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#202 Jan 31 2004 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, my brother and I have had Ornate patterns sell immediately in the bazaar. We dont sell many, just a couple a month, but we have learned that if we ask what seems to us to be a fair and resonable price, it is gone instantly. For something not to sell instantly to the Bots, we have to price it the same as the rest of the over-priced stuff. Needless to say, guildies and alts and friends are getting decked out rather than us do this. BTW, we are NOT in a guild that is in the elemental planes yet.
#203 Jan 31 2004 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, my brother and I have had Ornate patterns sell immediately in the bazaar. We dont sell many, just a couple a month, but we have learned that if we ask what seems to us to be a fair and resonable price, it is gone instantly. For something not to sell instantly to the Bots, we have to price it the same as the rest of the over-priced stuff. Needless to say, guildies and alts and friends are getting decked out rather than us do this. BTW, we are NOT in a guild that is in the elemental planes yet.
#204 Jan 31 2004 at 2:00 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
I can, unfortunatly confirm the existance of the program listed in the O.P. Here's how it works:

The bazaar is set up in a unique way from any other zone. Each item in the zone on each player vendor is contained on a list, with positional data, name of trader, price of item, and assorted other pieces of data. All this data is easily extractable using methods similar to how the EQ item collector works.

Once the evil plat seller has the position of whoever is selling the item in question that meets his filter criteria (i.e. buy fishing grub at 3 trillion pp on tuesdays) he simply has his character automatically go to that location. There are two ways to do this.

The bazaar doesn't change shape, so our plat scammer can simply program in the locations of walls and obsticles. Then he has a choice. program it so his character walks to the appropriate location normally, taking slightly longer but being less detectable, or they can make use of a legacy lag issue dating back to when EQ was first programmed.

The everquest servers in the beginning were fairly laggy. People would be groupped up and running to a destination, when one of the party would have intermitant lag. If they made it so that as soon as the server lost connection, you position was fixed, the party member would soon be far behind. What they did instead was to put a linkdeat timer in place, and set the server to accept positional data from the local computer during any periods of lag that did not result in linkdeath. You have probably seen this before, whenever you see some character that appears to be walking into a wall in a tunnel with alot of twists and turns

Our plat scammer just uses this trick to go through the walls and obsticals. They ahve the wall position programmed in, they have a line between their loc and the loc of the seller, all the computer needs to do is time when to temporarily block connection so they can effectivly warp. Faster, but more noticable. For a bard, you can use this to get from one side of the bazaar to the other without going linkdead.

It's annoying, and there isn't really any easy way to catch it short of SoE planting some sting operatives. Maybe have someone set up in the bazaar with an item for sale, see who comes and gets it, then have someone watch that person and log thier path while a second item is placed for sale at the same price. if they follow the exact same path, bingo!

#205 Jan 31 2004 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Belgereth the Wise wrote:
Anyway, I am unable to see how single persons can make 800k Along the lines of gameplay and always have that money available. Something must be done about this problem, after reading this post it is apparent to me. This problem will become the REAL endgame of EQ.

Simple, buy the items to make Cloudy Ring of Pneumatic Force or Steel Ring of Earthen Resilience for 70k or so, craft the item, and sell it in the Bazaar for 100K +. I can easily sell 10 a week. In less than a month, I could make 1000K plat. Believe me it can be done.
#206 Jan 31 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
If you don't know Ige bought out Yantis and is making him their new CEO. I'm sick of all this, as far as I can see, EQ is an old dead game which SOE is trying to milk for all it's worth. The EQ player base are so fanatical that they will never quit playing this game no matters how bad things get. Even worse the player base is always looking for someone else to fix their problems ie(why doesn't SOE do something). Fact is most players don't give a damn as long as they can continue to do what they are doing they could care less.
This game is still around because the players keep it alive. If people are really serious about getting SOE attention.
WE CAN HAVE A MASSIVE PLAYERS STRIKE. WE COULD PICK 1 DAY AND NO PLAYER WOULD LOG IN FOR 24 HOURS THAT WOULD GET SONY ATTENTION BIG TIME. Remember before when you were at server select screen it would show how many players were on. that numer would lots of time be at 100,000. Now with a strike if that number were to drop to say 20000 total. You don't think anyone would notice that.
A few people sending /reports, petitions, etc. would not change anything. If anything you will brand yourself as a troublemaker in SONY eyes. If it was really a big deal everyone would complain about it. It like the classic worker who brave enough to make big noise in a company, when everyone knows that what he/she is saying is true, but they won't back him/her up for fear of losing their job.
We don't have to be nervous about losing our job with SONY. Remember we pay them to play Everquest, Planetside, Star wars, and the upcoming Everquest II.
Ige list has the following games: Everquest, DAoC, Star Wars, Final Fantasy XI, Ultima online, Second life. It has the following as partners: Caster Realm, EQ Interface, EQ prices, Game Guides online, Kleptom Guides
The Sony universe as far as games are concern is so CORRUPT it not funny. THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING, beacuase they can't or won't the result is the same. NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE.
I will play EQ2 when it comes out. But if EQ2 becomes like EQ I will quit it so fast. I am not going to be a EQ FANATIC that continues to pray at SONY altar even when after it has hit an iceberg and is on fire and sinking fast. IF SONY CAN'T CONTROL WHAT HAPPENS TO THEIR GAMES I DON'T WANT ANY PART OF IT. ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO A END. NOTHING LIVES FOREVER. I love EQ and will never forget it. But by the same token I can't ignore what is happening now. If when EQ2 comes out it is still business as usual I gone. I'm sure no one here will miss me, but that okay it's my life and my money. I chose what to do with it. Remember you are either part of the solution or the problem. Do nothing and you have forfeit your rights. Because others that choose to act will decide for you.
BLUE FLU WILL GET SONY ATTENTION as long as people are serious about it. Tens of thousands of angry customer will force them to act. And if it doesn't then you will know they don't care. It will no longer be a specualtion if SONY cares or not. If they don't they are not worhty of your patronage. Worse case I'm going to play WOW. It not EQ but sometimes change is good in life. it jars something in us, and awakens us to the fact that things can be better or that things are not good as they are now.
#207 Jan 31 2004 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
644 posts
I am an avid trader at the Bazaar on Firiona Vie and that selfrunning buy-cheap-programm is either not running on FV or just a myth, because in the last 2 weeks a bought at the Bazaar (including yesterday)
20+ HQ Cat Pelt for 4p
20+ Spiderling Silk for 2p
4 HM Backpacks for 25p
1 Fine Antique Ringfor 150p
1 1 Di'zok Signet of Servicefor 180p
1 Platinum Armbandfor 20p
1 Stained Cloth Maskfor 25p

As every bot should outwit and outrun me there (just look at the pelt&silk - these are pure moneymakers!) Iseriously doubt they exist.

And to be quite honest - if there weren't a horde of motherf****g retarded dumbass lamers out there who are to dumb, lazy or complex-ridden to start EQ without buying plat he didn't have this problem!

You're talking about chump change items there. Why have the program constantly getting small **** and drawing attention to itself, when you can go for the big items that aren't nearly as common and provide a much more lucrative benefit.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machin ery of night.
#208 Jan 31 2004 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
If it is possible for the hackers to do all that stuff, is it possible they can hack or send script to a player's pc? I've been experiencing screen freeze every few minutes for about 10 secs or so ever since I requested a transfer back from SH. Is it possible whoever did the character transfers screwed up or intentionally messed up my computer? The only thing I can do in the game is pharm, tradeskills, and trade because of the computer freezing up.

Sorry if this is not the appropriate thread to post this to. Just was reading here and noticed repeated remarks regarding hacking and such.
#209 Jan 31 2004 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
There is an easy solution to this, and one I really think EQ should do.

1. It would get rid of these price inflations.
2. It would get rid of low level twinking (we all know this is annoying because you have high level chars running around with no idea how to play.)
3. It might even put challenge back into the game.

Make everything not made by tradeskill no drop. You wouldn't have fungis going for 150k+ and such crap, because they couldn't sell them. Bring back plat at what is oringally meant for: food and water (horses and **** too).

I always thought life would be easier without trade.

Or sony could change all of the "reccomended" level gear to required, since the majority of plat buyers are low levels that can earn a lot of plat like people at high end game can.
#210 Jan 31 2004 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
Make it all No Drop.
#211 Jan 31 2004 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
Make it all No Drop.
#212 Jan 31 2004 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
just play the game. if someone doesnt do something right, tell them how. sad but true, most of the population of EQ thats left is people who twinked, bought plat, whatever...make the game more difficult for them and they leave. good idea? in a game thats now geared towards grouping and raiding imagine how hard it would be to get a group with half the current population.

either sony is going to do something about it or not. if you REALLY want to see if they plan on it, stage a protest like many have done to get their attention..complaining about it and breaking it down into bits and bytes with theories and rumors is just going to get you, me and everyone that reads this more frustrated.

thats half the problem with the world today..everyones got a complaint but noone has the motivation to do anything about it.
#213 Jan 31 2004 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not 100% convinced that this is a real problem that 'MUST' be dealt with, but adding another flag to items could be your answer. A whole bunch of items(you know which ones) could further be designated 'Uber-Lore' or some such. A player could EQUIP as many uber-lore items as they can manage to aquire, but they would only be able to carry a very small number in containers(or bank slots) simultaneously. This would be an inconvinence to players(especially bards and such that swap items frequently) but it would be a PAINFUL inconvinience for all your bazaar profiteers. No longer would you see 3 players with complete sets of all ornate molds/patterns etc for sale and nobody else with any. Of course, profiteers could just open more accounts to get around this, but its innconvinent, and they're looking for the 'easy' money. More accounts cuts into the profit margin of homemade profiteers, and mega-conglomerate ones as well. People set on doing something are gonna find a way regardless of what you do, just dont make it easy for them.
#214 Feb 01 2004 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
I play on CT and decided to look for some cheap gloves for my Sk when I seen some " Sporali Gloves " and choked when I seen the price. 2.56k+ was the lowest and 3.4k high for a item with like 9% haste. I compared to FBSS and it was cheaper by 100pp/2.4k but max was 3.5k. I was quite shocked so I looked at another haste item " Silver Chitin Hand Wraps " 3.5k max. Very wild pricing going on, I remember when "FBSS" used to be 800-1k and "SCHW" was 2k max. I'm not a very active person in the bazaar at all because I'm a broke part timer. Buying something at a decent price would be nice but I'm one of them " I'll rather get it myself " kind of person. Guess that explains why my mage is still wearing his newbie armor except robe at 49lvl.

Do agree with alot of the things said here. Mostly the ones about mobs that should drop their loot table when killed instead of trying to kill said mob 20X to get a shot at an item. Guess that's why I don't QUEST much anymore. I blow all my pp on NPC vendors 99%.
#215 Feb 01 2004 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
a virtual economy is created and a million virtual economists follow. Play the GAME. Trying to make a virtual reality perfect is borderline euphoric. Sony doesnt care if you sign on or not....they only care if you pay your monthly fee to subscribe so staging a one day boycott is useless. If it bothers us that much the REAL answer is QUIT! Its amazing how many people find something to complain about. Buying and selling plat wrecks the game, twinking shouldnt be allowed, make everything no drop, no more buying and selling accounts, and the list goes on. Bottom line to Sony is this....if they take away the ability to buy and sell accounts, platinum, and items....all you have a stagnent customer base. New players to the game enjoy thrill of upgrading and twinking, of buying an account or making alittle plat in trading. Lets face most high levels dont help out new players, they trash talk them and complain. Just like they do about someone selling items and plat. Oh but exploiters wreck the real game.....cmon the key word is game. Yes, in a perfect world, yantis and ige suck for cheating us to make money. But this isnt a perfect world. In fact EQ isnt even a REAL world. Should Sony do something about this? YES. Should we get all bent our of shape about what Sony might do? NO. If you have a real problem with ige or yantis buying up your ornates....sell it cheap to an ally guild or in ooc.......or better yet "for the good of the game" give it away to some newb. (bet noone would do this)(and now the post come about those good samaritans that just farm to give items to newbs all day long, just get my point and take it with a grain of salt to get the point accross) This can be a FUN game. Lets play, and leave politics to politicians.
#216 Feb 01 2004 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
a virtual economy is created and a million virtual economists follow. Play the GAME. Trying to make a virtual reality perfect is borderline euphoric. Sony doesnt care if you sign on or not....they only care if you pay your monthly fee to subscribe so staging a one day boycott is useless. If it bothers us that much the REAL answer is QUIT! Its amazing how many people find something to complain about. Buying and selling plat wrecks the game, twinking shouldnt be allowed, make everything no drop, no more buying and selling accounts, and the list goes on. Bottom line to Sony is this....if they take away the ability to buy and sell accounts, platinum, and items....all you have a stagnent customer base. New players to the game enjoy thrill of upgrading and twinking, of buying an account or making alittle plat in trading. Lets face most high levels dont help out new players, they trash talk them and complain. Just like they do about someone selling items and plat. Oh but exploiters wreck the real game.....cmon the key word is game. Yes, in a perfect world, yantis and ige suck for cheating us to make money. But this isnt a perfect world. In fact EQ isnt even a REAL world. Should Sony do something about this? YES. Should we get all bent our of shape about what Sony might do? NO. If you have a real problem with ige or yantis buying up your ornates....sell it cheap to an ally guild or in ooc.......or better yet "for the good of the game" give it away to some newb. (bet noone would do this)(and now the post come about those good samaritans that just farm to give items to newbs all day long, just get my point and take it with a grain of salt to get the point accross) This can be a FUN game. Lets play, and leave politics to politicians.
#217 Feb 01 2004 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
ShaikYerbooty wrote:
SOE has to cap the prices massivley to a lvl where selling HE gear doesn't make much sense anymore.
This idiot, and everyone who agrees with him, is a closet communist.Anyone has a right to sell anything for any price. If you don't have enough plat to buy it, tough beans.
You retarded lamer, why can't you stay sober while posting here???

You can still sell your precious stuff for whatever you like but if the Bazaar is capped at 99k you have to do it by /shout or /auction (what was good enough for everybody for 4 years). Capping the price doesn't force you to sell cheap you ignorant it just takes the HE gear off the Bazaar and out of reach of manipulation by macroed bots and yantis-brokers and therefore stop farming of HE gear.

But I guess you aren't just a dumb a****e but one of the profitmakers of the current economy - otherwise stay off the bottle.

And Alan Greenspan is probably also a commie to you along with everyone who uses "market" and "regulation" or "control" in the same sentence *lol*

Edited, Sun Feb 1 04:55:25 2004 by Leiany
#218 Feb 01 2004 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
But I aggree that shutting down the Bazaar would solve the problem and I'd accept that.

Though I would rather prefer to have about a dozen 50-stall Bazaars in mayor cities (or having put them on the landscape at well accessible spots).

In that way it would help the lower levels to trade their stuff to each other and not having to buy for ridiculous Vendor rates. BUT it would solve the high-end-stuff problem somehow because contoling 12 markets takes quite an effort compared to one. Besides that would it become more efficient to auction that 25k gear zonewide again than putting it in a stall.

Of course this takes more time and effort to SOE than just shutting down the Luclin Bazaar so it won't happen.

Though this would indeed make things difficult, it would make little difference either, we're talking companies with thousands of accounts who could easily have multiple races amoung them so making it little effort to have several instances of the program running for each 'bazaar'. The downside to this is like mentioned further up where there are legit uses of the program, those using it for good reasons may have been using it for the good of the community but would soon feel it wasn't worth the effort.

A good way to fix the problem? Like everyone says, turn back to old style /ooc etc. trading. My guess is that traders are considered npcs to the program which lets it search for item prices on normal players which makes it painfully difficult to monitor (SoE are not going to notice thousands of checks on vendors prices, the program seems to look for an item in a vendors wares but doesn't actively appear to search for it).

Another fix would be for a price limit to be introduced, this would make things significantly better for PC's and make this much less profitable for the companies. If people want to sell for more than the vendor limit, they use /auction or /ooc. A good sum I'd guess would be upto 20K pp, reasonable for about 90% of items at my guess and wouldn't clog up the chat channels too much with spamming WTS messages.

All my opinion, but my second idea seems pretty safe, if an item can't be re-sold by companies for more than 20K without having to also send chat messages, then these 'offenders' will be become more obvious and will lose out in profits.

Sorry if it's a long post for most but feel free to leave opinions ;)
#219 Feb 01 2004 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Double post :P

Sorry :)

Edited, Sun Feb 1 06:37:31 2004 by Decirium
#220 Feb 01 2004 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
There are no real life economy parallels to eq's economy. If I want to own a $200K car in the real world, I have to: A) Have the cash on hand to pay for. B) Qualify and afford a loan to pay for it. C) Steal it. There is no place I can take some magic beans and trade them in for cash to buy the car. In eq, I can take magic beans (real world $$) and trade them in for cash (in game pp).

If I want to buy a used car, I can pay a lower price for the car buying it from a person instead of a dealer. Eq is the oppisite: I will pay less pp buying from a dealer (eq merchant\vendor) than I would from a person (trader in the bazaar)

For those of you calling for price caps, they already exist. Most people chose to ignore them. The price cap is the price that you would pay a vendor for that item. I can buy a Forest Loop off vendors for 3Kpp. Under 300pp is the current bazaar price. Centi Longswords, 62pp from a vendor. Over 2Kpp in bazaar. SoV armour quest gems are readily available on a multitude of vendors. Anyone willing to pay a player a higher price than the vendor is a fool.

You can not claim that an item's in-game value is related to its rarity. I bought my first Stein of Moggok several years ago for 200pp. I can still sell in them bazaar for 200pp. There has to thousands of those damn steins in game on every server.

I don't need any fancy programs to search all the vendors. I know which vendors are players favorites to sell their itmes. 2-3 times a week, I make a loop of these vendors, buy the items, and resell them in the bazaar for a hefty profit. Why? People are stupid. I just bought 2 dozen Unfired Opal Encrusted Steins off one merchant at under 1sp each. A couple of sp each, for the firing sheet, turned each one into the real thing, which I'm resold for 30pp each. As long as the players are willing to pay these high prices, I can continue to make hefty profits.

Please, put me out of business. Pay attention to the price caps
#221 Feb 01 2004 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
Why don`t people stop buying anything from supersales etc.
The sooner people stopped buying the sooner prices will get back too normal.
#222 Feb 01 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
I agree- inflation of prices is insane. I remember when PoP first came out. I was one of the first people on my server to get in to be able to farm the pad named. Legs molds were about 100k with every other piece beening much less. I believe I even saw a few bracers for sale for about 25k.
now legs are up to 300k and bracers are about 75k. 3x inflation in about a year is enough to break any economy
#223 Feb 01 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Default
the change in ornate prices has alot more to do with teh Nerfing of ToSR than IGE

I mean it's NOT hard to make 300-400kpp at 65... I made well over that in about 6 months without hardly trying, and while still passing dozen's of items out to guildies (well over 100kp worth of stuff had I sold it).

#224 Feb 01 2004 at 7:30 PM Rating: Default
I farm doz kt seru statue wuoshi kd vs trak and most kunark dragons constantly. I sell around 500-1000k to sites each week. Thats not a dupe, just a bored nerd with too many computers.
#225 Feb 01 2004 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
what the hell did you just say?
#226 Feb 01 2004 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
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