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#102 Jan 30 2004 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
BrankoZ wrote:
Leiany, I have yet to see a post from you where you do anything but take some trivial little detail in something someone said, and try to "correct" them to show people how smart you and how much you know about everything. I'd love for you to link me a post where you were being helpful, rather than condescending and argumentative. (sorry to everyone else, but I just couldn't read anymore of her BS posts and keep my mouth shut)

Saving training points - do or don't?
Posted @ Fri, Jan 30th 12:53 PM 2004
Posted @ Thu, Jan 29th 10:53 AM 2004
EQ Marriages
Posted @ Fri, Jan 23rd 8:39 PM 2004
Shared Bank
Posted @ Thu, Jan 29th 12:03 AM 2004
argo problems
Posted @ Fri, Jan 23rd 10:11 PM 2004
what ever quest should i get
Posted @ Mon, Jan 19th 9:50 AM 2004
Programming Hot Keys with Pauses
Posted @ Sat, Jan 10th 12:50 PM 2004

look up these posts for yourself .....and could you now keep your mouth shut please?

Edited, Fri Jan 30 13:30:36 2004 by Leiany
#103 Jan 30 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
A great first step to hinder this would be to make Ornate Patterns/Molds NO DROP like Elemental Patterns/Molds of the single easiest ways to accrue large sums of PLAT is with the ornate buy sell business...I wish the spells from GRW and SP's resulted in NO DROP spells, another area of huge plat items...and it is frustrating to those of us who go and get our own items rather than buy platinum to equip our characters with items and spells, to lose rolls in Bastion of Thunder for Glyph Rune Words to a WAR/MNK who wants the itme so they can sell...would not hurt my feelings a bit to see all dropped items tagged NO DROP, with the exception of maybe tradeskill components and items with a recommended level of below 50...

I KNOW I KNOW this is not going to but it would solve part of the problem...

I agree that there are many characters on each server who buy and sell in Bazaar like it was a stock market to supply online dealers with platinum to sell for real cash...I doubt very seriously there is any program to auto buy items (that would be real easy to detect) but they are doing this only they run around in bazaar for a couple hours every day buying up items then marking them up to sell at HUGE profit then take the profit and sell it online for cash...or broker it to those who do...

Maybe the crack down should be on those who BUY the plat rather than those who sell long as people are able to buy it they will...remove the temptation of buying plat by banning a few who are caught and the sellers soon will have no market to sell to...
#104 Jan 30 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
Please no bickering on this thread, we must unite against the oppressors!!!!!
#105 Jan 30 2004 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
I see a VERY simple soulution to this problem. Ornate sells for OUTRAGOUS amounts on just about any server. These are the items that everyone is wanting/needing. Just make them NO DROP, that would solve the issue in about 2 hours of patching. Granted things like Fungi's and Dragon Scale helms will still be priced higher, but the BULK of the sales would dive bomb.

Aberum Redclay
65 Overlord
Innourruk Server
#106 Jan 30 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
IRelate wrote:
No way you bought a Fine Antique Ring in the bazaar. It's a No Drop item.
There is ONE way - play on Firiona Vie. As it is my only account and I have NO idea whats different on other servers please share your wisdom with me what NO DROP means in terms of buying/selling to vendor/at bazaar on your server.
#107 Jan 30 2004 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
I hear on the FV server most things are tradeable except for epics and stuff of that nature.

The regular servers have alot of no drop stuff, meaning you cant drop it once you pick it up unless you destroy it or its for a quest turn in.
#108 Jan 30 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent

legal precedence outside the united states has already been set making it very clear that virtual property of a real life person belongs to that person and not to the company hosting the virtual environment.

interesting times.

Querendo Invenietis
Seek, You will Discover
#109 Jan 30 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
Okay, this is a very serious issue. I have only read the first page of responses and am seeing a trend in advising solutions to the problem.

I see 2 very easily solutions I want to put forward.

#1) Sony should buy the platnium dealing companies and set prices in game by force. yes, we loose the "player based" economy, but it seems we already have anyway. at least Sony could maintain a more resonable ceiling on prices.

#2) We file a class action lawsuit in federal court accusing IGE and Mysupersales of monopolistic crimes and price fixing.

The way I see it, it is a crime that crosses state and even international boundries, and just because it is a "virtual" price fixing doesn't preclude it from the dominion of US federal (and perhaps international) law.

if Sony refuses to fix the problem, then let the courts do it. perhaps sony might be getting a kickback from these offenders to allow it to continue? either way, the truth or a close proximity, would come out if lawyers got a hold of it in a public forum.

my 2 cents.
#110 Jan 30 2004 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
OK so why doesnt sony just beet them at their on game. Sony can make all the pp they want so why dont they startselling reall cheap pp to drive them out of business then stop once that happens
#111 Jan 30 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Default
Huffman, at some point in just about any thread, people are going to start blasting each other. I got fed up because as I've been reading on the forums the past couple days, it seems like every time I read a post that makes me think "whoever wrote that is an a**", I glance to the left to see the name on it and 9 times out of 10, it's Leiany's. It's really easy to sit back and pick apart other people's efforts/ideas, and that's about all she seems to do. I will admit that right after I posted my rant (naturally), I came across her post where she suggested making mini-bazaars in multiple zones, and I think that's a pretty darn good idea, so I do have to give her a little bit of credit.
#112 Jan 30 2004 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
There are 420,000 EQ subscribers (has stayed steady at that for a while now). SoE collects $10, at least, from every one of them. That means every month they get $4,200,000, AT LEAST. Now, I don't know operating costs, but they could devote $10,000 a month to buying plat from IGE and then banning the IPs and accounts that show up to give them the plat in the game. They could create 25 bazaar characters, give them high-end, tradeable gear at great prices and then track who buys from them. If they sell 800Kpp worth of gear across those vendors to ONE character in a 10 minutes, bam, they have them. I hope the devs read all the way through these. This problem must be stopped!

The goal of the bazaar was that those who worked hard to EARN money in the game, by farming sellable items, to buy gear we might not otherwise be able to get. It made it possible, once the high-end raiding guilds had enough of them, for those of us who can't play enough to raid a whole lot to buy high-end raiding items. I have a place I can farm for a week and make 5-10Kpp selling the stuff in the bazaar. That doesn't buy me anything it used to. Before the dupers went crazy and 100Kpp dropped from $500 (yes, it used to cost that much) to $89, prices were equal to the in-game effort used to get the item being sold.

And the poster was right. The only way for IGE to make money now, is to have lots of people buying lots of plat, where a few at $500 would make it. So, now they buy up items to force you to A) play more often and for longer periods so you can belong to a raiding guild that can get that nice stuff OR B) buy plat online so you can get it. IT STINKS AND IT HAS TO BE STOPPED!
Farwarden Aquendar Lerilon, 105 Season Human Ranger of Tunare
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#113 Jan 30 2004 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
did you ever stop to think maybe SoE wants to ruin EQ ?

think of it think way, you are making a game ( EQ 2 ) that you are wanting to replace EQ with, but learn hat most will not go to your new game because they are happy where they are. now you are going to have a large amount of money tied up rying to keep both games running, and people in both happy. this will take alot of money. even EQ2's story line says after the fall of Norath 500 years later EQ2 is born.

was this what they were thinking when they make the sleeper ? A mob when awoke kills everything in EQ. so EQ2 can be born and the death to EQ.

so now comes the question, how do we make all the EQ players want to leave and not be mad at us so they will go and play EQ2 when we put it out ? by allowing Dupes, cheats and so on to go unfixed or even put them in the game to start with and tell this one and that one to help spread the word they are there ?

SoE is a company, A company that wants to make money, same as all companys. so think about it for a min. who is really trying to kill EQ ? how much money do they stand to lose trying to keep two very large games up and running , compaired to how much they could save and make if they made EQ go away and everybody go play there new game.

I will be one that does not go to EQ2. why ? becuase I am happy here in EQ. if they make EQ unplayable I will go to another game all together , but you can bet it will not be EQ2 just so SoE can go though the same thing all over again when they think it's time to make a new game they want you to play and not the one you are happy with. spend more time trying to keep the one that works and people love working in top shape, and not more time sinks and you will keep more players paying to play. they think makign it harder to level you will play more and more and not stop playing or paying. did they ever think that if it wasn't so hard and you get too bunt that you would just go and make another class and do it all over again ?

bottom line is fix and up keep EQ and keep it runnign bug free and you will always make money on it. try to run people off and you will do just that, run them off, for good , and not to another SoE game that will end up doing the very same thing to it's players. letting them down in the long run.
#114 Jan 30 2004 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
329 posts
Wow...this is the most analyzed, highly charged thread I've ever seen. Here's a couple ideas from someone who is fairly new to the game, and has been investing a lot of time to level/earn to equip his character:

1. Have the merchants (as someone said earlier) pay fair market value for an item. That will allow people to earn at a more reasonable level.

2. Have a set price for every item available. If your trader puts up Item X for sale at the Bazaar, its $3k, or whatever. Period. That will take care of over-inflated Bazaar prices.

3. Set a maximum for bank accounts - $100,000 or something. While still a lot of money for a PC, it mightmake it more complicated for the exploiters.

4. Set a maximum amount that any toon (or account would be better) is allowed to trade in a given period of time. For example, you would not be allowed to be given more than X amount of plat in Y period of time. If this were linked to account, you would be limited even if you spread it our over several toons on the same account.

This doesn't solver all the problems for sure, and I'm sure someone with more EQ time under his/her belt will be able to poke holes in my theories, but just my Smiley: twocents
#115 Jan 30 2004 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
wow, this just leaves me speachless, finally someone pulls back the iron curtain protecting IGE and such, THANK YOU
#116 Jan 30 2004 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
BrankoZ wrote:
It's really easy to sit back and pick apart other people's efforts/ideas, and that's about all she seems to do.
You overlook that I opened most of the controversial threads on this board in the last month. So its rather me standing up and shouting "Come and pick my opinion apart if you can!" instead of sniping on others.

So why don't you open a thread yourself and look if anybody even minds to debate your opinion?
#117 Jan 30 2004 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
106 posts
some total twit tried to argue by saying:
Speaking of real economics only the PRODUCERS can control the market or the dealers if they control ALL of the producers.

You can craft/loot/quest everything for your class on your own (except for some cultural TS, ok) so how the hell are you FORCED TO BUY something????

Edited, Fri Jan 30 06:36:45 2004 by Leiany


If you craft/loot/quest everything for your class on your own, then you're not really participating in the market are you? And if you're not really participating in the market you're not exerting any control over the market are you? The point of the original post was about the EQ economy. Arguing about things that don't pertain to the economy don't really affect the post now do they?
Heimdall Azureguardian
65th Overlord
Erlik ver'Erlikson
65th Prophet
#118 Jan 30 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent

Yet another "simple" solution:

I do believe that there are things that SOE can do to "help" but the plat-for-money guys will just keep finding new loop-holes. The solution is more in the players hands ... don't pay RL cash for EQ items/plat/characters/powerleveling. Problem is, now do you get 100k+ people to comply? Simple, ask them !

SOE can do one of thier annoying popup "ads" when you first login asking people to just not do it. Admit that it exists, but ask for a "boycott" of these sites. People have organized "sit-ins" and boycotts on SOE ... why can't they do the same to the plat-for-money sites? I think if asked by SOE flat out and "in your face", many people would comply.

Then again I try to live in my own little world and pretend bad things don't happen and people are smart enough to do the right thing.

BTW: these guys might be targetting high-end items only, but it affects everyone. They arn't buying up "spiderling silks", but they are giving people enough cashflow that they are willing to pay 38pp EACH !!! to "powerlevel" up thier tradeskills to complete Aid Grimil (or whatever it is called) and quests like that.

I'm still a struggleing 53 Troll SK wearing crusty armor getting turned down for LDoN adventures because I only have 2300 hp's unbuffed and 4500hp's with HOV+Fo7 (if the group will wait for me to find someone to cast on me) and an AC around 980'ish. It is embarrasing to have the lvl 56 Ranger being the "Tank" for the group.

It makes me want to go postal on SOE when I see my wife literally moved to tears after "proudly" paying 3500pp (that took us days to raise) for a nice upgrade item and a couple minutes later seeing someone 30 levels lower then her ride buy on thier horse with 500k worth of gear on.

We should just quit, but we won't ... darn addictions :/
#119 Jan 30 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
Just an idea. Even though I have not finished reading the entire ( its gonna take a while ) post. It seems to me that pricing for items in the bazaar is way too high. It would seem reasonable for Sony to place a price cap on the items being sold there. The current cap that is about 999999 ( i think ) or pretty darn close to this amount. another thing is, if you want some decent weapons or armor then why not go out an work for the items ( there is a reason why you have skills and such ). I've been playing EQ now for about a year... screwed up the one and only GM event that i had been in, am always attempting quests to improve my inventory, making new friends, running in a guild ( Yah!!!! Children of Noticula rule), and have never attempted to cheat ( takes the fun out of playing for EVERYONE). cmon I'm not gonna say I didnt attempt to cheat when I first started playing.... even though the cheats didnt work I thought about what would happen if they did. I probrably wouldnt have wanted to play the game very long after. If I have an item that I just dont want or need I dont attempt to sell it at amazing outrageous prices... I give it to a low lvl char in my guild, use it to get someone to join the guild, sometimes I even just give them away. The only sucess i've had at selling anything in the bazaar is nothing... i've attempted to sell things at the bazaar and couldnt sell a thing.... sure i had reasonable prices, but i dont think anyone was even looking due to the fact that prices have risen so much. so i cut the price down to a quarter of what i was asking (eg. 20pp for a stack of bone chips became 5pp for a stack). its not hard to go out there and work for what you need but those people who are ripping off the innocents in EQ need to learn that a while ago they were newbies too and getting ripped off the same as everyone else.

Optatus <Children of Noticula>
lvl 39 pali

How does it feel to be the one that everyone hates
One day you'll get yours
#120 Jan 30 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
@heimdall, Eater of Souls
Step 1: Read my post again
Step 2: Read the post I quoted
Step 3: Read the whole thread (for the first time probably) and try to get the context of the posts of mine you are BSing about.
Step 4: Ok - try it again.
Step 5: Ok - you get a third try.
Step 6: Now you understood(?) the context finally say something usefull or ask a question without giving the answer yourself.

Edited, Fri Jan 30 13:47:26 2004 by Leiany
#121 Jan 30 2004 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
just went to the eqlive site and read this

January 30, 2004
Tonight we have a small update to fix some general bugs. We are again changing charm (in exactly the way we thought we had last week) No this is not deja vu. You should also look for changes in that evolving zone of Nedaria's Landing. I wonder what is going on there?

- An update to the zone, Nedaria's Landing. Make sure you check it out.

- Charm spell change: If an NPC is in the middle of casting a spell when charm is broken, it will interrupt the spell.

- Some general bug fixes.

Make sure you log onto the Test server to see what other changes we are cooking up. Our next Scheduled update is planned for February 10th.

wow a patch tonite... some general bug fixes???
#122 Jan 30 2004 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
SOE does lot of thing to fight pp duplication and RL money maker. Look all they did:

1- Required and recommanded lvl to use items
2- Augmentation of no drops item that makes lot of thing rotting
3- New adventures points system

Yes three major changes that SoE did to reduced the pp exploit. BUT, what is the price???

Yes, it reduced the game play effectiveness by removing one of the most interesting thing from MMORPG, the abilitie to trade between players.

SoE must continue fighting, making augment tradable or exchangeable for adv. points to adventure merchand. Being able to return a piece of equipment you bought from adv. merchant. at least they should make this things possible. Removing bazaar could solve in part the problem.

They must do something I raid plane of time for 3 weeks now, every night i see guildmate destroying elemental nodrop equipment to replace it for time equipment. And all these thing are better then my proper equipment. SoE must do something to allow guild to not loose such precious and hard earned items. The pp market is not the solution, maybe make item tradable but for max prices(that price maybe 0) it is at least better then put more no drops item.

They must do something to allow peeps to remove aug from equipment without loosing it. That can cost 100pp, 100adv.pts, but we must be able to retake our 1142 pts aug when we upgrade equipment.

Hope SoE thing about these thing
#123 Jan 30 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
Hard fact folks, SOE rarely does anything to correct an issue that the players themselves can resolve.

For this reason I dont see them doing anything to address this problem. Yes, it bites that a few people are ruining good things about the game but we as players can ultimatly impact this more the SOE can; after all we are EQ's economy not SOE.

This post is an awesome one in it brings to light something we can all do to address the problem. On my server it has not had THAT big an impact(though it has had a noticable one). The reason is the grp of players on my server are real "art-of-the-Deal" kinda folks so our advertised prices vs. actual sell prices has always been skewd. If you wanted 20k for an item you /auc it for 50k, who knows you may get 25k for it. So, long story short very few people will deal with trader mules they get no response from or refuse to "make a deal" on the price they have listed. For us the bazaar is a place to sell tradeskill components/wares and the 2k or less twink stuff you really dont wanna bother auctioning for 2-3 hours you coulda been playing.

If all players started to buy from those they can speak with and everyone stopped worrying about what was for sale in the bazaar for 500k and just refused to buy at inflated prices then in the end it will put the problem in check because if you cant sell somthing for 500k in 2 months then you start seriously thinking about lowering your price to that which the economy demands.

I say let the few who wish to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars of RL money on EQ go pay 300k more for an item in the bazaar from the trader bots and those of reason can go buy from each other at realistic prices. But ultimatley none of this requires anything on the part of SOE so dont expect to see anything from them.

Edited, Fri Jan 30 14:16:07 2004 by Xackor
#124 Jan 30 2004 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
legal precedence outside the united states has already been set making it very clear that virtual property of a real life person belongs to that person and not to the company hosting the virtual environment.

Interesting - I would love to see how the courts rule this one.

Hard fact folks, SOE rarely does anything to correct an issue that the players themselves can resolve.

They do nothing about the things that we can't resolve least so it seems.
#125 Jan 30 2004 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
106 posts
Some idiot quoted Walkingparty say:
The problem comes when a company has enough money to buy everything low and resell everything high. They can then controll the market.

And responded to that with

Speaking of real economics only the PRODUCERS can control the market or the dealers if they control ALL of the producers.

You can craft/loot/quest everything for your class on your own (except for some cultural TS, ok) so how the hell are you FORCED TO BUY something????

Then when I pointed out that not using the economy to get their items means they're neither affecting, nor being affected by the economy, so their whole arguement was about as useful as the space between their ears, or a testosterone injection for Tinky-Winky.

I know you have problems with your trains of thought since they lack an engine, so I'll keep my step program short for you.

Step 1: Stay on topic
Step 2: Answer with stuff about what people are talking about
Step 3: Find out if your parents were related. Before they had you I mean.
Step 4: When answering a post talking about server economies, only share opinions and beliefs about... well... server economies really.
Heimdall Azureguardian
65th Overlord
Erlik ver'Erlikson
65th Prophet
#126 Jan 30 2004 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
Why would they care or even bother to do anything..If this action makes the players sick then more reason they would move on over to EQ2 when its released. Also someody posted that these companies are out fo the country..Not true, Yantis is in San Diego CA. How funny that is since so is SOE.
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