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my accounts have been baned ,please help me!Follow

#52 Mar 31 2005 at 11:53 PM Rating: Good
564 posts
I hope this is the LAST we hear from itemstore.

Smiley: sly
#53 Apr 01 2005 at 2:19 AM Rating: Decent
No way is your character like a used car..Ok lets put this to real life actions..This happened to me in dl when I was lvl 47..There was a lvl 65 paladin with buckoo aa's asking why he was being attacked and how to activate the what does he do..He comes and sits right next to us and brings half the freakin zone with him..He said can you help me and my grp were getting beat on...We all split in different directions and watched this guy get a beatdown...Why didnt we tell him how to attack?? BECAUSE AT LVL 65 you should know..What if he were in YOUR group at lvl 65 and didnt know how to play his toon....He will and can kill you all therefore ruining others "INVESTMENTS" ....Just my 2 cents
#54 Apr 01 2005 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
Personally I think all these guys should lose their accounts and have all the items on them auctioned off in a public "sherriff" type auction.

Once a week in the bazaar a GM auction. That's the ticket. And donate the plat. "The 1st 100 players that send a tell get 1000 plat each until the loot is gone"

Maybe we'll see GMs more often that way........
#55 Apr 01 2005 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
Personally I think all these guys should lose their accounts and have all the items on them auctioned off in a public "sherriff" type auction.

Once a week in the bazaar a GM auction. That's the ticket. And donate the plat. "The 1st 100 players that send a tell get 1000 plat each until the loot is gone"

Maybe we'll see GMs more often that way........
#56 Apr 01 2005 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
Personally I think all these guys should lose their accounts and have all the items on them auctioned off in a public "sherriff" type auction.

Once a week in the bazaar a GM auction. That's the ticket. And donate the plat. "The 1st 100 players that send a tell get 1000 plat each until the loot is gone"

Maybe we'll see GMs more often that way........
#57 Apr 01 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
I think anything and everything they own should be simply deleted. People like that destroy the game.
Itemstore you got what you deserve. I'm GLAD you got banned and I hope SOE bans everyone else doing what you did.
#59 Apr 02 2005 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
557 posts
UndeadShroom wrote:
Im Confused....Why would it be illegal to sell pp?

It is against the EULA of EQ that you must agree to each time you log onto the game.
#60 Apr 02 2005 at 10:47 PM Rating: Good
197 posts
Oh well, I guess I will do this the hard and less funy way. Here is the image I wanted to post here. This was borrowed from a post in gamedev.
#61 Apr 05 2005 at 3:12 AM Rating: Good
I know this is a bit of a bump but it occured to me that this was perfect.
#62 Apr 05 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
4,596 posts
This will probably get me roasted, but what do you all suggest somebody who is leaving the game do with their account? If they had a high level toon they worked for years on why should they just give away all their gear and get nothing out of it? They may have paid alot to keep their account active during all this time and by them selling it only seems right. It's like buying a car. You pay for it, spend time working on it and then when you're done with it, you sell it. Same goes for buying a used car. Is that wrong as well? I myself haven't bought an account or anything at all. I like exploring the game and doing stuff on my own but I really don't see anything wrong with someone buying stuff online.

The problem is not buying and selling items. People do this all of the time, it's what the bazaar is all about. It is a major footing of the game.

The problem occurs when you mix in real life dollars. Theoretically, a person in the game has an amount of platinum, gear, and level, equal to his time invested. A person is level 70 because they have thousands of hours of experience. A person is geared for time level zones because they have thousands of hours experience. These people can reasonably handle any situation that comes up, their group has a high expectation of success.

But when someone gets sick of the game and sells their level 70 toon on ebay for $100 you end up with someone who is playing at level 10 getting people killed in level 70 zones.

These people cant handle the high level zones so they turn to zombie farming mid level gear or plat and dumping it into the bazaar hoping to be able to afford better gear to subsidize their lack of skill. Which just ends up inflating the economy, destroying the value of tradeskilled items, and devaluing lower level drops, making it impossible for newbs to get ahead unless they farm rats or spiders for hours a week.

It's not a matter of getting your money back that you spent on the game. You are not purchasing your toon and items with your monthly fee. You are purchasing game time to play. In the end the only thing you "own" is the time you played on the servers.

It's not like buying a car at all. It's like leasing a car. Do you get to sell your car when your lease runs out? Do you get all of the gas back that you put into it? What you leased was the time you spent using the car.

It's selfish to sell your toon on ebay. It shows you don't care at all about the game that entertained you for years. You don't care if newbies can gear themselves up to an acceptable level as you got to when you started your toon. You don't care about all of the people that are gonna get killed grouping with the kid who buys your account. All your interested in is making a few bucks, and that my friend is what's wrong with people buying and selling in game stuff online. That is why it is against the EULA, and that is why the O.P. was banned.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#63 Apr 05 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Good
129 posts
No sympathy from me! You intentionally broke the rules,and now asking for help? Broken rules demand accountability. Stop whining!
#64 Apr 05 2005 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
Nice post xythex!
#65 Apr 05 2005 at 5:38 PM Rating: Default
OK so this guy is a ****** for blatantly breaking the rules and leavening his address behind. I got no sympathy for crooks especially stupid ones.


You all sound like a bunch of whiney *** sniveling petty little jerks.

Most of you probably are just jealous that you either cant make that much PP in the game or cant make enough real money to buy PP in the game.

Get off your sanctimonious high horses and leave the dude alone. He did the crime now he paid the price.

Anyone who has ever helped someone PL a character or has handed them gear they did not earn is guilty of the same thing this guy did. Just on a smaller scale.

If you are really so concerned with equality in the game then petition SOE to make every item in the game no drop. Then there is no reason for PP. This includes food and drink. If you want misty thicket picnics, make them yourself. Work your own skills up and stop paying other people for their work.

After all its not fair that someone who can only play EQ 5 hours a week can buy a nice sword for his toon. He must settle for fine steel and like it. Where as the jobless “got no real life” moron living in his mom and dad’s basement and playing 80 hours a week has God like characters in the game. How many of you have ever camped an item in the game so that you could twink a alt or sell it in the bazaar for PP? IT’S THE SAME THING ON A BIGGER SCALE. This guy and all the other PP sellers out there just run a bigger version of it. So STFU and quit acting so “holier than thou”.

Edited, Tue Apr 5 18:56:56 2005 by Broan
#66 Apr 05 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
Very nice post Xythex.

Could you also say the same for the leveling services I see advertized? You pay to have someone play and level your character.

#67 Apr 05 2005 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Broan wrote:

Most of you probably are just jealous that you either cant make that much PP in the game or cant make enough real money to buy PP in the game.

Wow. If I had a dollar for every time someone made this assumption. Look. I *can* manage to make PP in game just fine. I also easily have the finances to be able to buy the absolute best buyable gear in the game without even putting a ripple in my account balances.

Some of us learned at an early age that it's "cheating" to gain advantage in a game if you get stuff from outside the game. Sure. I *could* bring my own monopoly money and slip it into my money pile while playing. I could even argue that the others were just jealous that they didn't think to buy extra monopoly money to give them that advantage. I might even ***** that it's unfair that the kid that spent hundreds of hours learning how to play monopoly really well keeps beating me and that it's only "fair" for me to do this to have an edge.

But it's still cheating. And you'll have a hell of a hard time getting the majority of the players of this game to see the offline purchase of platinum as anything other then cheating.

Get off your sanctimonious high horses and leave the dude alone. He did the crime now he paid the price.

Sure. But he's the one who cheated, got caught, paid the price, and then came here to ***** about it. Not us. It's not like we tracked him down over the internet so we could harrass him or something. He came to this site, and chose to post. I hope you can see the difference...

Anyone who has ever helped someone PL a character or has handed them gear they did not earn is guilty of the same thing this guy did. Just on a smaller scale.

No. They aren't. And the fact that you can't see that those are completely different issues is part of the problem. If I chose to give you something in game, that is *completely* within the game. In exactly the same way that I could choose to give a player some of my money in monopoly. It's mine. I earned it in game. I can choose to give it away if I want.

If that same player then goes somewhere outside the game and buys money to help him in game, he's cheating. It's really that simple. Anything that happens completely within the game, involving only in-game mechanics and economics is "fair". The second you introduce something from outside, you are breaking the rules. I hope you can see the distinction.

If you are really so concerned with equality in the game then petition SOE to make every item in the game no drop. Then there is no reason for PP. This includes food and drink. If you want misty thicket picnics, make them yourself. Work your own skills up and stop paying other people for their work.

Again. You are confusing the in-game economy with the out of game buying and selling of gear, plat, and characters. The former is a part of the game and is completely ok. The latter is wrong (to varying degrees in my personal opinion, but still cheating in the absolutel sense). You are gaining an advantage in the game without doing anything in game to get it. Even someone giving you something in game is the presumed result of some in-game interation. Sure. There's some grey lines there. But not so grey that you can justify sites doing the business of buying and selling in-game items from random strangers across the internet.

You're also aware that many game mechanics rely on the players buying and selling stuff in-game, right? Your "rules" would make my epic1.5 impossible to obtain for example. One of the components needed for the paladin epic can only be obtained by foraging in a LGuk LDoN adventure. Since paladins don't get forage, you just screwed an entire class.

Stick to you day job because you clearly are not qualified to talk even semi-intelligently about game design and operability. Doubly so for EQ.

After all its not fair that someone who can only play EQ 5 hours a week can buy a nice sword for his toon. He must settle for fine steel and like it. Where as the jobless “got no real life” moron living in his mom and dad’s basement and playing 80 hours a week has God like characters in the game. How many of you have ever camped an item in the game so that you could twink a alt or sell it in the bazaar for PP? IT’S THE SAME THING ON A BIGGER SCALE. This guy and all the other PP sellers out there just run a bigger version of it. So STFU and quit acting so “holier than thou”.

Explain to me exactly what is "not fair" about that situation? The guy who spends 80 hours a week playing the game has spent 80 hours a week playing the game. Shouldn't he gain more in-game then the guy who spends 5 hours a week?

It never ceases to amaze me how consistently people will redefine "fair" to mean anything that makes things better for them. In actual fact, what is "unfair" is the guy who plays for 1/10th as much time getting the same or better gear due to buying stuff offline. Funny how you call it unfair the other way around, but seem to ignore the fact that this completely screws the guy who's spent the time playing the game. What does he get for his time? Nothing...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#68 Apr 05 2005 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
About making everything No Drop.....

I think it's a great idea! And while we're at it let's make every zone have a level cap....people above level 10 can't ever again enter CB etc etc. (insert sarcasm here)

Oh wait I forgot this is a social game. Talk about PL and giving gear as small scale cheating is crazy. I guess I'm a cheater because I bought another copy of the game and used my high level cleric to PL my low level warrior. Or is it not cheating because I bought 2 copies of the game? But according to you it is cheating because.....actually I have no idea why.

All I'm saying is there are plenty of ways to get ahead in this game without buying plat and gear online or spending 80 hours a week in my mom's basement (although she might like that haven't been home for a visit in over 2 years).

I despise people who buy and sell plat like that for one reason: I've been playing EQ for almost a year and my highest toon is a 55 cleric. I have a lot of fun especially now that I play 2 at once, and it burns me to see someone with super-uber gear at lvl 60 asking me what the heck CH stands for.

Find ways to get ahead but don't buy your way to the top. Besides who really wants to spend real money on fake stuff.....have you seen the gas prices lately?

/shuts off
/bunkers down
#69 Apr 05 2005 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
404 posts
Nice posts xythex and gbaji!

By the way, coming from someone who plays in his mom's basement, I can afford all the plat I want. (Made over 30K last year, too bad the X wife wanted another dude.. :P) However, I have in my EQ bank 10K, not counting gear and a drog for my 51 main. (Not rich, but hardly hurting.) Know how I got it? I did quests, sold everything I could on either trader or to vendors, never let anything rot, looted/cleaned corpses up when others said they were only looking for XP, and paid attention to those silly OOCs when people offered plat to be ported or have some thing done that they could not do.

Yes, I do give my gear to my lower level characters. Is that cheating? Well, tell you what, give me every cent and all the cool stuff you ever got from your parents/grandparents, because you never earned it. If you ever group with a person who has no idea how to play their character, you can bet they were either purchased (meaning they will jeaprodize the group) or power-leveled (hope they didnt purchase thier main.) Well, OK, I will conceed, sometimes people are just lucky idiots like me. '

I spend time when I can with my EQ account, but it sure aint an investment. It is stress relief.
#70 Apr 05 2005 at 9:12 PM Rating: Excellent
1,260 posts
Broan wrote:

After all its not fair that someone who can only play EQ 5 hours a week can buy a nice sword for his toon. He must settle for fine steel and like it. Where as the jobless “got no real life” moron living in his mom and dad’s basement and playing 80 hours a week has God like characters in the game.

Of course it is fair. It's exactly fair. The more you put into the game, the more you advance.

EQ, played as a closed system, (the way it should always be, a closed system) is a capitalist free market economy. Maybe they should make Everquest: The Socialist Version for the people who can't hack it. Then they can institute EQ welfare for people who can't make plat, and they can take high level stuff away from people who worked for it and distribute around to newbies so they don't have to work at it, because, "hey, it's not fair."

#71 Apr 05 2005 at 9:39 PM Rating: Excellent
1,907 posts
EQ, played as a closed system, (the way it should always be, a closed system) is a capitalist free market economy. Maybe they should make Everquest: The Socialist Version for the people who can't hack it. Then they can institute EQ welfare for people who can't make plat, and they can take high level stuff away from people who worked for it and distribute around to newbies so they don't have to work at it, because, "hey, it's not fair."

Smiley: laugh Smiley: lol Smiley: bowdown Smiley: lol Smiley: laugh
Please excuse the use of the cute smileys, which those of you who can't afford premium, don't get to use. Life if SO tough.

Edited, Tue Apr 5 22:42:28 2005 by Kelti
#72 Apr 05 2005 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
Wow, Joujouka's and Kelti's posts were so funny I almost peed myself. If I still rated people I would've rated the two of you up in a heartbeat (it's nothing personal against you two).
#73 Apr 06 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
273 posts
Isnt it time we let this thread die?
#74 Apr 06 2005 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
374 posts
I did a google search for all related EQ topics to research for my classes and I seen a few sites selling platinum and items. Are these illegal sites as well? I have no intention of buying from them because I wouldn't hand out a CC number to some of those sites, but I just wanted to know for curiosity sake if they were legit or not. I know this topic is taboo, but since I didn't start this thread I thought it'd be ok to ask in it.
#75 Apr 06 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,117 posts
Yes, it is a violation of the EULA to buy from these sites. The fact that these places stay in operation shows how many cheaters are out there unfortunatley.
#76 Apr 06 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Read the EULA.

First paragraph (Item #1) about half-way down:

You may not transfer or share your Account with anyone, except that if you are a parent or guardian, you may permit one child to use the Account instead of you (in which case you may not use that Account).

Still looking for the part about plat or item selling for real money but I am pretty sure it is covered too.
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