hunt.").

Multiboxing isn't necessarily powergaming. Well, imo anyway.

For the betterment of the community, it'd be best not jumping to conclusions on why someone multiboxes. And just roleplay past them.

Nothing wrong with being new to the concept. I, myself, only found out about multiboxing/hydra when I started playing EQ2. The thing is, no one really runs 2 accounts on one computer. Hence the multi"boxing". They have multiple computers and multiple accounts. Then they play them at the same time. This seems quite hard, and something I wouldn't do myself (can't afford and can't concentrate :P).
#11 Mar 04 2005 at 12:27 AM Rating: Default
Heh sounds like Phirefox has hit a chord.

While don't see that much of an issue with it in EQ2, it was becoming an issue in FFXI. Unfortunately complaing about it is usually futile especially in a forum.

I personally don't care per say how someone plays the game, but generally people who power level generally lack the grouping skills, or the patience when they finally play with people who spent the time leveling the way the game is intended. That's just my opinion.

I don't think there anything wrong with people who have mules for storage ot crafting though, although peole who exploit the game and sell thier money for cash is pretty lame...almost as lame as the people who buy it...but to each their own.

I'll never understand why some people play a game, that is best played over a perion of time, as a race to get there the fastest though...
#12 Mar 04 2005 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
421 posts
I met a person in EQ1 that 2 boxed a cleric and a fighter. His son also 2 boxed a shammy and a mage. They have at least 4 PCs in the same room.

I 2 boxed a enchanter and a cleric. The 3 of us made up a group. We had no need of anyone else. However 90% of the time 1 or more of these 6 toons were standing outside the group or camped out at our camp because other people would join us and we would make room.

Thier were many raids where we were the only shammy and clerics to show up.

Our guild had specific loot rules for 2 boxers. (this has nothing to do with exp groups just guild raids)

As casual players that may get on for 2-3 hours a night 4 nights a week having multiplue accounts made getting groups a breeze as we made our own.

They both have 2 EQ2 accounts but I have held off as I dont have a 2nd PC capable of EQ2.

I think you were very short sited in your views.

Are there SOME people that are like you discribed? Yes most definatly but to throw everyone into a group like that is assinine.

How about you get to know every single case personally before you "do not group with these people, shout out their names and write them down, and show them no consideration as will have none for you. all they care about is themeselves" Something tells me that a huge percentage of the people out there will not fall into this catagory.
#13 Mar 04 2005 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
How about you get to know every single case personally before you "do not group with these people, shout out their names and write them down, and show them no consideration as will have none for you. all they care about is themeselves" Something tells me that a huge percentage of the people out there will not fall into this catagory

Agreed. Also ,I cant count the times we didnt have a cleric or a healer and then someone in the group said "want me to get my healbot on?" and every single person in the group was like "Friggin heck yeah !!! why didnt you get him on earlier??"
The usual responce is " I didnt want to take a group slot for a bot ."

Heck i wish i had the equipment and money to 2 box.

Edited, Fri Mar 4 18:10:36 2005 by Geocide
#14 Mar 07 2005 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
Exactly Geo. The 2 boxers I know ALWAYS camp the bot if someone comes along that we want in the group.

The bot is a bot, and everyone in the group knows it. If an actual healer logs in, we get them instead, and get a full time, paying attention to everything, player, instead of a guy having his time divided.

On the other hand, we've spent entire nights completing the bots AQs in EQ2, or camping cleric epic for a bot in EQ1, because it helps all of us, not just the botter.

As I said, it has been impossible to find more than a few full time healers in either game, but the bots allow us to have guild groups, with guild rules, without the hassles of some high and mighty cleric joining up and deciding on a new set of rules (sorry, EQ1 flashbacks). See, our guild rules are simple, all loot is NBG.

You don't have to prove anything, you just say "ooh I need that" and its yours. That wouldn't work with "outsiders", but if we didn't have the healbots, we wouldn't have much of a choice but to include non-guildies.

Up with healbots!

As I said though, a good 2 boxer, you might not even know he's botting. I saw a setup once for EQ1, where the guy had 6 computers with 6 accounts, it was outrageous (a little crazy but man, killer setup).
#15 Mar 08 2005 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
never thought this post would go this far, so i thought i would update it. Many peeps have said i jumped to conclusions and admittingly i did. This rant was posted after i had a run in with the infamous 5 wizzy 1 healer bot group some time back and the sight of it really got me upset. there are several post about these guys in here so ima not going to recap on them here.
one of the post hit this nail on the head - *just roleplay past them* .... GREAT ADVISE. i do that all the time now , pretty much just let it go and enjoy my eq time now.
i do believe still that the game was not intended to be played by boxing - but to each there own - not going to tell someone how to play their chars etc etc

Arcos - good post

Since i got into the game at 30+ levels it has really taken off - things are getting better and better and strangly enuff as i have increased in level the quality of players i have met has only become better and better....

oh ya - plz excuse my typing - i keep spell check programs in business

#16 Mar 14 2005 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
Not to resurect old threads but I had a thought reading this....

Phirefox wrote:
Since i got into the game at 30+ levels it has really taken off - things are getting better and better and strangly enuff as i have increased in level the quality of players i have met has only become better and better....

You will notice this the higher you get. When a game like this drops, every tom, ****, and noob is gonna play it to try it out. They will grow tired of it after a month or so. The levels wont come everyday and then they will try to find ways to torment people and even that will bore them. Eventually they move on to the next flavor of the month. Rinse/repeat.

It's a shame that there are players out there that find joy in stomping other people's good times but it's the same people who hack in CounterStrike, drive slow in the fast lane and put the wrong movie behind the wrong box at the rental store :P
#17 Mar 15 2005 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
Ynostin I can't tell from your post if you are referring to 2 boxers as

It's a shame that there are players out there that find joy in stomping other people's good times but it's the same people who hack in CounterStrike, drive slow in the fast lane and put the wrong movie behind the wrong box at the rental store :P

I hope you aren't referring to 2 boxers as people that find joy in stomping other people's good times.

Like I said previously, quite often a healbot is the difference between sitting around looking for a healer, and playing and having fun. I'd rather have a healbot than group with some of the arrogant jerks that are out there single boxing. Some people seem to think that just because they play a desirable class they can do anything they want.

Saw a conversation the other day, where a guy was yelling about how this other guy had yelled for help just before the group killed a named mob. He did it simply to ***** everyone over. There's jerks out there, and they are just jerks, it wouldn't matter if this guy plays 1 account or 5, he's a total jerk and should be avoided at all cost. He never even bothered to try and deny that he did it. Fortunately it did cost him, I saw him lfg all the rest of the night, nobody would touch him.

#18 Mar 15 2005 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
gossamer, Eater of Souls wrote:
I hope you aren't referring to 2 boxers as people that find joy in stomping other people's good times.

Actually I made no reference to hydra's or 2 boxers at all. I was simply commenting on the OP's remarks about how he was experiencing more social/friendly gamers. From my time in eq and eq2, you notice a decrease in idiocy the higher you get. Note that I said a decrease, hehe. Nothing can save you from the occasional ebay'r or folks that simply aren't that smart.

I have had only one negative run-in with a hydra. On my old EQ server, back when hydra'ing or 2 boxing as it seems to be called now did not even really exist, we had a guy we called... The Hydra. His names were all like Briwar, Brienc, Bricle, etc. He would play his own group of 5 or 6. He would never ask for any help and quite frankly would step over your dead corpse to get what he wanted but each and to their own. He was honorable as far as he didnt train or whine about PnP. But he would tie up entire zones/planes all to himself. Damnedest thing I had ever seen.

My run in came as I was trying to get my mage epic piece from PoHate. He would just stay there and kill everything all by himself. And then log back in within minutes of the zone popping back. I was frustrated beyond belief. At the time, there was only a handful of people even being a hydra so he was pretty hated as I recall. I ended up having to buy my epic item from an allied guild. But I can't say I resented the guy for farming hate. He was doing his thing and his thing just so happened to not be my thing.....

All in all, hydras are good for EQ imo. Like said, you will have the bad apples that rain on everyone's parade and then you will have the ones that save the day. Wait until that important class leaves your group and then when you think it is all over.... someone chimes in with, "Want me to hydra my cleric that I have parked here?"
#19 Mar 19 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I dont think the original poster is stretching too much on this. It feels more like a problem grouping with them, then economics.

First off there are no 2 boxers that you cannot tell they are even doing it. Everytime I group with em, they cannot get the tells right, or don't keep track of which char you are talking to. They always give it away cause they have to autofollow to do anything, and they do one thing that is definately on the line about the loot system.

They have a chance to loot items more often using both the free for all and nbg. One advantage that they take over other players that may only be able to afford one account. This hasn't changed since EQlive and it won't here. I have a friend of mine whom I had this very discussion about cause he two boxed in my group, and often times would roll on items he had no business rolling on, because "I have to fund this toon too" defense. But if this was really the case then we can NEVER have NBG because I have 8 toons. My primary and 7 alts. I have to run home and feed them all. So by having two seperate accounts, it really does not count cause you can always farm away in groups with lotto or NBG just to pass between your own account. blah blah blah blah hehe getting off track but I am sure you all see what I am saying.

There will not be a fix for some of the mechanics of it all and we cannot ask the Devs to elminate, alter, nerf too much cause it eventually ruins the game (ahhh I remember when bards could ae kite :) )

Play the game, as long as the guys you are playing with dont trick you into trading and stiff you, or purposely cause your group to bomb, or say they will help you then skip out when they get what they need, etc.. just worry about yourself and how you play.

There is only one thing that may be a problem about the game and the farming issue. Someone correct me if I am wrong. If a high level toon goes into a low level zone and groups up with another box they have with a low level second account, can't they turn back the levels etc by mentoring and then re-farm the areas? Just curious for those ebayers and if this is a godsend for them? :)

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