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Post about IGE you should readFollow

#127 Jan 30 2004 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
This post on how IGE "may" be controlling the economy got me to thinking, (bad habit, I know). It concerns me that I may be getting sorta "tricked" when I go to buy items in the bazaar by an Evil Empire doing the price-fixing thing, but then I remembered how I usually go about buying, and felt better.
"Patience" is the key to avoiding the trap of ever increasing prices to feed a RL companies growth. Don't buy that item if it is at the top of the price tier, wait until it is at the bottom.
I created my trader the day the Bazaar opened, and I play the same one today. Don't buy from a trader you dont know, one that has too many high ticket items time after time, or that are here one day and gone the next. I know this means waiting for that new item sometimes, or passing up what seems to be a deal 'to good to be true,' but if you care as much about the EQ economy as some of you claim to, it should be a small "price" to pay.
#128 Jan 30 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent

1. To Allakhazam, thank you for putting a link to this on the front page, i for one, never read the forums, so your bringing this too my attention is wonderful. You and your ability to acheive mass attention threw your website here will help more than about any single individual.

2. To the Origanal Poster, whom ever you may be. Brilliant work, excellent journalism, you should goto school for this, and you will easily land a job at the Times or such.

3. To Leiany, dont you EVER SHUT UP? Omg hun, get a life.

4. To IGE, most of all, you are the scourge. Wether you know it or not, now were on to you. People from every server will see this, and tell people in game, and their guilds about this, and to have it checked out. Your hand is in the cookie jar, and your about to have over a hundred thousand eyes staring at it.

This game is a virtual world. How dare you insult all of us, by using real world profiteering, Monopolizing and Hijacking to ***** us over. May the communists in your home country shoot you for your blatant capitalism. lol.
#129 Jan 30 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
What sucks is I have to pay real money now to get good items, no matter how hard, long, or intelligent I PLAY, I will have to literally WORK for REAL CASH just for PLAY CASH!!!

This, my friends, is exactly the mentality that makes this an unresolvable problem.

People who buy pp for real cash, who pay outrageous prices for high end items, see themselves not as the perpetuaters of the problem, but as victims.

Being an unrealistic idealist it pains me to say this, but this problem isn't going to ever be "fixed" because people simply refuse to stop buying pp and paying unrealistic prices for high end gear.

They complain about being victimized as they give their credit card number to IGE.

Edited, Fri Jan 30 19:07:46 2004 by Yanari
#130 Jan 30 2004 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
hmm, don't know why that posted twice. Sorry.

Edited, Fri Jan 30 16:46:34 2004 by Yanari
#131 Jan 30 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
Yantis is in San Diego CA. How funny that is since so is SOE

What if Yantis IS SOE? You could make a real Conspiracy Theory here.
#132 Jan 30 2004 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
I just realized something.

Ige and Mysupersales ONLY accept Paypal transactions.

Paypal is a united states based company, which means there MIGHT be a legal solution there.

Guess who owns Paypal?


Interesting circle of events?

#133 Jan 30 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
106 posts
By the way- According to a news article I read, IGE bought Mysupersales, Yantis is now part of them, and a member of their board. IGE is in Florida.

There probably is not a legal remedy for this. The EULA prohibits the sale of in game items, but this is not the case Sony's legal department is going to choose to establish precedent on. As the law stands now, They can say whatever they want in the EULA, if they go after IGE, they'll challenge the legality of the EULA, and if IGE wins, SoE loses what bargaining power they have with their EULA on companies like EBay. Remember, SoE went to Ebay and got auctions there shut down through intimidation. EBay didn't want the hassle and complied. Playerauctions arose because of that. I'm sure they've gotten letters from SoE to shut down, but they're willing to take it to court, and SoE backed down.

Also I checked the link earlier, or in another thread that said there was an overseas precedent that virtual property belonged to the player, not the host, and it didn't say that. It said he was suing over that issue, not whether any decision has been handed down yet.
Heimdall Azureguardian
65th Overlord
Erlik ver'Erlikson
65th Prophet
#134 Jan 30 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
Aquendar has the right idea.

Why can't SOE do a sting operation where they just buy small ammounts of plat for RL money - say it costs them $10-$25 for each transaction and they do this on every server. When a toon shows up to give them money, they log the event and later ban the account - or just strip all cash off the account - or strip cash + items off the account.
Selling in game cash or items is against the rules of the game so I can't see a real challenge here from the plat sellers.

Further, the original post cites warping as a means of buying high end gear. If this process of warping is automated SOE can cause it to happen at any time just by creating an item and putting it up for auction. If an character warps there then make a list and later ban the accounts.

Of course, I bet the plat sellers have some heirarchy of accounts on these servers. Some real investigation would have to take place to find all accounts involved. Here's a way of doing it. Follow the money/items. Keep a list of "guilty" characters and record every character they make a transfer with. I'm willing to bet all the money goes to some "central" accounts and that these accounts do nothing, directly, wrong. Also, they would pick up a big list of "questionable" people who probabaly bought plat or items.

Perhaps SOE could issue a warning to the "questionable" people, ban the "guilty" people and strip all tradable gear/money off all characters on the "central" accounts.
#135 Jan 30 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent

The reason I am linking this here is I want to show proof that Sony does not care, because THEY ARE IN ON IT. This link is to an article that EQLive put out back last June, about EQ Platinum. They said it was a database of 10,000 articles to help out the EQ community. Sounds nice, huh? Problem, is that Yavis and SuperSales OWNS IT, has links back to their BUY PLATINUM RIGHT THERE. EQ is supporting these guys, and wouldn't it be a trip if they were the ones doing the price fixing in hopes to settle the market. Also, FYI, it is against the law for two opponents to use price fixing for a certain item. This is a FEDERAL OFFENSE, Punishable under the Anti-Trust Laws. I hate to sound like a barracks lawyer about what should be just a freaking game (as Woodlandmaster keeps telling me), but if there is something to this or not, I would like to hear something official from Sony and EQ.
#136 Jan 30 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
124 posts
Let me first don my flame retardant suit!

The economy in EQ is no where close to being real. No matter how much plat enters the world, the prices of items on vendor never increases or decreases (unless it is to fix something) The price of a flask of water never changes, your first 16 levels of spells and all non-drop, non-research spells never change. Any item that is in a vendor's regular inventory will never change in price and it is these vendors that SHOULD be setting the economy.

Examples: I can routinely buy centi longswords from vendors for 62pp. I resell them in the bazaar for 2Kpp. I will never pay more than 62pp for the sword and anyone that does is a fool (of whom I will gladly take advantage ). I found several scrolls of Spirit of the Eagle on some vendors, bought them for around 7pp each and resold them in the bazaar for 2.5Kpp. I can buy stacks of words of allure from vendors for 1.8pp each word. I use the words to make the 24th level necro pet spell (their only use), Haunting Corpse, which I sell for 250-300pp. People are trying to sell the 1.8pp words of allure in the bazaar for 400-500pp while I am selling the spell for 250-300pp. There are many, many more items I buy from vendors only to resell at a HUGE profit in the bazaar because some fool is willing to pay it.

An item is only worth what some fool is willing to pay for it. I am not willing to pay any more for an item than what a vendor would charge me and no one else should. The bazaar is not to blame. The plat duping is not to blame. The macroing is not to blame. The blame falls upon the willingness of players to pay the asked price. If no one is willing to pay 250-300pp for Haunting Corpse, then I will have to lower my price to what someone is willing to pay. But as long as there is that one person...
#137 Jan 30 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
There are several great ideas here on how to fix the problem. The best in my opinion are to put the price maximum at 100,000pp in the bazaar, which will slow and hinder the controllers to make the whole effort less profitable, or to change the bazaar.

SOE very easily can set prices on all items, change them at will, etc if they remove the /trader function but keep the /bazaar function. They could simply have a set of NPC's that will buy any non-tradeskill created droppable item, with all prices set at what either they figure a fair price based on the level of the mob that drops them, or what they calculate by looking back at bazaar logs for some time. The item once bought will skip over to another NPC with empty slots available and marked up to another set price. Thus, players have to collect and supply the bazaar still, but prices are all fixed.

Downside of this is, all items would be gone at every server crash or patch (unless they dedicated some memory to remember what merchants had).

Upside of this would be they could steadily remove pp from the world, adding pp at x and removing it at 1.1x (10% mark-up on all items). They could then have some "sales" like on Halloween etc where they prices are x to 1.09x. People could still try to sell things at higher prices, but they would have to auction for it.

Whenever SOE wanted to remove some items from the game they could just not have the buyer move the item to the seller, thus removing it from the game. Whenever they want to remove even more plat from the game they could just up the equation to selling the item for 1.2x etc.

They could adjust prices as they wanted, and the economy could become fixed enough that the only way to try and cheat would be to auction to do it the old way and auction items right there...

This would leave the bazaar there for normal folks who could care less about spending the time to sell to always be able to get a fair price, and would allow the people who enjoy the buying/selling thing a chance to head to the bazaar and buy the items at the slightly higher rates or buy them off people about to sell and then go do their /auctioning.

There is no macro that would allow a bot to interact, while they could set one up to /auction every 30 seconds with a message to call a phone number if you want to buy. Those would be so obvious to catch they would never last.
#138 Jan 30 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
heimdall, Eater of Souls wrote:

Find out if your parents were related. Before they had you I mean.
*sigh* you are even to dumb to insult me. If I had to be the result of intermarriage my parents must have been related before they married and not before I was born.

Go on - make my day and a fool of yourself again *lol*

Edited, Fri Jan 30 15:34:47 2004 by Leiany
#139 Jan 30 2004 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
These items are probably not on the buy-cheap-program's radar. Yes they are great items, but they are not uber items. Those programs are looking for items that are considered finishing touches for your 65 lvl character.

I honestly see those items on vendors. They are becoming hard to sell because severs don't have as many new, or low level characters as they used to. Visit any newbie zone and see what I mean. The market is becoming saturated.
#140 Jan 30 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
Speedbow wrote:
To Leiany, dont you EVER SHUT UP? Omg hun, get a life.
1. I'm not your godess.
2. Don't call me hun.
#141 Jan 30 2004 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
I haven't seen any reference to the idea as of yet, and I'm not sure it's original. But perhaps the reason SOE doesn't seem to care about this crap going on is that SOE has there own financial intrest in the whole plat-for-cash business. I'm not trying to be a conspiracy theorist or anything, however this is not a new issue. Anyone who has been playing the game for more than a little while has suffered as a result of this bs. There is no way SOE isn not aware of the issue in any way. It points more to them being the driving force. When people buy money to get new stuff for their character, they will play that character longer, and thus extend their contract to play the game. I'm not saying that this is how it is....I have no way of knowing. But then why does SOE let their customers get more and more screwed? They only logical explaination that I see is that they have some sort of interest in the bastardizng and destructive business that is the subject of all this discussion.

The idea of getting rid of the bazaar is a good one on the surface. But when you look into it, these cheats and hacks could do these price mark ups even in the old EC format, tho it would cost them a little more to run, and would take a little more time. But with the kind of money their brining in from this, it would only be a minor setback. The idea of making all high end stuff nodrop again looks good at the surface. But then, how many people would stay with the game is that were the case? I'm not saying that I wuld quit. But how much money would SOE stand to lose from people that would give up playing because of the time it would take to get the good stuff?

In the end, I think that there is more to this issue then people are seeing. I think the guy who made that post on sees that too, only didn't state as much. I'm not trying to put words into his mouth by any means, it's just my opinion.
#142 Jan 30 2004 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
106 posts
*sigh* you are even to dumb to insult me. If I had to be the result of intermarriage my parents must have been related before they married and not before I was born.

Go on - make my day and a fool of yourself again *lol*

Well, actually, I was assuming you got in the family way, then your momma held a shotgun on her son while your daddy walked you down the isle...
Heimdall Azureguardian
65th Overlord
Erlik ver'Erlikson
65th Prophet
#143 Jan 30 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
heimdall, Eater of Souls wrote:
Well, actually, I was assuming you got in the family way, then your momma held a shotgun on her son while your daddy walked you down the isle...
Maybe it's because I'm neither a native english speaker nor from Iowa but "walking down the isle"? What has that got to do with your would-be-insult that I'm the result of intermarriage?
#144 Jan 30 2004 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
106 posts
Well, walking down the aisle is a reference to getting married. I was trying to intimate that not only do I think your parents were kissing siblings (much like kissing cousins but more so) I'd have to say I think you're a real *******. And I have to say I'm rather proud of the double meaning there.
Heimdall Azureguardian
65th Overlord
Erlik ver'Erlikson
65th Prophet
#145 Jan 30 2004 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
heimdall, Eater of Souls wrote:
I was trying to intimate that not only do I think your parents were kissing siblings (much like kissing cousins but more so) I'd have to say I think you're a real *******. And I have to say I'm rather proud of the double meaning there.
if that's the kind of achievement that makes you proud your life must be a terrible one and I really pity you.....
#146 Jan 30 2004 at 4:28 PM Rating: Good

To play devil's advocate to your devil's advocate, Rescoto, if IGE are hiring people to play EQ, then they are employees and (under the current EULA) firms or their representatives cannot hold accounts in EQ.

To play devil's advocate to my own devil's advocating - the EULA is hardly ever enforced and it is unlikely to be so in the future. UNLESS we players make enough noise and cause SOE enough financial pain (or financial worry) by either cancelling, or threatening cancellation of our accounts.

On another matter, the poster that mentioned the reduction in customer service is correct. Look for big changes in about 2 - 3 months time, when Guides will no longer have petition access and GMs will handle all your queries offline. The SWG ticket system is being introduced, and Guides will become little more than jesters/cookie and milk stalls.

Hope this hasn't depressed you all too much...
#147 Jan 30 2004 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
While I dont know about the programs or programs described, I ca draw historical parralels to the real world with what is going on in EQ. That is a gold rush mentaslity. Runaway inflation is caused by two things. Either you have a lack of money, where people are trying to get what is very scarce and prices jump to provide this, or money is extremely plentiful and prices jump up so goods and services have some real value to the providers.
An example of the first is Weimar Germany, following the First World War. There you had the Mark rising literally into the billions for a loaf of bread. This was extremely tight money that saw any attempt at controls fail utterly. It took support from the US and other nations outside to bring it under contol. The reasons that led to the great depression were factors that contributed to the situation, that I will not go into here.
The second is even with us today. Ranging from the '49ers in California, you saw prices jump as merchants tried to relieve weary but rich prospectors or their hard-earned but valuable gold dust bu jacking up the prices. Eggs that sold for pennies a dozen would sell for dollars each. A prime example is today's Major League Baseball, where a journeyman infielder, hitting .250 will earn a million dolaars a year. The cause of each is the sudden influx of cold hard cash. In California, it was lots of gold. In MLB, it was a billion dollar TV contract. WHile the money dried up too fast, the inflation does not.
In EQ, we have a similar situation to #2. Money is flowing into the game, and the high end items are getting higher end. Why quest for items when you can simply plop down $50 or $100 in real life money and simply buy the uber tiem you want? This helps you, by getting the itme, and helps the vendor, by getting the cash to get their own uber item.
Unfortunatley that leaves those of us who cant afford to buy platinum the victims of htis Gold Rush Mentality. You can say what you will, but when you see items in the Bazaar selling for 5 and 10x what they should be, then the fever has hit.
I have noticed, on Firiona Vie at least, that the prices did stat to creep down some weeks ago, and are now again climbing back up. And when I go into trader mode, my armor, weapons andf so on are not selling. Instead, I, as a druid, am selling all my foraged items. Many are the days that I will sell fruitm berries, vegetables, and so on, items that a player will use in Trade Skills. THat is one area that you cannot twink. Trade skills must be earned.
What is the end result ahead of us? Will we see simple items, like a Shiny Brass Sheild eventually go for 100k pp? I think not. WIll we see some of the uber items come down from the 100k+ pp plateau that they have reached> I also think not. At least not for some time.
The solutions are as complex for this in-game problem as they are for real-world problems. SOny can patch, legislate, and punish, but they have to do so in such a way that the game-play isnt affected. And they also, in today's world, need to keep ever vigilant about lawsuits. Granted the Licensing Agreement covers much, but you know that there are lawyers who would drool at the chance of suing just to do so.
I have never bought platinum, but I have friends who have. Would I? to get something i very much desire? I say no, but.....I am Human (at least in the real world)

Edited, Fri Jan 30 16:49:01 2004 by silvedawn

Edited, Fri Jan 30 16:50:48 2004 by silvedawn
#148 Jan 30 2004 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
double post?? Sorry

Edited, Fri Jan 30 16:45:10 2004 by silvedawn
#149 Jan 30 2004 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Lots of good ideas and discussion here.. One idea that I have not yet seen: Limit the amount of pp that a char can bank to 300k personally and 100k in the shared bank.

* Any item over 300k in the bazaar is just a ripoff anyway.
* make it harder for the dupers to store their stolen booty.

In the end, you will never be able to keep all of the dishonest losers out. What you can do is "harden the Target". This is the same principle as locking your windows at home. yeah, windows are made of glass and easy to break... but most thieves are lazy slugs by nature. If they were not lazy, they would have an honest job. That said, make them have to work or at least be in danger when doing the dishonest stuff and the cheaters may (we hope) get tired and find some other easier way to make a living.

#150 Jan 30 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
There is a program out there currently that does the following:


The program exists. uses a similar one to find all server prices for their site. You can't get the program from them.

Heh heh. A magical program definitely exists, but you can't get it. So how do you know this? Sounds like the boogie man arriving in a black helicopter to me.

Wouldn't take a whole lot of XML to make a parser that gathers price information in the bazaar.

But "warping" a character to a specific merchant and purchasing automagically sounds very farfetched. This automagical character can only hold 80 items maximum, so I imagine he'd have to automagically deposit it all into the bank ever so often as well.

Perhaps these outfits use exploits, perhaps not. I've known people with huge bank accounts that got them by merely working the bazaar, manually buying low and selling high.

I'd be careful making accusations. A squad of 20 people working 8 hours a day to farm platinum would generate a considerable sum. 10 more working the bazaar could make even more.

One reason those folks might buy dribs and drabs of platinum, but be wary of large sums, is that the person selling them the plat would more likely be an exploiter himself if he had big wads of plat. Resulting in IGE or whomever finding *their* platinum suddenly deleted after paying a large sum.

As to eliminating money from the economy, my understanding is that the upcoming "Tribute" system in the GoD expansion will accomplish that.

There has *never* been a time in the history of EQ that you could reasonably afford to buy the good stuff. Lamentation used to regularly bring 5k in the pre-Velious era, when accumulating 1k of plat was a major accomplishment.

I can accumulate 1k of plat in a day or two now, just in LDoN splits.

My recommendation is just play the friggin game. It's a game, the world as we know it is not in jeopardy.
#151 Jan 30 2004 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Jan 30 18:04:35 2004 by ShaikYerbooty
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